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Cat Mario


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I don't think you can. I just got to the flag. As soon as I got down the flag and made it to the castle' date=' something came down and hit me.


This is harder than IWBTG.



You're joking, right?

I got to like, level 3 (out of 4) in this before I went to sleep last night. I can't even get through like, 3 screeds of IWBTG.

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Old as hell and just as easy


Little guide for those that really don't know how to do it:

lvl 1: just rush through 'till the checkpoint really, avoid the falling floor under the 4 seperate boxes, get to the stairs, when you touch 4th from top step move back to avoid falling guys, get over them and at the top level go to the far edge and jump straight up, when the missile passes go back to the edge furthest from the flag, run and jump over the flag, dodge the falling monster and keep the flag onscreen, jump on flag to get to lvl 2


lvl 2: get to edge of top pipe and avoid monster that shoots out, drop in and don't land straight down, don't touch the 3rd pillar, don't go on top if you hit box, at next jump get high to avoid king, jump early at next to avoid invisible block, wait for pedobear to jump out of pipe and jump high to avoid him, when you get to the brown cieling be prepared to dodge left to avoid it, then right to avoid the other and quickly jump across to avoid another, time the king to get the mushroom at the corner near you, dodge the fireballs, descending platforms speed up dramatically when you touch them so get off quickly and land on first block, blocks between this one and the one near the pipe fall jump over them and go into pipe, go up stairs, get a good running start and bouce on the blue flagpole to get to the real one to get to lvl 3


lvl 3: touch the question mark and quickly jump left, get on the box to avoid the stars, get to the edge of next platform and jump to reveal invisible box, use it as a step to get to the larger platform higher up, yellow platforms break when you touch them so get a good jump to get to brick platform, jump across, do not fall straight from the pillar and go around the block and 2 boxes, avoid hidden blocks near edge of jump, avoid monster, jump onto floating platform and jump lightly to avoid getting hit, get to edge so king appears and falls to his death, don't use springboard, and use block to jump onto platform, quickly jump off onto the top platform with the turtle, hit turtle and stop it, approach far right slowly and move left to let missiles pass by, hit shell to launch right and quickly follow (it'll kill a monster), then you get to lvl 4


lvl 4: Move quickly to avoid falling block and jump across, hit the button, quickly move to the right of next platform and move to avoid fire stick (be sure to watch the platform splitting), jump across and dodge falling block, move across to far right to avoid firestick jump around (not straight up), watch for invisible block at next jump and don't jump too high, at next fire sticks move quickly across to avoid falling block then quickly back, when ghost gets on lower platform use him to jump to the other side, don't activate block and jump on it to go up then quickly run to yellow platform and quickly jump up passed the fire (avoid invisible block at edge), get near edge to activate fireballs, don't touch spring on jump, activate 3rd block to activate monster then quickly first block for mushroom, jump on the monster as he flies up from the spring, move right and win

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It's also finished by trial-and-error.

Yea, I know. Its like Mario Galaxy 2 on steroids(IMO).


The thing about the levels in this game, is that it requires you to "think" about the stages, because the same rules of Mario dont apply to this game.


......Like how you can jump over the flag pole in stage 1 to avoid insta-death

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