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The Calculator

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I've noticed this card from Phantom Darkness:


The Calculator



2 Stars


The original ATK of this card becomes the total Level of all face-up monsters you control x 300.


Summoning this with a single level 8 monster on your field brings his ATK up to 2400. In a deck that specializes in special summoning monsters, this could easily bring up his attack. Just wondering, what do you think of this card?

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We talked about this in another thread XD


Calculator boosts 300 attack for level monsters. Why is this good?




The original ATK of this card becomes the total Level of all face-up monsters you control x 300.


its overpowered' date=' especially for a level 2



With hydrogeddons I suppose. But it would get sak'd instantly, or T/d by Raiza/Wind Blast.


Perfect circle, it would be about... 3600 tops, two monarchs, or 1 monarch and a malicious, give or take discy or stratos.


Conventional (DD, apprentice, other) Monarchs: not more than 2100 usually. Perhaps 3900 at highest.


Gadgets: wreck the point of the deck.


Demise: I would love to see that. Great Maju is crap compared to this guy xD


Boxes: not enough power, unless with Hydrogeddon.


Other Meta: Variable, nothing spectacular.





Demise will benefit greatest from this card.


if course.. cause if you calculate it


this beauty can get over 4000 in an demise deck




plus this thing can pwn through Gravity Bind

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This card is kinda overrated (though I have 1 of hem in my Deck).


When you Summmon it, it gets 600 ATK

With another level 4 monster, its 1800 ATK

With a level 8 monster, its 3000 ATK


I think the most you can get is :


Calculator, 3*FHD, 1 BEUD So = 600 + 14400 = 15000 ATK!


Anyway, it's Rare in OCG, but I don't think it's that good. Magic Cylinder is a threat. Also Draining Shield etc.

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