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Din's,Nayru's and Faore's Creation(A Zelda Club)


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Hey anyone have ideas for Zelda-based cards? Here's what I have so far.




Link, the Hero of Time

Goron from the Mountain

Zora of the Ocean

Deku of the Tree

Noble Hylian Knight

Marine Biologist

Noble Hylian Knight



Ganondorf, Creator of Destruction (effect) can only be special summoned by paying 1000 Life points and tributing one DARK monster from the field or your hand.

GANON (effect) special summoned by tributing Ganondorf, if special summoned this way destroy one card on the field.

Seven Sage Rauru - Sage of Light (effect) can only be special summoned by destroying one field spell card that you activated. and paying 1500 life points. Each turn this card's face up you gain 500 life points.

Seven Sage Saria - Sage of the Forest (effect) can only be special summoned by discarding one quick play spell card. This card cannot be destroyed by battle.

Seven Sage Darunia - Sage of Fire (effect) can only be special summoned by destroying one continuous trap card on your side of the field. Each turn this card's face up your opponent loses 300 life points.

Seven Sage Princess Ruto - Sage of Water (effect) can only be special summoned by destroying one continuous spell card.

Seven Sage Impa - Sage of Shadow (effect) can only be special summoned by tributing one DARK monster on your side of the field. When special summoned look at your opponent's hand and discard one card.

Seven Sage Nabooru - Sage of Spirit (effect) can only be special summoned by tributing one or more Psychic monster on the field. Inflict 1000 points of damage for each Psychic type monster destroyed because of this.

Seven Sage Zelda - Sage of Time (effect) select two "sage" cards and put them in your deck and shuffle it.

Zant (effect) FLIP: Destroy all cards on the field. This card goes back on the field by the end phase.



Ocarina of Time

Seven Sages, Unite!!


Small Key

Boss Key

Ocean World



Deku Baba

Twilit Vermin

Chu-Chu Jelly

Gales of the Roost

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