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Revelation of Procella OoC Thread (Started) {{V0.03 Posted}}

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Procella accedit...



Eons ago, a great god created the world of Vezai as a pleasure garden. Truly an Arcadia, an Eden for the gods, Vezai was truly a great world. Because it was so wonderful, it wasn't long before intelligent life began to evolve on Vezai.


These people, the Memor, frightened the god with their potential for tapping into the magical forces of the universe. Therefore, the god, calling itself Vesedeus, appeared to the Memor and warned them never to harness magic, weaving fictions of evil lords of magic and eternal punishment. The Memor, of course, disobeyed, and as punishment, Vesedeus decimated the climate of its own world, turning it into a harsh and desolate land. Vesedeus then departed, hoping to build a new Xanadu for itself.


However, the new Vezai was constantly besieged by evil spirits. Led by the evil Onis, lord of storms, these spirits would split themselves into many parts and use the elements they commanded to wreak havoc on the populace. Terrified by the onslaught of the spirits, some Memor began looking into the magic Vesedeus had forbidden. Using powerful magic, they sealed away the spirits, locking them in gems called pyxides.


Vesedeus felt the magical power surrounding his old world of Vezai and returned, terrified of a rebellion. It wiped out the Memor entirely, leaving no trace of them. The government of deities, however, would not abide a god destroying its own people. The gods quickly imprisoned Vesedeus.


Now, a new species, the Successio, have developed a civilization on Vezai. Using the pyxides from the days of the Memor, trained mages harness the power of the spirits. Most spirits are glad to be free of Onis's reign, happily serving their Successio masters for good. However, one evil sorceror, Genner Sitiens, has recently arisen wielding Onis's own dreadful pyus -- and his army of mages and spirits has begun a campaign to rule Vezai.


With the great nations running in futile diplomatic circles and trying to find Genner's nonexistent master, the only organized resistance derives from Desdemona Valtiel's Eien militia. Unorganized resistance, however, is popular. You are a pyus-bearing mage who works either for Sitiens, for Eien, or for your own gain. Your task: to defeat your enemies and hopefully become stronger in the process.




Please delete this sentence, all phrases in parentheses, and any


Name: (Something normal or normal-ish, please.)

Age: (Anything older than six or so. You can't be an eighty-year-old packing Buster Sword, though; make it relevant to personality and fighting style.)

Profession: (What do you do? Those with strong domains probably have good jobs; those with less immediately useful domains will have worse jobs. This also depends on the personality; unreliable and fiercely independent people, such as our player characters, have bad jobs, while diligent and ambitious people have good ones.)

Pyus: (Preferably a Latin word, but it's possible to use other words. Should refer to the domain; e.g. "Nihil," "nothing," for the domain of absence.)

Domain: (What the pyus controls. Don't make it something ridiculous like "boundaries;" be sure you're nice and balanced. All of your Artes will be based on your domain and weapon of choice, so choose carefully and be creative.)

Weapon of choice: (If your pyus controls something that's easily manifested, it's probable this field will be filled in as "magic." Otherwise, pick a few weapons for use in Ars-free battle.)

Personality: (Two complete sentences ought to do it. Try and sum it up pretty nicely, including any faibles.)

Description: (Just enough data to make a 64x64 sprite. Pictures aren't preferred, but will be accepted. Don't spend forever on this one.)

Allegiance: (Independent? Loyal to an organization? You can make up an organization on the spot and control them as NPCs if you'd like; just try to tie your organization to Eien or Sitiens somehow.)

Ars 1:

Ars 2:

Ars 3:

Ars 4: (I'd appreciate it if you came up with four "Artes," please. Artes are powerful, flashy "special attacks" that us the pyus's power fuels, and they're going to be your main tools in combat. Each Ars needs a name and a brief description of its effect, one sentence or so. Think carefully; these are all irreversible, and it'll be a while before you can add more. Note: If your reference level is 3 or below, and you aren't a player character (the most likely scenario), Ars 4 and possibly Ars 3 will be chopped off, so please put the ones you want most in slots 1 and 2 (which are guaranteed). You'll get all of your Artes in story, but those of Reference Levels 1-3 don't have four Artes in gameplay.)


