Zyirth Posted June 10, 2010 Report Share Posted June 10, 2010 Hello! well, I frequently lurk around but I never really noticed that....well, this was a card making forum. <_< I have had some ideas and the like, and the result is the following archetype, the Void Shades. of note are two things: 1) a new monster type (Aberration), and 2) I'm trying to make this one a balanced (realistic) archetype. so I'm planning on trying this out against an actual TCG deck once its reviewed and such. so yeah, I guess that's all. onto the archetype. [spoiler=[b]Low-Level(4-) Monsters[/b]] Void Shade – LarvaDARK Lv. 2 Atk 200 Def 200Aberration/EffectLore: “FLIP: place a Corruption Counter on a face-up monster your opponent controls. Then, you can Special Summon up to 2 “Void Shade – Larva” from your Deck in face-up Attack Position. Shuffle your Deck afterwards.” Void Shade – RetrieverDARK Lv. 2 Atk 500 Def 100Aberration/Tuner/EffectLore: “When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon one Level 3 or lower “Void Shade” monster that is Removed from Play. Its effects are negated. This card can only be used for the Synchro Summon of a “Void Shade” Synchro Monster.” Void Shade – Plague MaulerDARK Lv. 3 Atk 1200 Def 400Aberration/EffectLore: “If this card is Destroyed by Battle, distribute Corruption Counters on the field equal to the Level of the monster that Destroyed it.” Void Shade – Scout InfiltratorDARK Lv. 3 Atk 1400 Def 300Aberration/EffectLore: “Once per turn, you can select one face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. This card gains the target's name, Attribute and Type. Then, give control of this card to your opponent. The opponent's monster targeted by this effect cannot be removed from the field or be destroyed. When this card is Removed from Play, take control of the monster that was targeted by this card's effect, change its Type to Aberration, and its Level to 3.” Void Shade – Warp CarrierDARK Lv. 3 Atk 0 Def 1900Aberration/EffectLore: “When this card is Special Summoned, remove from play up to 2 monsters on your side of the field. This card gains ATK equal to half the total ATK of the monsters removed. When this card is Destroyed by Battle and removed from play, Special Summon those two monsters.” Void Shade – Soldier, Assault BroodDARK Lv. 4 Atk 1900 Def 700Aberration/EffectLore: “When this card attacks or is attacked, place a Corruption Counter on the monster that attacked this card. Once per turn, if this monster would be Destroyed by Battle, it is not destroyed, and you take no Battle Damage from that attack.” Void Shade – Soldier, Bolter BroodDARK Lv. 4 Atk 1600 Def 1000Aberration/EffectLore: “Once per turn, you can remove two Corruption Counters from monsters your Opponent controls to select and destroy one card your opponent controls. This card gains 300 ATK for each “Void Shade – Soldier, Bolter Breed” on your side of the field. Once per turn, if this card would be Destroyed by Battle, it is not destroyed, and you take no Battle Damage from that attack.” Void Shade – Soldier, Interceptor BroodDARK Lv. 4 Atk 600 Def 2000Aberration/EffectLore: “When your opponent declares a Direct Attack, and you control no monsters, you can special summon this card from your hand OR remove this card in your hand and the attacking monster from play. This card gains 300 DEF for each “Void Shade – Soldier, Interceptor Breed” that is removed from play. Once per turn, if this card would be Destroyed by Battle, it is not destroyed, and you take no Battle Damage from that attack.” Void Shade – Priest, EnlightenedDARK Lv. 4 Atk 1400 Def 1000Aberration/EffectLore: “This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. You can discard a “Void Shade” monster from your hand to distribute Corruption Counters on all face-up monsters on your opponent's side of the field equal to its Level. As long as there is a “Void Shade – Soldier” on your side of the field, this card cannot be selected as an attack target. Once per turn, if this card would be Destroyed by Battle, it is not destroyed, and you take no Battle Damage from that attack.” Void Shade – Priest, PenitentDARK Lv. 4 Atk 100 Def 1600Aberration/EffectLore: “This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When a monster with a Corruption Counter is destroyed, place its counters on this card instead of removing them. (Max. 10) When this card reaches the maximum amount of counters, it is immediately destroyed; then, Special Summon a “Void Shade – Bishop Lord” from your deck or that is removed from play.” Void Shade – Priest, IndulgentDARK Lv. 4 Atk 1800 Def 800Aberration/EffectLore: “This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When this card destroys a monster by battle, place a Corruption Counter on it. (Max. 6) you can remove 2 Corruption Counters from this card to remove one monster in your opponent's Graveyard from play. Once per turn, if this card would be Destroyed by Battle, it is not destroyed, and you take no Battle Damage fromthat attack.” [spoiler=[b]High Level(5+) Monsters[/b]] Void Shade – Soldier, Brood LordDARK Lv. 6 Atk 2400 Def 2000Aberration/EffectLore: “This card can only be Special Summoned by having two or more “Void Shade – Soldier” on your side of the field. Depending on the monsters on your side of the field, this card gains the following effects:*”Void Shade – Soldier, Assault Brood”: this card can Pierce; it gains 500 ATK.*”Void Shade – Soldier, Bolter Brood”: you can remove 4 Corruption Counters on the field to destroy two cards your opponent controls.*”Void Shade – Soldier, Interceptor Brood”: when a “Void Shade” monster is selected as an attack target, you can switch the attack to this card. Also, Twice per turn, if this card would be Destroyed by Battle, it is not destroyed, and you take no Battle Damage from those attacks.” Void Shade – Bishop LordDARK Lv. 6 Atk 2400 Def 2000Aberration/EffectLore: “This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of “Void Shade – Priest, Penitent”. Depending on the monsters on your side of the field, this card gains the following effects:*”Void Shade – Priest, Enlightened”: this card cannot be targeted by effects or be selected as an attack target.*”Void Shade – Priest, Penitent”: you can remove all Corruption Counters on the field to inflict 250 damage to your opponent for each counter removed.*”Void Shade – Priest, Indulgent”: Once per turn, you can remove from play one monster in your Graveyard to Special Summon one of your opponent's Removed from Play monsters with a Level equal to that monster's Level to your side of the field.” Eliphas, The Void EmperorDARK Lv. 10 Atk 3000 Def 2500Aberration/Synchro/Effect“Void Shade – Retriever” + 2 or more Aberrant-Type monstersLore: “This card can only be Synchro Summoned. When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can select one “The Void Spire – Complete Taint” from your deck and activate it. When a Spell, Trap or Monster effect is activated, you can move a “Void Shade” monster that is removed from play to your Graveyard to negate the activation and destroy that card. Also, once per duel, you can Special Summon one of your Removed from Play “Void Shade” monsters, Ignoring the Summoning Conditions. You can only control one “Eliphas, The Void Emperor”." [spoiler=[b]ZOMG Tech(specific, VERY PROTOTYPICAL)[/b]] Void Shade – The Tainted EngineDARK Lv. 8 Atk 2800 Def 2000Aberration/EffectLore: “This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Removing from Play a (printed) Machine-Type monster on your side of the field with 5 or more Corruption Counters on it. This card cannot be Targeted by card effects. As long as this card is on the Field, The effects of Machine-Type Monsters that activate on the Field or in the Graveyard are negated.” Void Shade – The Tainted ChampionDARK Lv. 8 Atk 2500 Def 1800Aberration/EffectLore: “This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Removing from Play a (printed) Warrior-Type monster on your side of the field with 5 or more Corruption Counters on it. This card cannot be Destroyed by Battle. As long as this card is on the field, increase the Level of all Warrior-Type monsters on the Hand and Graveyard by 1.” Void Shade – The Tainted SaintDARK Lv 8 Atk 1800 Def 3000Aberration/EffectLore: “This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Removing from Play a (printed) Fairy-Type monster on your side of the field with 5 or more Corruption Counters on it. This card is unaffected by Trap Cards. As long as this card remains on the field, your opponent must pay 700 Life Points to Summon a Level 7 or higher Fairy-Type monster from the Hand or Graveyard. “ Void Shade – The Tainted WyrmDARK Lv 8 Atk 2500 Def 1000Aberration/EffectLore: “This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Removing from Play a (printed) Dragon-Type monster on your side of the field with 5 o more Corruption Counters on it. This card cannot be Destroyed. As long as this card remains on the field, effects of Dragon-Type monsters that activate in the Graveyard or on the Field cannot be activated, and they cannot be Removed from the Field or be Destroyed, but they cannot attack.” [spoiler=[b]Spells[/b]] The Void SpireField Spell CardLore: “During each of your Standby Phases, place two Corruption Counters on this card. (Max. 20) Depending on the number of counters in this card, the following effects can be activated:*5: Once per turn, you can select one “Void Effigy” in your Deck and activate it.