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I will lay down a set of rules, and will give 3 reps to the first person to make a card which follows every rule, and is still a usable card.




- The card must not be a Synchro

- The picture cannot have any red in it, but must still be relevant

- There cannot be a letter "t" or a comma ANYWHERE on the card except for in the effect, where it cannot have any "w"

- The name must be at least 12 letters long

- The card's Type must have the same number of letters in it as the level

- The name cannot have any letters in common with the Attribute or Type

- The ATK and DEF must add to 3250

- The ATK and DEF must be different, but must both be multiples of the Level

- The serial number must only contain numbers also found somewhere else on the card

- The effect must be at least 108 letters long, but no longer than 113

- The card cannot have a fake type or subtype

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