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Master of Chaos™


Okay i have a Question about Torrents. So i downloaded a Torrent, i downloaded the Bit Torrent thing for the file and it completely downloaded the file, 100 % but one problem now.What do i do next?How do i open the file and everything?The File is the Game for PSP Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force 3 and i still don't know how to open it so that i can play it.Do i need to download another Program or something? Please help this is very confusing for me since i am new to Torrents and everything.


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13 answers to this question

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You need to download custom firmware for your PSP, which I can not list here, and then you need to download the file onto your PSP via usb cable, then upload it to an emulator on your PSP, to play it. If all becomes too complicated, BUY THE DAMN GAME.

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There are no current PSP emulators...that work besides two-three games. Also, you need to have a PSP to play these games you downloaded, not going to tell you how because I don't know why you guys are talking about warez.


SHAME ON YOU ALL. *thing where people strokes their finger at you*

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A torrent is a kind of file.

It's like a .zip or .rar.

What you downloaded IS a ROM. You need a PSP emulator, not a GBA one. And ROMs are actual game data copied to the PC.

So the answer: download a PSP emulator.

Even though warez discussion isn't allowed on YCM I think.

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Your PSP needs to be taken apart, and it needs to be modified to accept the firmware, and then you can install it. You should pay someone to do it for you, you need to buy the firmware, yes.

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You use Utorrent right? You set your preferences right? Well than im glad someone like you is more pro than me. To open it, just right click and press Open directory or something like that. If you havent set your preferences, DO IT NOW, change the upload limit to 30 - 60 and the download limit to 1000. Over 1000 and it could get corrupted. Upload diminishes your download. Your could make the upload limit to 1 for all i care.

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