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the hunger games (season one)

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[align=center]Basically, this is for anyone in the dark organization. If you wish to join, look in my sig.

[spoiler=plot]Ages from now, there is a war between good and evil. The thirteen districts team up against the capital for all that they've done. The capital is surrounded by mountains, giving them an advantage. When the war is over, and the capital had concoured all of the districs, the hunger games... Will begin! every year, the capital holds a contest. The entrees fight to the death, and the winner takes all. The entrees come from all thirteen districts, a boy and a girl from each district. These tournaments are held to make the districts experience pain, and defeat. Even if you were to win the hunger games, you have to live the rest of your life knowing you killed all of those people. One year, a girl named Sheika, and her friend Nick, must enter the hunger games. Will they win, or will the other entrees who have trained for this all of their life kill them and end their lives forever?



[spoiler=characters]1. Sheika (girl)

2. Nick (boy)

3. Manered (boy)

4. Caprin (girl)

5. Carman (girl)

6. Trevor (boy)

7. Tyler (boy)

8. Alex (boy) (taken)

9. michelle (girl)

10. baylee (girl)

11. Jack (taken)

12. Sandy (girl)

13. Patrick (boy)

14. Jesse (girl)

15. Josie (girl)

16. Nathan (boy)

17. Noah (boy)

18. Jaden (girl)

19. Anakin (boy)

20. Haley (girl)

21. george (boy)

22. Olivia (girl)

23. Tom (boy)

24. Samantha (girl)

25. Freddy (boy)

26. Karley (girl)

27. Narator (boy / girl)

These are all of the characters you can play as. They are also every character in the hunger games. I will not play as anyone. I'm too busy to be a character. But I will check up on it every day.



Character you want to be:

What your character is good with: Traps, Knifes, Swords, Hand to hand combat, Guns, etc...

You cannot enter unless you're part of the dark organization. To join, look in my sig.


[spoiler=rules]In the story, there is no cussing, there is no discusting parts, and all YCM rules apply. Also, advanced clause. Donovyn mikerra gerra tole me to type that.


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