I will later add in a field called "Reference Level," which is a rating from 1 to 6 of how powerful your character is (well, there's also EX, but that's reserved for godlike characters and won't be given to players). It's possible to defy reference level with careful RPing, but going more than two out of line is almost certainly godmoding and will be dealt with appropriately (i.e., convenient character death). This sort of makes sense, though; you wouldn't want someone with reference level 3 beating up Genner Sitiens, after all. This is a dynamic field, so if you get sick or injured, it'll drop, while it'll rise if you train or get a power boost of some sort. This especially applies to those of Reference Levels 1 and 2, who are often intended rise meteorically as they get more used to combat and are only named their Reference Level to begin with for gameplay purposes. Note that no characters created by players will have reference level EX, and it's nearly impossible to get reference level 6 (id est, final-boss level), especially if I don't already know you're capable of balanced RPing.


I've also added a field called "Last Word." That attack has nothing to do with the RP, so you can ignore it for now; it's the name of an absurdly difficult attack that will be unlocked after meeting certain conditions in the game. I tried to be clever with them based on your powers, and a lot of the references are multi-layered and obtuse, so good luck figuring them out.



The reason for delineation between the following is that I'm using a handy little program called Touhou Danmakufu to keep track of everyone's moves, and I'm making player scripts for those in the "Playable Characters" section.

[spoiler=Playable Characters]

Name: Emily Urmetus

Age: Apparently 18, though she acts far more mature than that

Profession: Wandering doctor and miracle worker; think Jesus sans preaching

Pyus: Nihil

Domain: Negation

Personality: Emily is an absurdly mature young woman. She is so completely calm and aloof that some speculate she's really a goddess or some sort of immortal being. Nevertheless, there's a distinctly maternal side to her that appears whenever she sees people suffering; she cares greatly for the people she helps. When dealing with energetic, foolish, or arrogant people, she tends to become caustic and irritable. While she definitely has the overall air of a miracle worker, an image she tends to have in towns she's helped, her work is very scientific, and she treats her problems very pragmatically and logically. Her presence is enormous, and she can seem quite divine if she wants to.

Nihil, in contrast, acts quite normal -- a straight-man type, she's delightfully snarky towards people who act irrationally, and occasionally to Emily if she's cultivating her divine image a bit much. If Emily's presence is unsettling an onlooker, Nihil will often help them adjust to Emily. This is at least partly a façade, though, as Nihil is one of the oldest and most brilliant spirits of all.

Weapon of choice: Amulets, negation fields

Shot Type A: Sacred Antibody

Shot Type B: Negation Field

Bomb A: Terror Arcanum

Focused Bomb A: Despair Arcanum

Bomb B: Purge Field

Focused Bomb B: Annihilation Field

Last Word: Formless and Void

Reference Level: 6


Name: Felicia Opsors

Age: 17

Profession: Mercenary

Pyus: Casus

Domain: Luck

Weapon of choice: Playing cards, coins

Personailty: Felicia fished Casus's pyus from a riverbed in her youth and nearly drowned doing it. Nevertheless, she managed to get herself out of trouble with a combination of wits and dumb luck. This incident actually sums up Felicia's personality quite well, though it doesn't really account for her sense of humor. She's almost never serious in her manner, though she takes the world more seriously than she lets on. She tends to make a great deal of money for the Diligimur with her enormous success at gambling and unorthodox, effective battles.

Casus is a more cautious spirit, often serving as whimsical Felicia's voice of reason. Casus dislikes using her unreliable powers, preferring low-risk strategies to Felicia's life of excess and reliance on luck. Casus is indeed a wise, diligent, and clever spirit, often serving as a group tactician and secretary. for the Diligimur.

Allegiance: Diligimur Mercenaries, a freelance group in the employ of Eien.

