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Dimension of Shadows (PG-16) [Finished][OOC Thread]

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Ok.... Not sketchy recap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cogococomeco and Jordon released Count Vladimir who was revealed to be the only one to be able to break and kill Leon. Cogococomeco show Jordon the torture that demons go through, We make it to the All knowing Book! It tells of a Table of Ju to find if we need to know who the ultimate evil is. Since no one in Leon's group knows of Vladimir, we assume it's Cogococomeco III and Jordon. Ace Signed his life away. Vladimir gets Legolover09's character to "help" him. And..... We are going back to the castle! We are going to prepare for an attack on Hell.


I'm on for another hour and a half! then I'm not gonna be on till sunday!

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