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Werewolf (reps and points as prizes!!!)

Don Shadow

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[spoiler=how to play]During Night Phases, the Evil Team picks a votes on a player to kill.

During Day Phases, the villagers (including werewolves and all ALT roles) decide on a player to lynch.

1 Day= 1 phase (day/night=phases) so you'll have a day to decide. the evil team only knows the jobs of each other. besides that, all roles don't know who's what.


[spoiler=regular roles]Werewolf

Evil team

can kill a player at night.



good team

can lock onto a player at night and at the end of the night, you will see if that player is a Werewolf or not.



good team

can vote on who should be lynched.


[spoiler=ALT roles]Sorcerer

Evil team

same as a seer, but is looking for a seer.



good team

can lock on to a player and if a Werewolf attacks that player, the bodyguard will die instead.



good team

can lock onto a player and if that player dies, the witness will know the identity of one of the Werewolves.



good team

can lock onto a player and if that player dies, the Martyr will die instead.



good team

is one of the recipients of Werewolf Chat PMs (sent to me then i send it to them) but what they do with the info is up to them.



evil team

wins if werewolves win.


[spoiler=how to win]

-if all the werewolves (not all evil team) are dead, the Villagers (and other good guys) win.

-if the population of the evil team is equal to the remaining villagers, the werewolves win.



PM any questions to me.

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