Shot Type A: Five-Card Draw

Shot Type B: Bottomless Wallet

Bomb A: Five of a Kind

Focused Bomb A: Royal Flush

Bomb B: Vezai Lottery

Focused Bomb B: A Penny Saved

Last Word: Quantum Immortality

Reference Level: 4



[spoiler=Bosses and Accepted Characters]

Name: Alec

Age: 24

Profession: [Hired] Booster

Pyus: Auxilia

Domain: Help; boosts powers of others/heals

Weapon of choice: Staff-scythe: Long, carved(symmetrical) wood that cannot break. At the bottom end, a large scythe blade can be folded in or out. At the top, the wood splits and is continually spinning around an orb of light.

Personality: Alec is nice and very caring, he's willing to help anyone who needs it. Although he can be selfless, making it dangerous for his own helath.

Physical Description: He is a tall, sort of bulky guy with ash blonde hair. He has a darker brown beard, and no mustache. His eyes are bright pink. His attire is basically a chest armor, with pauldrons and forearm armor. It is all white with gold designs on them. His helmet is like a birds beak and can be pushed back. His pants are tight and he has tall, white boots. He wears a very long scarf that covers his neck and flows out behind him.

Allegiance: He works for anyone who is willing to hire him.

Revealed Artes:

Heal: Seals/cauterizes wounds quickly. This dulls the pain but not entirely. If there is a projectile in the wound, it is taken out and the blood cleaned.

Power-up: The target's attack/physical force goes higher and they can hit and hurt harder. Plus, the target's defense is higher and they aren't as easily injured. Also, the target's Pyus power goes up, making their pyus attacks stronger. This is probably the most power draining one he has since it is effective.

Staff Core Blast: The swirling part of the staff stops swirling and opens up. The orb shoots an strong, blinding beam that can leave targets temporarily paralyzed. This beam can be shot in one large beam or in small shots: the orb emits smaller orbs that implode on impact.

Scythe Blast: Using his scythe, Alec swipes with the bottom side of his staff-scythe, extremly quickly and powerfully. This attack is usually done in the air, and once he hits, the target is sure to be hit more. Alec rarely uses this attack.

Last Word: N/A

Reference Level: N/A


Name: Moonbeam Cathwright

Age: 19

Profession: Social worker

Pyus: Conscius

Domain: Sensibility

Weapon of choice: Chakrams, chang gun (literally meaning long staff)

Personality: Moonbeam is quite an intelligent, slightly eccentric girl, but she is also deeply caring. She is happiest when others are happy, and she can easily feel sorry for people. As she likes to not be housebound, she is somewhat good at being social as a result.

True to her domain, Conscius has a responsible personality. Like Moonbeam, Conscius has proven she is good at being social. She is also acutely aware of emotions, and is often said to have a higher EQ than IQ. Therefore, Conscius is regarded as the "thicker" of the two.

Allegiance: Independent

Revealed Artes:

Gathering of Feelings: Conscius glows a pale mauve as she gathers all her feelings together, and then sends one beam of lilac at whatever is directly in front of her, and whatever she hits temporarily "lends" their emotion to her, thus rendering them emotionless up until the effect, which lasts about 10 seconds, disappears. The strength of the beam is determined entirely on the strength of her feelings.

Chakram Compass: Depending on who has the strongest emotion nearby, the chakrams will glow and speedily drag Moonbeam and Conscius towards that person.

Edge of Emotion: Within a small radius, Conscius temporarily absorbs small parts of every emotion present and two possible outcomes happen; if there are more positive emotions, Conscius' reflexes become much sharper and swifter; if there are more negative emotions, Conscius has a slower reaction.

Emotional Adrenaline: Conscius feels a rush of adrenaline, the strength of which depends on how powerful the emotion she is feeling currently is; if used during peak, it is possible that Conscius can wield fire, though this is a very very rare thing to happen, as it requires her to feel and think nothing but that emotion.

Last Word: Love Sign "Finalspark"

Reference Level: 1


Name: Nyoko Ochida

Age: 17

Profession: Head Maid

Pyus: Somnium

Domain: Chaos / Non-sequiturs

Weapon of choice: Hand mirror and an oversized tambourine

Personality: Nyoko is very spacey and dreamy, with a significant lack of focus on anything. She has a very abstract mind, so many would not be able to follow her line of thought. She has been sheltered all her life, so she is very naive and child-like most of the time. She is not snobby however and is willing to help people if she feels they have a good heart.

