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What are your favorite monsters?


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...from any series, and one of each sub-type? They don't necessarily have to be powerful, just ones you like.














Only real cards, otherwise not everyone knows what they are. I'll start off with mine.


None: Dark Magician

Effect: Total Defense Shogun

Gemini: Phoenix Gearfried

Toon: Toon Dark Magician Girl

Tuner: Comrade Swordsman of Landstar

Union: Armor Breaker

Synchro: Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth / Turbo Warrior

Fusion: VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Cannon

Ritual: Black Luster Soldier

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None: Thousand-Eyes Idol (completely pointless with restrict banned XP)

Effect: Nimble Monga (One of the most annoying cards in a duel of ameteurs)

Gemini: Hate them (friend runs an annoying one)

Toon: Toon Masked Sorcerer (He won't even make it to the next turn to attack XP

Tuner: Plaguespread

Spirit: Dark Dust Spirit

Union: Machina Peacekeeper (I run a machina deck for fun)

Synchro: Dark End Dragon

Fusion: Chimera

Ritual: Demise


Despite what cards are my favorite, I'm pretty good at dueling. I just put those in cuz good cards are no fun XP

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Saix, that's the only reason I have mine. I put cards in that I like, unlike other people, who put massively powerful monsters in there and throw hundreds of dollars around like no tomorrow for cards. I just use what I have and grow to like them.

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Guest Random Dude

None: Dark Blade

Effect: Zombyra the Dark

Gemini: Phoenix Gearfried

Toon: Toon Blue Eyes

Tuner: Road Synchron

Union: Pitch-Dark Dragon

Synchro: Road Warrior

Fusion: Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Ritual: Black Luster Soldier

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None - Blue-Eyes White Dragon/Dark Magician

Effect - Dark Magician Girl

Gemini - Chthonian Emperor Dragon/Phoenix Gearfried

Toon - Toon DMG/BEWD/Manga Ryu-Ran

Tuner - Rose, Warrior of Revenge

Spirit - Tsukuyomi

Union - Kiryu (monster)

Synchro - Stardust Dragon / Red Dragon Archfiend / Black Rose Dragon / Ally of Justice Decisive Armor (DT06)

Fusion - Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman / Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Ritual - Demise, King of Armageddon / Divine Grace - Northwemko / Relinquished / Crab Turtle

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None: X-Saber Anu Piranha

Effect: D.D. Warrior Lady

Gemini: Crusader of Endymion

Toon: Toon Mermaid

Tuner: Cherry Inmato

Spirit: Inaba White Rabbit

Union: Spirit of the Six Samurai

Synchro: Thought Ruler Archfiend

Fusion: Destiny End Dragoon

Ritual: Elemental Mistress Doriado

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