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a duel puzzle


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I was messin around with mah cards today and came up with this duel puzzle if you figure it out first then good for you (not sure if theres gonna be a prize) this might be the only duel puzzle that i put up but we will see. let me know if i made any mistakes.


your lp:900

opponents lp:7200


your field: witch of the black forest (attack mode)

battle of the elements, contact out, premature burial,

swing of memories (all facedown)


your hand: common soul, commencement dance, sangan, polymerization,

performance of sword, elemental hero neos


your deck: neo spacian grand mole, neo spacian flare scarab


extra deck:elemental hero grand neos,

elemental hero flare neos,



opponents field: chimera the flying mythical beast (attack mode)

ritual sealing, straight flush (both facedown)


opponents grave: gazelle the king of mythical beasts


win in this turn. (lol obviously)

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activate battle of elements destroying it. Polymeryze witch (using her effect to get grandmole in my hand) and sangan to get sanwitch. opponent uses ritual sealing on sanwitch. i use swing of memories to special summon sanwitch. Common soul to special summon grand mole. commencment dance discarding neos for preformance of sword. premature burial i have 100 left and get Neos. send neos and grand mole to my deck to special summon grand neos. use its effect to return Chimera to his extra deck. use contact out to send grand neos to my extra deck. i special summon grand mole and neos. sanwitch attacks for 2100, 5100 left, Neos attacks for 2500, 2600 left, Grand mole deals 900, 1700 left, preformance of sword attacks for 1950 and game.

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