Somnium never appears in physical form and only appears in the mirror as random objects. He is a being of chaos, so he often makes no sense. When he is making coherent speech, he often talks as if he were a crazy old man.

[spoiler=Description] [spoiler=Photo Basis]osaka-1.jpg


She has plain, black-brown, shoulder length hair that lacks adornment. Her large brown eyes are full of curiousity and wonder. She wears a dark purple and white french maid outfit of a headdress, laced blouse, laced skirt and stockings with slippers.


Allegiance: Originally the princess of one of the nations seeking Sitiens's master, she ran away and wound up being Jeane's head maid.

Revealed Artes:

Chaos Bolt: Nyoko holds out her hand mirror and random objects fly out and strike the enemy. Objects range from pebbles to claymores. (One will use a number generator to decide what object will come out, 1 being a claymore and 100 being a pebble.)

A bird?: Nyoko holds out her mirror and a swarm of birds burst from the mirror, homing into the enemies like feathered kamikaze pilots. Birds range from sparrows to massive wyverns.

Sata Andagi!: Nyoko holds out her mirror and a storm of delicious pastries fly out of the mirror. They are delicious, but don't do much to hurt the enemy, only as a distraction as a massive amount of pastry could hinder the foe's movement.

Chaos Shield: Nyoko becomes protected by a magical force field. Projectiles that hit the shield will instantly transform into a random object and fly back to where they came from.

Last Word: Maxwell's Demon

Reference Level: 2


Name: Alex Ryder

Age: 14

Profession: Shipwright

Pyus: Aqua

Domain: Water

Weapon(s) of Choice: A Sword encased in water.

Personality: Alex is a normally calm boy, with eccentric & hyper moments. He changes mood by his surroundings, like in a Calm Conversation, he is calm & collected. The exception is when he is in battle. When it's the beginning, he is calm. Middle or Climax, he is crazy, using his sword fast. And the Conclusion, it depends. And like somebody of the water, he is fun-loving when deems okay, or when he is in battle sometimes.

Aqua, is the same. When Alex is Aqua, nothing seems to change in his personality, except that he is kind to all animals of the sea. I'm sorry this one is short, but Alex & Aqua are pretty much the same.

Allegiance: Independent, he seems to not even care.

Physical Desc.: He has natural black hair, but seems to dye it blonde. He wears a swim T-shirt all the time, under a jacket. A cap is over the hair, & he wears Jeans, with sandals.









Revealed Artes:

Water Hook: He throws his sword into the water & dives in. He immediately pops out of the water with his sword connected to his hand by water, & the water is shaped as he has a hook for a hand. This lasts 15 seconds and it is small, not a giant one.

Water Eyes: For 5 minutes, water appears on the back of his head as two eyes & they function as "Eyes behind the head". Yes, literally.

Whirlpool: All the water in the town closest to him that is loose. Plus anything dragged with it comes right on Alex. He spins & spins & spins, until a Land Whirlpool forms, and he pushes it at the enemy, not effecting anything else in the area except it is wet now.

Hurricane: He can pull all the falling water & water already hit the ground to him. He spins, just like in Whirlpool, but he keeps doing it until it touches the sky and gets struck by lightning. He then combines with the cloud & sends it flying. This one causes damage to everything, even Alex.

Last Word: Three-Phase Waterspout

Reference Level: 2


Name: Captain John Smith

Age: 21

Profession: Used to be a war captain, but now he is a con man

Pyus: Creativus

Domain: Bringing art, sketches, or drawing to life.

Weapon of choice: Large, deep blue coloured book, and a collection of pens, markers and pencils. Also carries a dagger.

Personality: John is wise, insightful, and brilliant, and revealing his scorn for people with less intelligence. He knows what’s right in the world, but it’s overshadowed by everything that’s wrong.

Creativus' Personality: Creativus is unique, witty, and even a little snobby. He's quite proud of who he is, and nothing is going to change that. He's paved his own way in life, and he's ended up where he wants to be.

