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Monster card that make use of cards that are remove from play *LOCK*

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For this contest said it all, you have to come up with a Monster Card that have various effects or so that involved making use of Cards that were removed from play. Monster's Level range must be between 4-6 and the ATK must be between 1100-2200. Last the Attribute can be either Dark or Light. In this contest i want to see if anyone can come up with an effect or theme effect that is not something you see often, make something very unique.



No spamming

No flaming

No inappropriate images

Need 1-2 judges that are 3 Stars or above.

Will judge cards on efforts, uniqueness and followed the requirements


[spoiler=Entry Fee]

10 points



1st: 50 points, +4 Reps

2nd: 25 points, +2 Reps

3rd: 25 Points



June 23.2010 (may be extended)



none yet



me if that permitted and need 2 more Judges.



I extended the date now so precede as you will

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I'm in.

Not sure this is good enough, but I didn't think of anything more complex.



If you Special Summon this card by removing from play 1 DARK Fiend-Type monster of Level 5 or higher on your field, this card cannot be affected by Trap Cards while face-up on your field. If this card destroys in battle a Beast-Warrior-Type monster, increase this card's ATK by 100 times that monster's Level. If this card's ATK is altered by a monster's Effect, remove that monster from play, and increase this card's ATK by 500.



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hmmm, not exactly i have in mind, as i explain the effect to make use of cards that already removed from play before the card you use come into play. also I'm looking for something that make use of RFG cards that in face-up or face-down. get ideas from Wikia, or if you have any yugioh game and the newest one, look at all cards with effect that have RFG involved.

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Well here's my entry, it's rather long but hey I'm making a whole set around cards like this...


[spoiler= card]560395z.jpg

This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 1 LIGHT monster. When this card is Summoned this card gains the following effects according to the number of LIGHT monsters that are removed from play:

-0 removed from LIGHT monsters: Pay half of your Life Points. Special Summon 2 monsters from your Graveyard with 1500 or less ATK to your side of the field.

-1 or 2 removed from play LIGHT monsters: Special Summon your removed from play LIGHT monsters and they gain 500 ATK.

-3 or 4 removed from play LIGHT monsters: Both Players Draw 5 Cards and each Player gains 1000 Life Points for each Spell Card drawn by this effect. Then, Special Summon one of your removed from play DARK monsters with 1500 ATK or less to your side of the field. Increase its ATK by 800.

5 or more removed from play LIGHT monsters: Both Players add the cards in their hand and Graveyard to their Deck, Shuffle it and Draw 5 Cards. Remove from play all monsters drawn by this effect. Then, Select 2 monsters that have been removed from play and put them in your Graveyard. If those monsters are Special Summoned by the effect of a Spell Card, they can attack your opponent directly. This effect is negated if "Angel of the Shifting Plains" is face-up on the field. Increase the ATK of all "Angel of the Shifting Plains" by 200 for each LIGHT, WIND and FIRE monster that is removed from play.




Edit: OCG fixed.

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285479h.jpg [spoiler=Lore]When this card is Summoned place 1 Soul Counter on this card for every card removed from play. Every time a card is removed from play, place 1 Soul Counter on this card. During your Standby Phase, you can pay 700 Life Points to remove from play the top card of your deck. When this card is destroyed by battle, remove from play 1 card from your opponents deck for every Soul Counter that was on this card.

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well i need judges for them to share opinions and normal as i read the rule it didn't mention anything about Judges get any prizes though.


Kurinaga, your seem to match the requirement but fix the OCG though.


Caiba, read the descriptions again, it ask for effects that make use of cards when they are removed from play. like some kind of assiting effects or declaration effects but you can still have effect that you are removing a card or cards from play but make use of them in some way.


hmm, anyone need a pointer or an example card to demonstrate what i meant?

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I join. My card:



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 2 DARK monsters you control. This card gains 200 ATK for each removed from play DARK monster. When this card battles, decrease this card ATK by 100 for each removed from play DARK monsters. When this card is destroyed, return all removed from play cards to their owners Graveyard. This card cannot be removed from play.

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Um... I did' date=' it's a deck destroyer.



He means that he wants an effect like mine that uses the cards that are already removed from play rather only making use of them as they are removed from play.


thank you for telling him although i had to edit this post cos i was gonna the same thing heh

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When this card is Summoned place 1 Soul Counter on this card for every card removed from play. Every time a card is removed from play' date=' place 1 Soul Counter on this card. During your Standby Phase, you can pay 700 Life Points to remove from play the top card of your deck. When this card is destroyed by battle, remove from play 1 card from your opponents deck for every Soul Counter that was on this card.


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