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I was playing Left 4 Dead today with bots and all of the bots died during fight with a tank, I was out of assault rifle ammo and my health was 40 something. I killed the tank with a pistol and ran like hell to the safehouse. Next level, BAM their back :D

Discuss video game f*ckups funny/awesome video game moments.

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screw-up: The first time I entered the space pirate facility in metroid primes phendrana drifts, I was immediately freaked out at how much the game changed through 1 door. Then I saw this thing jumping towards me, it did a load of damage and I just mashed the A button in whilst shouting,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!

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Guest Random Dude

In Mercenaries 2, I shot at a helicopter with the regular carbine, I was almost out of ammo to the point where I couldn't reload anymore. I hit the thing once out of 30 shots and the thing falls down on top of a tank and blows that up along with a pair of the VZ squad cars. The the wreckage of one of the cars hits me in the face and I die.

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Earlier today, some guy on TF2 who thought that anyone who used a Pyro was a "W+M1 noob" was annoying the hell out of everyone. So, naturally, I went Pyro and began targeting him specifically. He eventually ragequit. And as a prize, I found a Vintage Merryweather for my Pyro right after he disconnected. 'Twas a good day. :D

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I was playing Modern Warfare 2 when the announcer said "Enemy UAV spotted!" So i pull out my Stinger Missle and look for it in the sky and i hear some footsteps and

i'm like "I am going to get killed staring at the sky."when i hear sniper bullets coming from somewhere.

So after 20 seconds of looking i give up and switch back to my RPD when i turn around and there is a guy with sniper staring at me trying to no-scope

me or something so i spray my bullets and kill him and i'm like "No-scope fail" since i was standing still whole time.

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GTA IV, TBOGT Multiplayer

I jump off a base jump building, not knowing someone has a six star wanted level, I pull my parachute cord, and all of a sudden, an annhilator just comes flying towards me, slices my parachute off, I start free falling, and end up landing on a phantom below, which then begins to start speeding off to escape the gun fire, crashes, and I end up falling off, onto the ledge of a cliff, my hp is in red now, thinking I had lived, suddenly, my character lost grip, tumbled down, and smashed onto a metal staircase used for getting up from the water. fayl.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When i was playing GTA 4 when i borrowed it from my cousin. I was playing Ray's first mission where i intimidate this guy to tell me where another guy lives. So he tells me and runs off, but because i'm so nice and never do executions with the pistol, i let him live. So i take the apartment elevator up to the 20th floor when the guy calls his friend and he's like "Hey man. Some guy's coming up. I don't know how, but he knows your apartment." So i'm just like "I spare him and he turns on me?" So i fight my way up the last 3 floors to find the guy when he makes a run for the roof. So i chase him but i didn't realize he went for the roof. So i run down 23 flights of stairs and run outside when i realize he went for the roof. So i gotta run ALL THE WAY BACK UP. And i'm just like "Fail Whale" the whole time going back up. Including when i couldn't find the door to the roof.

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So, I was playing Golden Sun 1. Final boss battle, first playthrough. Only Mia and Garet were still alive, and I decided to go offensive. Mia casts Glacier, and gets shotted by the boss. For some reason, I had a Mercury djinn on Standby; Garet summons Mercury.


Cue boss flashing in rainbows and falling to dust.


So, I was playing World of Warcraft, and was in a 10-man group for the weekly raid, which was Noth. Everyone actually gets inside, a moment in itself, and we start fighting. Myself being a DK, I keep prolonging my diseases, and so did our other DK. We might've had a lock there too. The point is Noth was having a lot of Dots on him. We get him down to about 1 percent before he teleports up on the ledge - and dies there.

No loot for us, although we did get the kill, so it's all good.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Earlier today' date=' some guy on TF2 who thought that anyone who used a Pyro was a "W+M1 noob" was annoying the hell out of everyone. So, naturally, I went Pyro and began targeting him specifically. He eventually ragequit. And as a prize, I found a Vintage Merryweather for my Pyro right after he disconnected. 'Twas a good day. :D


^This is basicly how I use to play Battlefrnt 2^

They would be like: "OMFG STOP USIN RECON DROIDS!!!1!!"

....I would just keep camping with them.


And I find it funny, my own team mates would sabotage me.

And then as I go to repair it, the enemies break through, and we would lose.

Seriously. It was really hillarious.

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