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GX Season 4 ?

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Its pretty much a filler plot to tie up lose ends before 5D's I reckon. It should of had the standard 52 episodes and not just the 26. It would have made things a lot more epic and less rushed


Especially the last 2 episodes of when Yugi duels Judai. It should of been 5 episodes


I'm not saying that its bad, it is probably the 2nd best arc in GX, although could of easily been the best if it were to not rush itself

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No Azuh that should of never happened, its like they decided to raid fanfic ideas for it.


Didn't help that Chronos' VA sort of gave away that GX was going to 26 episodes. I don't think it needed 52 episodes to be honest, they tied most things up, 'cept what happened to the rest of the students involved in the Forbidden Dorm/Darkness experiments.

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I'm personally against GX forever, due to having watched it subbed before, poisoning me against it, so naturally I'd say maybe. Sure, it got a lot better than the previous seasons, but isn't it more than a little obvious that they've been channeling their inner Evangelion since season 3? I don't want to spoil this, but here's the ending to both: Some guy tries to take all of the souls of humanity and combine them so that they'll all be happy. Yeah. Also you could judge that they were going down that road when the series began getting 'darker and edgier' in the third season. So, even though I will never be able to say that I like the series, and have a fanfic about it just for the sake of trying to improve it as a series through parody, I can still say that I personally wouldn't see it, but it's up to you.


Woah, so I basically said that it was your decision? I really need to stop saying useless things...

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