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Shoddy Battle YCM Organization: PLEASE JOIN!


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Just incase you didn't know, Shoddy Battle is an online Pokemon battle simulator that is very popular worldwide. I made this because I want to know which YCM members play Shoddy Battle. I wanted to make a sever (oh yes, it's on java 6) on it but NetBeans wouldn't download. So anyone that can make one, the instructions are on the website, http://www.shoddybattle.com/downloads You can also download it there. The program is free and no viruses have been reported yet, so I hope you try it.



Organization registration:


Shoddy Battle Username:

Can you build a server? (yes or no):

What times can you be on?:



If you build a server, make it: YCM Shoddy Server.


Here is a site that can help you build a pokemon team:




BTW, I'll be holding weekly tournaments on the YCM server if there is any.


[spoiler=Members] TurtleFlip: Turtle10 Times: Anytime from 12 pm to 5 pm


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