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The Elemental Charmer Club, The charmers are always accepting.

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just normal google translator' date=' on some forign sites, if you search them on google it will say translate this page



That doesn't always work though, I prefer having google translate open, and the webpage, copying the foreign language text, paste it into the translator, and let it translate what it says, sometimes if you log in while using a translator, it won't log you in.

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just curious' date=' why does it say your logged off charmer fan?



Logged Off?, Eh, I dunno, probably cause, like on other forums, I make myself "Invisible" so I can browse the forums without others knowing I'm online XD.


Speaking of, I gots to be going now, I'll be back in a few hours though, but I dunno if any of you will be on XD.

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^I dunno, My friend Kaze has his own site dedicated to the Charmers, and we got our own RP going over there, but it uses our made up characters as well as the Duel Spirits, and the four of us kind of share the plot, sorta :P.


Oh yes Black Star, to search for the Charmers in general, the Kanji for them is "霊使い".

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