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Halo Search and Destroy Mission (OOC Thread) Always Accepting/not Started

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HOIAF agency



[spoiler=Human Story] An elite team of spartan's go to the new found desolate land of Helios a planet that could have damn near anything in it. Your there to check for any life forms. it is a search and destroy mission anything there destroy. you will be dropped in in different areas to avoid a mass pile up of drop pods. They did not notice any life because of the heat signatures of Helions and the planet are the same. So they know nothing of Helions



[spoiler=Covenant]The covenant has found out the humans plan to search and destroy the planet and the covenant is going to stop them and take it for your own but some still believe humans can be trusted and is going to drop as soon as the humans do to help them hold the line unlike humans covenant have life readers that read the air change,breathing patterns and others so they know what there headed for


[spoiler=Helion description] Vaguely like humans these have evolved rapidly and result to change these helions have different style weapons to yours mainly based around ammo as sand. Helion's have unique hiding capabilities humans will not find them in the sand they have the same heat as the planet around them you cannot even find them with heat sensors.


Picture made by my good friend Ansem's_light




[spoiler=Helion Story] Helion unlike earth has always been only two nations the first is united and all speak what we know as English.Helion has never been interplanetary they do not believe anything is worth it outside the planet although Helion for 12 decades has been in constant war with the Frenzy nation. The Tyr Nation is intent on keeping this planet alive so no outsiders aloud or ways to get outside and the Frenzy nation is intent on interplanetary wars they want to know what’s out there and take it over. Frenzy astrologists have better technology then we do they have listened to human conversations for aion’s and heard the plan to attack our planet. The Helion Attack force is waiting called Helion Outsider and Insider Attack Force or HOIAF.


[spoiler=Helion Weapon’s]


[spoiler=1.)SandStrike]- Versatile like an assault rifle but the ammo is completely different instead of bullets you hold the ammo to the sand (everywhere) and click a button eventually each slot fills with sand when you shoot the heat of the static heater inside the top of the ammo cartridge burns the sand shooting pure glass bullets that shatter on impact.



[spoiler=2.) Sand grenade] A Helion impact grenade shoot glass shards all around.


[spoiler=3.) MSG machine sand gun] a fast shooting gun a look alike to the SMG but sand colours


[spoiler=4.) Sand Spray machine gun] A look alike to the mounted rpd once mounted is ammo unlimited due to the speed of reload.


[spoiler=5.)Serathy] A long ranged weapon close to a rifle or sniper rifle it shoots tiny bugs known as fuegomites (f-way-go-mites) they explode in to flames once they touch a blood cell.



[spoiler=6) Rock Launcher] Launch Rock like bugs that burst into flames once they touch human skin.



[spoiler=7) Tik-Tok] a bug that cralls and latches on to your skin then after a while explodes sort of like a plasma grenade.




[spoiler=Human applications] Spartan tag:







[spoiler=Helion Applications] Name:

Order: (tyr/frenzy)




[spoiler=covenant Application]Aloud 2 characters or less



Race: Choose from elite,grunt,brute or sky pirates






[spoiler=Rules] 1.) No godmoding

2.) you may only die if you are leaving the rp forever (no crappy disney references such as believe in the circle of life simba)

3.)No attacking other rps or insulting them

4.) violence is not only aloud its encouraged :)

5.) have fun



[spoiler=My App] Spartan Tag:SS0001

Name:Ben Johnson


Weapons:Dual SMGs

Appearence: Because of the armour all you can tell is that he is tall and is always sneaking. He has a completely white armour. The armour has a logo on the shoulder from Kyer's old team the Wolfe squad.

Bio: An old war friend of the famous Kyer he has secured an S&S mission with the general,He is waiting for any other spartans to hear his notice over the intercom at the SOEIV drop pods




link to IC thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-209543.html


IC started


Join http://rpcentral.ucoz.net .Its new so there is no spam or crowded forums and the first three will become a moderator

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Spartan tag: USMC1997

Name: Kent Niche

Age: 19

Weapon: battle rifle

Bio: He is young and very easy going. He has a light scar coming from right under his left eye to his jaw due to a misfire from a needler. He may be young and rash but he is a good soldier who is loyal and strong willed.

armor description: A jet black spartan suit with a red visor. when needed his armor adapts to the sand coloring.

can we have more than one character?

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Spartan tag: USMC1976

Name: Dylan Marks

Nickname: Razor

Age: 21

Weapon: Energy Sword

Bio: He fights using either a shotgun or an Energy Sword. He has a scar on his chest from an energy sword wound that almost killed him. His personality is carefree and kind to his friends, and sometimes to his enemies.

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