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Pirates:Island Horde OOC always accepting/not started/no IC thread yet

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A new pirate called Blaze (me)is looking for men to come with him to a privateering mission going to a small island and destroying it we are against a general who finds it calming hearing cries of victims Aitro Volutrey with at least 1000 men and a heavily barricaded building I put up a note on a billboard near the pier (its in third person)



[spoiler= Inventory]

The ship is a small sloop with 2 cannon's and 2 mast's. Down below is many explosives and musket's




occupation choose from (check if the positions are taken):helmsman,first mate,2Xcannoneer, 2Xlookout,second mate,navigator,the Crew (first to pick gets it)



[spoiler=My App]




Weapons:rifle,pistol,1 stick of dynamite

Ship placement: Captain

Bio:A new pirate who has stolen has found his way to the top even exceding his old captain the cutthroat pirate muerte del fuego he has always wanted to destroy Aitros castle a hindrance to both pirate and navy alike destroying all that come in to the shore.




6 or more needed before start

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