Description: This guy reminds others of a clever stage magician. He has hooded gray eyes. His silky, straight, red hair is worn in a style that reminds people of a burning fire. He is tall and has a masculine build. His skin is ruddy. He has full lips. His wardrobe is mysterious.

Allegiance: Independent

Sketch Mine: John quickly draws a picture of an explosion on the ground with anything he can find. When a person steps on it, he brings the explosion to life. Explosion is the same size as the explosion drawn.

Ink Shield: John uses a drawing utensil, and creates a circle on the ground. Once John steps in the circle, he is defended by a magic bubble. This bubble is destroyed after one hit.

Ink Barrage: John takes out a pen or a paint brush, and begins slashing his opponent. He then uses these to create slash effects, which acts as cuts on anything the ink hits. The ink may splatter on others in the process.

Meteor: Can only be used when John aquires a paint bucket. John opens, and throws the bucket in the air, and makes the globs of paint become powerful meteors, which rain down randomly, it could hit John and/or the group he is with.

Last Word: Blank Canvas

Reference Level: 2


Name: Velon Momental

Age: 28

Profession: Bounty Hunter/Mercenary

Pyus: Serius

Domain: Gravity

Weapon of choice: Dual Gunblades, a combination of guns and blades, taken from Final Fantasy

Personality: Although he doesn't show it, he cares about his friends and would defend them by any means necessary. Too bad he doesn't have any friends. He is a loner, and he would do anything to get the job done. He is also greedy, meaning that he would do almost anything for the right type of money.

Serius pretty much follows Velon's personality, although he is more ruthless, grim and ready to do anything to get a job done. Not that he gets anything out of it, only Velon does. Serius just likes to do such things. It is, however, believed that also Serius has a soft side, if someone would take the time to make him show it.

Description: Long, silver-blue hair that falls over his left eye. He has blue eyes, and he usually wears a white coat with black clothes underneath (think about a mix between Kaiba's clothes and a coat suitable for a mercenary) Under the hair covering his left eye is no eye, but a device that can scan a person's information, like name, nationality and such.

Allegiance: Independent, he works for the one who pays him the most

Upheaval of Gravity: Removes any source of gravity from the battlefield, except from the user, making everything around him/her to levitate uncontrollably through the air.

Gravity Manipulation: Manipulates the gravity of a selected item/creature (including the user) to a level the user decides. This includes heaven an item/creature so that it cannot move and lightening items/creatures so that they move easier or flies away uncontrollably.

Central Gravity: Shoots a black ball from the user's hand, which will become a new source of gravity sucking everything around it onto itself. This ability is best used in combination with Upheaval of Gravity.

Gravity Crush: Centers an items source of gravity within itself, causing it to implode. Living creatures are mostly unaffected.

Last Word: Black and White

Reference Level: 3


Name: Cruz Obscura

Age: 19

Profession: 2nd in command of Sitiens

Pyus: Umbra



Domain: Darkness

Weapon of choice: Masamune, Clawed Guantlet

Personality: He is rather Cold, but not without compassion for those he believes are worthy opponents, he has extremely high regard for Joan who he sees as his greatest threat in the Resistance, This has led the followers of his faction to believe he has an unrequited love for her.

Umbra on the other hand is far less serious, she's a bit on the seductress side and likes to flirt with Cruz's soldiers to get him angry, secretly she just enjoys being with him but her favorite reaction is when he actually talks. It has been known that Cruz will lock his room so she won't sneak her manifestation in at night.

Physical Description: He does however wear a Shirt with various symbols the main one being the universal symbol for infinity, it is actually also a tattoo on his skin, if his shirt is taken off it is emblazoned on his chest, the rest of him looks like this:



Allegiance: Sitiens

Infinity Shadow Slash: At Close Range, Cruz will Unsheath his sword quickly and then return it to it’s sheath, when the sound of his sword returns(I’ll right the word *Click* when it happens) that opponent will be slashed shallowly by various of his shadows for a good amount of time, depending on how much energy he has at the moment.

Hell's Hand: Accumulates his energies in his claw and slashes down destroying a large area, it takes a while to charge (about two posts) and he relies on Umbra and his sword for protection.

