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Hive Mind Monsters!

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Hi! I've created my first cards/thread, so... Yay? It's an Insect/Psychic archetype based around giving the other Hive Mind monsters neat effects... sorta like slivers from Magic, I guess... OK, Let's begin!




Hive Mind - Sonic Blade

WIND Insect/Effect **** 1600/1200

Once per turn, you may pay 500 Life Points to give each face-up "Hive Mind' monster the following effect until your End Phase:

-This card gains 400 ATK


Hive Mind - Hyper Wasp

WIND Insect/Effect *** 1500/700

Once per turn, you may reduce this card's ATK by 400 to give each of your face-up "Hive Mind" monster's the following effect until the end of the Battle Phase:

-When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, select 1 card from their hand and discard it.


Hive Mind - Seismic Synapse

EARTH Psychic/Effect ****** 1600/2200

Once per turn, you may discard 2 cards to give each of your face-up "Hive Mind" monsters the following effect until your opponent's End Phase:

-When this card is destroyed by battle, destroy the monster that destroyed it.


Hive Mind - Memory Bank

LIGHT Psychic/Effect * 0/0

Once per turn, you may Tribute this face-up card to give each of your face-up "Hive Mind" monsters the following effect until the End Phase:

-Select 1 "Hive Mind" monster in your graveyard other than "Hive Mind - Memory Bank". This monster gains the effect written on that card.




Hive Mind Nest

Field Spell

If there are no face-up "Hive Mind" monsters on your side of the field, remove this card from play. All face-up "Hive Mind" monsters gain the following effects:

-Once per turn, you may discard 1 card to change the battle position of this card.

-This card gains 200 ATK and DEF.

-You may Tribute this face-up monster to draw 1 card.


Solitary Worker

Equip Spell

Equip to a face-up "Hive Mind" Monster. The equipped monster gains the effect written on it's card. The equipped monster may not give any face-up monsters effects.


Eheh... feedback, please...

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