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People want to change the Wii. D:


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It was an interesting video to watch, and I have no idea how the hell I found it. It was a week ago and I have bad short-term memory. But, here are my opinions on their blabber.


1.) Sure, a DVD and Blueray player would be cool. As long as Nintendo doesn't jack up the price and keeps the console within a $200-275 dollar range, I wouldn't mind it. But how much did the PS3 cost when it first came out? Like nine thousand and one dollars, and most of that could be attributed to it's Blueray fancy-pants player.


2.) The WiiMote is fine, and unless Nintendo programs every game to work with WiiMotion Plus, there is no point in installing it into the WiiMote. A wireless Nunchuck would be nice, but not necessarily needed. I think it's fine the way it is.


3.) No, just no. They gave a graphics update from Gamecube to the Wii, and I expect one from the Wii to the Wii2. But I don't really care about graphics update. The Wii isn't a console where you need to zoom in to 128x and refine each pixel to give it a clearer look. Nintendo never was famous for graphics, and there is no reason to add a super-HD option. And besides, the works on 480p HD settings, which isn't bad quality at all.


4.) A menu update isn't needed, the you rarely ever use your menu for something other than going to a channel and hitting "Start". At most, they should make a color option like there is for the DS, but that's really it. For the "achievements", they worded it to sound WAY too much like an XBOX360-clone. I wouldn't mind having Mii accessories for doing things in games (I want a Mario Hat, damnit), but they'd need to update the entire Mii system and make unlockables for every game. I support the idea for the Wii2, though, since it would be awesome. As long as they aren't called achievements.


5.) Back when the DS came out, I didn't like the FC system. I didn't mind punching in numbers, that was fine. But for every game? I don't necessarily care enough to make a "Gamertag" or "ID" system, and I'm fine with the FC system, but they need to make it one per console. That way, when you add someone to your FC list, you are adding them for Brawl, Pokemon Revolution, Guitar Hero, all at once. The online play is fine, but some lagging issues should be fixed. But I wouldn't go extreme and say get rid of the entire FC system, because that's just overboard.


So, yeah. inb4tl;dr, pretty much.

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