Reaper's Inferno: Despite the name it is a simple Sword Swipe whose power is extended by his Dark powers, when it hits a non-living object it will normally exterminate it from existence, however the exception are weapons that have been enchanted(personal character weapons) which normally have as much life as their owners. Whenever the attack hits a person it will become a devastating cut that is difficult to heal by normal means(such as medicine and doctors, however special techniques by a person eg: Jeanne's Rais technique can heal such wounds)

Darkness Oversoul: In order to protect his master he will allow the darkness to consume him and create a large body covering which will increase his ATK, DEF, Stamina and the such equal to his remaining energy, however this move drains his life and as such is rarely used, it however allows him to fire his "Enigma Beam" technique.

[spoiler=Oversoul Appearance]16icpc5.jpg


Last Word: Black Body

Reference Level: 3


Name: Jeane D'Ark

Age: 17

Profession: 2nd in command of Eien.

Pyus: Arcadia

Domain: Light

Weapon of choice: Gram, the enchanted great sword

Personality: Jeane is is very justified young girl who wishes only to protect her world. Jeane

despite her strong extiriour, she is a quite shy girl out side the battle field.

Physical Description

Allegiance: Eien

Revealed Artes:

Tri Edge: Slices the opponent in an X form, and then adds a | down through the X.

Rais: Heals minor wounds to allies.

Gods' Judgement: She grows wings of light energy, and her sword, Gram, turns in to a spear. She throws the spear at the ground and an eruption of light energy explodes, but it only damages her enemies.

Shadow Reverse: Using power over light, creates a shadow of herself.

Last Word: Ultraviolet Catastrophe

Reference Level: 3


Name: Desdemona Valtiel

Age: 39

Profession: Commander of Eien

Pyus: Invitus

Domain: Motivation

Weapon of choice: Poison, ninja weapons

Personality: Desdemona, like her enemy Genner, wears a mask of stoic determination, revealing only a burning desire to destroy Sitiens. It's Invitus that carries her plans on. Invitus is kind, charismatic, and pays attention to individual people, but she is, in her own way, an echo of Onis in that she's far more effective a ruler than she seems.

Allegiance: Eien, a militia assembled to defeat Genner Sitiens

Revealed Artes: None

Last Word: Unknown

Reference Level: 5


Name: Genner Sitiens

Age: 32

Profession: Emperor

Pyus: Onis

Domain: Weather

Weapon of choice: Weather-based magic

Personality: Very little is known about Genner Sitiens's true personality; even his closest followers only know that he projects total detachment and that his desire to conquer the world is very real. Onis, meanwhile, has a very vivid personality -- hedonistic, hot-tempered, cruel, and violent, raging Onis is easy to mistake for a fool. Nevertheless, Onis is actually a brilliant and cunning leader and a master of coercion who once conquered the world of spirits; one must not forget his mastery.

Revealed Artes: None

Last Word: Unknown

Reference Level: 6




So discuss here. Discuss the RP, the proceedings on the game, etc. Oh, and sign up, I guess. (No clue how the rules work now; I just got back and it's rather confusing.)



Version 0.03

Status: Stages 1-4 bosses complete, Stage 1 miniboss complete on Easy and Normal, Stage 2 miniboss complete, no stages complete

Current Version Notes: Is Felicia too easy compared to Emily? I left Waterspout alone in the end. Emily is probably too easy on Lunatic. Tell me stuff about difficulty if you wind up playing it, pl0x.



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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

SG My earlyer questions?

The game is six stages; the reference level says which stage you'll be the boss/miniboss. I decide because I'm the one who'll put it all together. Incidentally' date=' you're the boss of Stage 3, and I'm 60% done with you; just not sure how I'll turn a healing spell into an actual spell (I'm thinking a double helix, rising from the ground).


Oh, and do you mind if I PM you a video showing a replay of your moves so far, to make sure they represent your character well? The PC is Sakuya and the boss is Yukari instead of Emily and Jeanne because I suck at sprite design, but the scripts for both are pretty much done unless you have any objections. Any format you'd like should be fine.


