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Squirrel Girl

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In this contest there will be 2 team. 1 that will make Werewolf cards and 1 that will make Vampire cards. There will be 6 members in each team. I will eliminate 2 from each team every round. When there are just 2 members in each team, there will be only 1 eliminated in each team. The final will be a 1on1 where I will post in the 1on1 forum.



All YCM rules

No spamming

No flamming





[spoiler=[size=x-small]Team Werewolf:[/size]]

1. wolfman505

2. Tigrē

3. HeavyMech

4. Gennai



[spoiler=[size=x-small]Team Vampire:[/size]]

1. Psycholera

2. Scatty

3. ~Riku~

4. .:~D-4~:.












[spoiler=[size=x-small]Task 1:[/size]]


Make a Level 5 or lower Werewolf monster. The card cannot be from a movie or book or a comic book. The card must be Beast and must be good against a Fiend Deck. The name must include Werewolf.



Make a Level 5 or lower Vampire monster. The card cannot be from a movie or book or a comic book. The card must be Fiend and must be good against a Beast Deck. The name must include Vampire.



[spoiler=[size=x-small]Task 2:[/size]]


Make a card based on a movie werewolf. The card's pic must be a real pic, not a cartoon pic of a werewolf. The card must be Level 7 -9 and effect must be based on RFP.



Make a card based on Dracula. The cards pic must be a real pic, not a cartoon pic of Dracula. The card must be Level 7 - 9 and must have 0 ATK and DEF. The effect must be based on ATK gain for cards in the Grave.



[spoiler=[size=x-small]Task 3:[/size]]


Make a Level 2 Synchro Beast-Type monster. Must include werewolf in it's name



Make a Level 4 Synchro Fiend-Type monster. Must include Vampire in it's name






[spoiler=[b]How I Will Judge[/b]]

I rate the cards like this:

OCG: 5.5/15

Effect: 5.5/15

Name: 2/15

Pic: 2/15


Total: 15/15




[spoiler=[b]Entry Fee:[/b]]

20 points





1st: 3 reps

2nd: 1 rep




[spoiler=[b]End date:[/b]]

First task:

Tomorrow 10:30 A:M Swedish Time


Second task:

Friday 08:00 P.M Swedish time


Third task:

Thursday next week



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I'll post my first card:




This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or flipped face-up. If this is the only card on your side of the field, destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field, and the effect of any monster which battles with this card is negated. While this card is in the Graveyard, the DEF of all Beast-Type monsters is treated as 0.

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This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or flipped face-up. If this is the only card on your side of the field, destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field, and the effect of any monster which battles with this card is negated. While this card is in the Graveyard, the DEF of all Beast-Type monsters is treated as 0.

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This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 1 face-up Beast-type monster you control. During the End Phase of the turn this card was Normal Summoned, you can Tribute this card and pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher EARTH monster from your Deck. It is treated as a Tuner monster while it's on the field.[/align]

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