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My Dragon Card Contest


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Okay, card makers, here's a challenge for all of you. I am making a Dark Dragon set (it's awesome for what I've got so far) and need the BEST Dragon card you guys can make. It has to be a monster card with the attribute Dark. It can be any level you desire with any ATK and DEF. And it has to be an awesome card, one you really think is good. I just need help making this set, so if you can make me a good Dark Dragon Card, that would be wonderful.





(a.k.a., ghfkjsayf.)

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You need over 100 posts to host a contest. Post more' date=' then try again.



Please wait until you have at least 100 posts under your belt before you start hosting. Until then' date=' you can join contests.



I would love to join but that was your first post. The rule is that you have to have at least 100 posts :)




And the contest sounds nice! So post this again once you reach 100 posts! :D


i love the name of this contest' date=' but post it again when you have 100 post



please wait until you get 100 post.

me too..


you must have 100 post.


100 posts XD I am like the hundredth to tell

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You need over 100 posts to host a contest. Post more' date=' then try again.



Please wait until you have at least 100 posts under your belt before you start hosting. Until then' date=' you can join contests.



I would love to join but that was your first post. The rule is that you have to have at least 100 posts :)




And the contest sounds nice! So post this again once you reach 100 posts! :D


i love the name of this contest' date=' but post it again when you have 100 post



please wait until you get 100 post.

me too..


At this contest we are making a dark dragon set and need the best dragon card which can you play with this contest it is really nice to play with this contest .


you dont know what your talking about jenyroger' date=' your just a new member. 100 post and post this back again



you must have 100 post.


100 posts XD I am like the hundredth to tell


All of this is spam, please refrain from this

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