I'll PM you an idea of the story; you can go ahead and co-lead.

Reserve a spot for me. If you need any help with the game, I'm here.

I assume you mean the game-game and not the RP-game? If so, and you can do not-too-detailed sprites from not-too-detailed pictures, PM me, PLEASE. If the answer to either of those is no, well, thanks anyway. And reservation accepted, of course.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

"Boss" and "hero" aren't mutually exclusive, y'know. I'm inspired by Touhou, after all.


You RP this like you would any other RP(no G), though I'd appreciate it if you were a bit more belligerent than usual. There's really nothing special about it in terms of RPing.

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argh, I thought the last one was the OOC thread, here's my app from yesterday


Name: Cruz Obscura

Age: 19

Profession: 2nd in command of Sitiens (if allowed)

Pyus: Umbra



Domain: Darkness

Weapon of choice: Masamune, Clawed Guantlet

Personality: He is rather Cold, but not without compassion for those he believes are worthy opponents, he has extremely high regard for Joan who he sees as his greatest threat in the Resistance, This has led the followers of his faction to believe he has an unrequited love for her.


Umbra on the other hand is far less serious, she's a bit on the seductress side and likes to flirt with Cruz's soldiers to get him angry, secretly she just enjoys being with him but her favorite reaction is when he actually talks, It has been known that Cruz will lock his room so she won't sneak in at night.


Physical Description: He does however wear a Shirt with various symbols the main one being the universal symbol for infinity, it is actually also a tattoo on his skin, if his shirt is taken off it is emblazoned on his chest, the rest of him looks like this:



Allegiance: Sitien

Ars 1: Infinity Shadow Slash: At Close Range, Cruz will Unsheath his sword quickly and then return it to it’s sheath, when the sound of his sword returns(I’ll right the word *Click* when it happens) that opponent will be slashed shallowly by various of his shadows for a good amount of time, depending on how much energy he has at the moment.

Ars 2: Hell’s hand: Accumulates his energies in his claw and slashes down destroying a large area, it takes a while to charge (about two posts) and he relies on Umbra and his sword for protection.

Ars 3: Reaper's Inferno: Despite the name it is a simple Sword Swipe whose power is extended by his Dark powers, when it hits a non-living object it will normally exterminate it from existence, however the exception are weapons that have been enchanted(personal character weapons) which normally have as much life as their owners. Whenever the attack hits a person it will become a devastating cut that is difficult to heal by normal means(such as medicine and doctors, however special techniques by a person eg: Jeanne's Rais technique can heal such wounds)

Ars 4: Darkness Oversoul: In order to protect his master he will allow the darkness to consume him and create a large body covering which will increase his ATK, DEF, Stamina and the such equal to his remaining energy, however this move drains his life and as such is rarely used, it however allows him to fire his "Enigma Beam" technique (my signature tech. ask Aqua she may remember it)

[spoiler=Oversoul Appearance]16icpc5.jpg


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Name: Moonbeam Cathwright

Age: 19

Profession: Social worker

Pyus: Conscius

Domain: Sensibility

Weapon of choice: Chakrams, chang gun (literally meaning long staff)

Personality: Moonbeam is quite an intelligent, slightly eccentric girl, but she is also deeply caring. She is happiest when others are happy, and she can easily feel sorry for people. As she likes to not be housebound, she is somewhat good at being social as a result.

True to her domain, Conscius has a responsible personality. Like Moonbeam, Conscius has proven she is good at being social. She is also accutely aware of emotions, and is often said to have a higher EQ than IQ. Therefore, Conscius is regarded as the "thicker" of the two.

Physical Appearance: Moonbeam is 5'5" and has shoulder-length golden hair and large azure eyes. She often wears body hugging comfortable clothes that come in a range of vibrant colours. She always has a set of wooden bangles on her right hand, though why no one knows but herself.

Allegiance: Independant

Ars 1: Gathering of Feelings - Conscius glows a pale mauve as she gathers all her feelings together, and then sends one beam of lilac at whatever is directly in front of her, and whatever she hits temporarily "lends" their emotion to her, thusly rendering them emotionless up until the effect, which lasts about 10 seconds, disappears. The strength of the beam is determined entirely on the strength of her feelings.

