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Arcana Force done right?


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I've decided to re-make the Arcana Force cards so that they interact with each other more, have better effects, etc.



(I didn't change anything on The Fool. He doesn't really need to be changed.)


Arcana Force I - The Magician

LIGHT Level 4 [Fairy / Effect]

ATK 1100 DEF 1100

When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: When a Spell Card is activated, the ATK of an "Arcana Force" monster you control becomes double its original ATK until the End Phase of that turn. ● Tails: When a Spell Card is activated, your opponent gains 800 Life Points.


Arcana Force III - The Empress

LIGHT Level 4 [Fairy / Effect]

ATK 1300 DEF 1300

When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: Once per turn, when your opponent Summons or Sets a monster, you can Special Summon 1 "Arcana Force" monster from your hand or Graveyard. ● Tails: Once per turn, when your opponent Summons or Sets a monster, send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard.


Arcana Force IV - The Emperor

LIGHT Level 4 [Fairy / Effect]

ATK 1400 DEF 1400

When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: All "Arcana Force" monsters you control gain 1000 ATK. ● Tails: All "Arcana Force" monsters you control lose 1000 ATK.


Arcana Force VI - The Lovers

LIGHT Level 4 [Fairy / Effect]

ATK 1600 DEF 1600

When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: This card can be treated as up to 3 monsters for the Summon of an "Arcana Force" monster. ● Tails: You cannot Tribute this card or send it to the Graveyard for the Summon of an "Arcana Force" monsters.


(Not sure how to word this, but I want to make the first effect so that it can be used for all 3 monsters needed to summon an Arcana Force EX monster or for a regular Arcana Force monster, and its second effect unable to be used for either.)


Arcana Force VII - The Chariot

LIGHT Level 4 [Fairy / Effect]

ATK 1700 DEF 1700

When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: If an "Arcana Force" monster you control destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you can Special Summon that monster to your side of the field. ● Tails: If this card is destroyed in battle, Special Summon it to the opponent of the controller's side of the field.


(I tried returning it to its original functionality as well as giving it more of a team effort, but can it be worded differently?)


Arcana Force XIV - Temperance

LIGHT Level 6 [Fairy / Effect]

ATK 2400 DEF 2400

During either player's turn, you can discard this card to reduce the damage you take from a battle to 0. When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: Halve all Damage you take. ● Tails: Halve all Battle Damage your opponent takes from non-"Arcana Force" monsters.


Arcana Force XVIII - The Moon

LIGHT Level 7 [Fairy / Effect]

ATK 2800 DEF 2800

When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: During your Standby Phase, you can Special Summon 1 "Moon Token" (Fairy-Type/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0). ● Tails: During each of your End Phases, select 1 non-"Arcana Force" monster you control and give control of it to your opponent.


(No changes to The World, The Dark Ruler, or The Light Ruler.)



Light Barrier

Field Spell

During your Standby Phase, toss a coin. If the result is Tails, the following effects are negated until your next Standby Phase:

● When you Summon an "Arcana Force" monster activate the effect of "Tour of Doom" or "Cup of Ace", rather than toss a coin, choose Heads or Tails; the coin flip is treated as having that result. If an "Arcana Force" monster destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you gain Life Points equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK.


(no changes to Cup of Ace except it works with Light Barrier now)



No changes were made to Arcana Call, Reverseal of fate, of Tour of Doom, except for the fact that now they all work with Light Barrier.

Does this make Arcanas better? Are they decent now?

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I find the old "Arcana Force" set to be somewhat of a challenge' date=' but I think this set should be used for the game. BTW, you left out "The Fiend".



Thank you for the comment.

"The Fiend" doesn't exist in real life. Neither does Strength, The Hanged Man, or all the other "Arcana Force" monsters and support.

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