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Aquamaster: 6/10 - Bad OCG, effect unbalanced

Caiba: 6.5/10 - Nice OCG, effect kinda unussual to use for Sea-Serpents

Light Master XX: 9.5/10 - Perfect OCG, nice eff!

Serpent Darkness Dragon: 8/10 - Minor OCG errors, 2 OP effect

zmuzik: 7/10 - Bad OCG, Nice eff

Sound Pulse: 7/10 - Minor OCG errors, nice effect

Sub-Zero999:5/10 - Bad OCG, Bad Images, nice eff

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Aquamaster: 6/10 - Bad OCG' date=' effect unbalanced

Caiba: 6.5/10 - Nice OCG, effect kinda unussual to use for Sea-Serpents

Light Master XX: 9.5/10 - Perfect OCG, nice eff!

Serpent Darkness Dragon: 8/10 - Minor OCG errors, 2 OP effect

zmuzik: 7/10 - Bad OCG, Nice eff

Sound Pulse: 7/10 - Minor OCG errors, nice effect

Sub-Zero999:5/10 - Bad OCG, Bad Images, nice eff



The ocg is not wrong in any way and its balanced


I know its PARATOXIC but hi is a funking dickhead who cant anything


Sorry for being so mad but he really cant anything

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Aquamaster: 6/10 - Bad OCG' date=' effect unbalanced

Caiba: 6.5/10 - Nice OCG, effect kinda unussual to use for Sea-Serpents

Light Master XX: 9.5/10 - Perfect OCG, nice eff!

Serpent Darkness Dragon: 8/10 - Minor OCG errors, 2 OP effect

zmuzik: 7/10 - Bad OCG, Nice eff

Sound Pulse: 7/10 - Minor OCG errors, nice effect

Sub-Zero999:5/10 - Bad OCG, Bad Images, nice eff



The ocg is not wrong in any way and its balanced


I know its PARATOXIC but hi is a f***ing dickhead who cant anything


Sorry for being so mad but he really cant anything

Dont worry Aqua, your card was better than mine

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ok so here are my scores for this

i score out of 10

Aquamaster: 7.5/10

Caiba: 9/10

Light Master XX: 9.5/10

Serpent Darkness Dragon: 9/10

zmuzik: 8.5/10

Sound Pulse: 8/10



If you guys want explanations ask

but i dont have time to post them now


What you said is about what I would've said. I'll say the same thing.


Aquamaster: 7.5/10

Caiba: 9/10

Light Master XX: 9.5/10

Serpent Darkness Dragon: 9/10

zmuzik: 8.5/10

Sound Pulse: 8/10


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im still the worst in the ratings! i mean come on, its good



Aquamaster: 6/10 - Bad OCG' date=' effect unbalanced

Caiba: 6.5/10 - Nice OCG, effect kinda unussual to use for Sea-Serpents

Light Master XX: 9.5/10 - Perfect OCG, nice eff!

Serpent Darkness Dragon: 8/10 - Minor OCG errors, 2 OP effect

zmuzik: 7/10 - Bad OCG, Nice eff

Sound Pulse: 7/10 - Minor OCG errors, nice effect

Sub-Zero999:5/10 - Bad OCG, Bad Images, nice eff

[/quote']really, your posting the image, come on, i only do that if they DREW on it

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aqua master if all three of u s gave oyu bad ratings than there is something wrong

heres my explanation

-0.5)sea-Serpent is not a seubtype: it is Sea Serpent-0.5?

-0.5)Sea-Serpent-Type Tuner: Sea Serpent-Type Tuner

-0.5)no Tuner mosnters: non-Tuner monsters

-1)When this card is summoned increase your life points by 1000: wrote this twice in a row

a little oped

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dammit i thought i posted this liek 3 hrs ago whoops

ok so light master and serpent d dragon will battle for 1st

caiba is second place

zmuzik is 3rd

the topic is a DARK machine type

synchro, fusion, ordark synchro

over 7 stars

less than 3000 ATK and DEF

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Okay sorry for being so late, haven't had any Internet access for a while but i will give the card in a while.

Okay here is my card sorry for being so late.

[spoiler=Darkness Androids - Alpha]533630.jpg

1 DARK Tuner Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner DARK Monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can pay 1000 Life Points to remove from play all non-DARK monsters in both Graveyards. Once per turn, you can discard 1 DARK monster from your hand to Special Summon 1 of your removed from play monsters whose Level is less than the Level of the discarded monster. When this card is destroyed by a Card Effect and removed from the field, you can remove this card from play to add 1 DARK Machine-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.


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