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Demon Series


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Hey guys please comment on these cards I thought up, love to hear from critics, dont hold back




Darelxin The Demon Deity (LV 10) (ATK 4000 DEF 3800) Type: Fiend EFFECT: This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of Durza The Demon King. When this card is Special Summoned successfully inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent for each card in your Graveyard with “Demon” in its name. Also when this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard you can Special Summon it by removing one card other than Darelxin The Demon Deity.


Durza The Demon King (LV8) (ATK 2600 DEF2000) Type: Fiend EFFECT: This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. When this card attacks your opponents monsters in Defence Mode, the difference between this cards ATK and your opponents DEF points is dealt to your opponents Life Points as Damage. When this card destroys an opponent`s monster by battle. Special Summon “Archdemon Minos” or “Archdemon Sygma” from your Hand, Deck or Graveyard. When “Archdemon MInos”, “Archdemon Sygma” and “Durza the Demon King” are on your field at once Special Summon Darelxin The Demon Deity from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard


Archdemon Minos (LV7) (ATK 2400 DEF2400) Type: Dragon EFFECT: When this card attacks and destroys an opponents monster inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponents Life Points


Archdemon Sygma (LV7) (ATK 2400 DEF 2400) Type: Dragon EFFECT: When this card attacks and destroys an opponents monster Special Summon one monster from your Graveyard with “Demon” in its name


Dariox- Demon Soldier (LV4) (ATK 1800 DEF1600) Type: Fiend EFFECT: When this card destroys an opponents monster by battle Special Summon one Dariox- Demon Soldier from your Deck. While you control more than one Dariox- Demon Soldier you can Tribute one Dariox- Demon Soldier in order to Special Summon one Durza The Demon King from your Hand


Durza`s Servant (LV3) (ATK 1200 DEF 2000) Type: Fiend EFFECT: When one of your opponents monsters declare an attack on a monster on your side of the field with “Demon” in its name the target is switched to this card


Demon Mount (LV4) (ATK 1500 DEF 1400) Type: Beast/Union EFFECT: This card can be equipped to a card with “Demon” in its name. That monster gains 500 ATK and DEF points (This card is treated as an Equip Spell) If that monster would be destroyed by battle this card is destroyed in its place.


Mirax Demon Scout (LV3) (ATK 1000 DEF 1000) Type: Fiend EFFECT: If this card is destroyed by battle Special Summon one LV4 or lower monster with “Demon” in its name


Merntha Demon Lady (LV4) (ATK 1600 DEF 800) Type: Fiend EFFECT: When this card is destroyed by battle. Destroy one Spell or Trap on your opponents side of the field




Demon World Type: Spell/Field EFFECT: Reduce the LV of all monsters with “Demon” in their names by 1. All monsters with “Demon” in their name gain 500 ATK and DEF. All monsters with “Demon in their names are unaffected by Spells, Trap and Monster Effects. Pay 500 Life Points to activate this effect if not destroy this card


Demon Wind: Activate only while there is a monster on your side of the field with “Demon” in its name. Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field




Demon`s Roar: Activate only while there is a monster on your side of the field with “Demon” in its name, your opponent cannot declare an attack this turn



Demon Reinforcements Type: Trap EFFECT: Activate while you have no monsters on your side of the field, Special Summon 2 Demon Tokens (LV3) (ATK 1000 DEF 1000) Type: Fiend EFFECT: This token is not destroyed by battle once per turn


Demand of the Deity Type: Trap/Continuous EFFECT: While you control a monster with “Demon” in its name, negate all of your opponents Monster Effects


Thats all folks, please comment on `em

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