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Pivot Wars (A game shown with animation.)

Don Shadow

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Basically, this is a war shown through animation. take a town or city on the world map to get started. towns/owners will be shown...

[spoiler=here.]Don Shadow/Windfly


when you invade a town or city, depending on your stats, you will either be defeated, the battle will end in a draw, or you will gain more territory.

there can be up to 10 players. other players will have to wait till the next game for someone to leave. depending on the popularity of this game, the number of players allowed will rise by 5, allowing more players to play the game. of there are more players than the amount of towns there are on the map, there will be 2 maps for more players. the map is displayed...



this is an example animation of a battle.



the game ends when all opposing countries/towns are defeated by one player. alternative roles will be stated...

[spoiler=here in the ALT Roles section.][align=center]Werewolf: will gradually decrease the amount of population each night only in villages and small towns with very little defense.


Spy: Players who work for a certain other player. these workers can listen in on Some PM's and get a little info, but they can only lock on to one village, town, or city's Military Force to spy on.


Traitor: a former worker of one player. will win if new team wins.


Witness: a citizen of one city town or village. can see the identity of a Murderer if they lock on to a player.


Murderer: a Military Force. can lock on to a player and kill them. if that player is the President of that city town or village, that area is their leader's territory.


Guard: a player that defends the president. will be killed if an attack on the president has taken place. this is a promotion.


Doppelganger: a character in the animation that copies the president for extra protection.




you may start now.


I chose Windfly.




Description & Useful Advantages: Windfly has the windiest weather on the map! because of that, the DEF Stats are high because it slows down enemy units, but Citizens of Windfly can move just fine, with or against the wind.

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