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Mah Written cards.

Jayden Dia

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Reapers Scythe

Equip Spell Card

Equip this card to your opponents monster to decrease the selected monsters ATK by 500 for every card in your opponents Hand. When this card is sent to the graveyard, destroy all monster on your opponents side of the field.


I'll add more as I think of them?

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How about I lower the 500 to 200 and change the last effect to destroying the equipped card?


The ATK decrease part is fine.

Its just that you have an effect saying

When this card is sent to the graveyard' date=' destroy all monster on your opponents side of the field.[/quote']

Now heres the thing, the way you have it worded means you can send it to the Graveyard by any means and the effect will still go off.

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