Ars 2: Chakram Compasses - Depending on who has the strongest emotion nearby, the chakrams will glow and speedily drag Moonbeam and Conscius towards that person.

Ars 3: Edge of Emotion - Within a small radius, Conscius temporarily absorbs small parts of every emotion present and two possible outcomes happen; if there are more positive emotions, Conscius' reflexes become much sharper and swifter; if there are more negative emotions, Conscius has a slower reaction.

Ars 4: Emotional Adrenaline - Conscius feels a rush of adrenaline, the strength of which depends on how powerful the emotion she is feeling currently is; if used during peak, it is possible that Conscius can wield fire, though this is a very very rare thing to happen, as it requires her to feel and think nothing but that emotion.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Moonbeam and Conscius are accepted as soon as a physical description is added; I'll start working on their scripts, in both senses of the word. ...you know what I'm up to, don't you? That's gonna be one helluva fun boss, to make and to play. I'm stealing a lot of Ran/Yukari's moves, though. O,x


Cruz and Umbra are looking awesome; just add the other two Artes for an acceptance. It's actually really convenient if you're Genner's right hand; both of the second-in-commands can be Stage 3 bosses. Except you know I'm gonna squeeze every drop of comedy I can get out of that bit about his being a tsundere.


Jeane and Arcadia's boss scripts are done, balanced, and quite fun. I'll host 'em if I can, but it takes ages to find a good place to upload 'em (I'm thinking about starting a site on Google to host with).


To all, it's nice of you to describe the spirits, but they're stuck in their pyxides for the whole game. It'll be helpful if I decide to do a sequel, but other than that, it's really unnecessary.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



I love how when all is said and done, Jeanne's attacks will have more of a "darkness" theme than yours (Shadow Reverse is "Yukari Yakumo's Spiriting Away," while Darkness Oversoul is "Master Spark"). Should be interesting to try and separate the Myrmidon and the Mercenary, though.


Oh, and people can start now. I'm not doing the first post, though. Just start off in your daily lives.

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Name: Alex Ryder

Age: 14

Profession: Shipwright

Pyus: Aqua

Domain: Water

Weapon(s) of Choice: A Sword encased in water.

Personality: Alex is a normally calm boy, with eccentric & hyper moments. He changes mood by his surroundings, like in a Calm Conversation, he is calm & collected. The exception is when he is in battle. When it's the beginning, he is calm. Middle or Climax, he is crazy, using his sword fast. And the Conclusion, it depends. And like somebody of the water, he is fun-loving when deems okay, or when he is in battle sometimes.


Aqua, is the same. When Alex is Aqua, nothing seems to change in his personality, except that he is kind to all animals of the sea. I'm sorry this one is short, but Alex & Aqua are pretty much the same.

Allegiance: Independent, he seems to not even care.

Physical Desc.: He has natural black hair, but seems to dye it blonde. He wears a swim T-shirt all the time, under a jacket. A cap is over the hair, & he wears Jeans, with sandals.











Ars 1: Water Hook- He throws his sword into the water & dives in. He immediately pops out of the water with his sword connected to his hand by water, & the water is shaped as he has a hook for a hand. This lasts 15 seconds and it is small, not a giant one.

Ars 2: Water Eyes- For 5 minutes, water appears on the back of his head as two eyes & they function as "Eyes behind the head". Yes, literally.

Ars 3: Whirlpool- All the water in the town closest to him that is loose(Underground Water, for instance.) Plus anything dragged with it comes right on Alex. He spins & spins & spins, until a Land Whirlpool forms, and he pushes it at the enemy, not effecting anything else in the area except it is wet now.

Ars 4: Hurricane- (Only able to be used during a storm) He can pull all the falling water & water already hit the ground to him. He spins, just like in Whirlpool, but he keeps doing it until it touches the sky(It takes awhile.) & gets struck by lightning, then then combines with the cloud & sends it flying. This one, causes damage to everything, even Alex.

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