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174302956 vs. Bassa WATER WAR! Voting starts now.


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Okay, this is a 1-1 cos I'm waiting for the cards on the other ones. So, with-out any further ado, I propose a contest.


[spoiler=the card requirements]

It needs to be a WATER attribute monster, but needs to not look like one (my card is an example)

It needs to be part of a set (Mine is from techno revoloution, a personal set)

It needs to be anoying (my card is an example)




[spoiler=my card]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned if there are 3 Machine-Type monsters on the field. Once per turn, Tribute 1 Machine-Type monster on the field. This card’s ATK becomes that card's Level X 500. If this card battles a monster with the following Attributes, it gains one of the following effects:

WIND: This card can attack once again in a row.

DARK: Increase this card's ATK by 250 points during damage calculation only.

EARTH: If that card is in Defense Position, it is destroyed after damage calculation.

If you use any of these effects, place one "Techno Counter" on this card (max 3). You remove all "Techno Counter's" from this card, to regain 200 Life Points for each counter removed. If you use this effect, this card is removed from play until the beginning of then next turn.






[spoiler=Bassa card]





acepting chalengers.

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