*10: If this card would be destroyed, you can remove a Corruption Counter from it instead.*15: Once per turn, you can special summon one Level 3 or lower “Void Shade” monster that is Removed from Play.*20: you can remove from play this card to select one “The Void Spire – Complete Taint” in your deck and activate it.” The Void Spire – Complete TaintField Spell CardLore: “When this card is activated, place 2 Corruption Counters on it. (Max. 40) Depending on the number of counters on this card, the following effects can be activated:*10: Once per turn, you can discard one card from your hand to Remove from Play one card your opponent controls in the same position it was. Return it to the field on your next Standby Phase.*20: Once per turn, you can redistribute all the Corruption Counters on the field.*30: If a “Void” card you control would be removed from the field or destroyed, you can remove 4 Corruption Counters from this card instead.*40: You win the Duel.” Void EffigyContinuous Spell CardLore: “During each of your Standby Phases, place a Corruption Counter on this card. Once per turn, you can distribute Corruption Counters on the field equal to the number of “Void Effigy” cards on your side of the field. When this card is destroyed, you can place its Corruption Counters on a “The Void Spire” Field Spell card you control instead.” Breeding Grounds of the VoidContinuous Spell CardLore: “If you control no monsters, you can remove two Corruption Counters on the field to special summon a “Slave Token” (Fairy-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 500) on your side of the field. The token cannot be used as a tribute or attack. When it is destroyed, place two Corruption Counters on this card.” Corruption SurgeNormal Spell CardLore: “Discard a “Void Shade” monster from your hand and remove 2 Corruption Counters on the field to Draw 2 cards.” Planar ShiftNormal Spell CardLore: “Remove two Corruption Counters on the field and select one monster you control and one monster your opponent controls. Switch control of those monsters.” Warp RiftNormal Spell CardLore: “Discard two cards from your hand. Until the End Phase, any card that would be sent to the Graveyard is Removed from Play instead.” [spoiler=[b]Traps(of the non-Bridget variety <_<)[/b]] Tainted StasisContinuous Trap CardLore: “Select two monsters your opponent controls that have a Corruption Counter on them. As long as this card remains on the field, the selected monsters cannot be removed from the field or be destroyed. During each of your End Phases, remove a Corruption Counter from each monster. If you cannot, this card is Destroyed.” Shrine of the TaintedContinuous Trap CardLore: “If a monster with Corruption Counters is Destroyed or Removed from the Field, place one Corruption Counter on this card. When this card is destroyed, distribute its Corruption Counters on face-up cards on the field.” Warp VortexNormal Trap CardLore: “Activate only when a monster is summoned. Remove six Corruption Counters on the field to Remove from Play all monsters on the field.” Retroactive CorruptionNormal Trap CardLore: “Activate only when your opponent summons a Tuner monster. Select one monster your opponent controls. Reduce its Level by the amount of Corruption Counters it currently has.” Void SnareNormal Trap CardLore: “Activate only when your opponent declares an attack while you control a “Void Shade” monster. Negate the attack and end the Battle Phase. Then, place Corruption Counters on face-up monsters your opponent controls equal to half their Level, rounded up. Emperor's CommandCounter Trap CardLore: “Activate only when your opponent Normal/Flip/Special Summons a monster, or activates a Spell/Trap card. Pay half your Life Points and remove six Corruption Counters on the field to negate the Summon/Activation and destroy that card.” Game-Play ExplanationSo, now that you've (probably) read some(or a few) of the cards, allow me to explain the theory of how this archetype is "supposed" to work. I put that in quotations because it's still very much an early version(I did this in 30 minutes or so, go figure.) anyways. [spoiler=[i]The Playbook[/i]]The key to the deck is the extra resource you have to manage: the Corruption Counters. these are mainly used to bolster either your field presence(through destruction or removal) or hand "advantage"(through their specialized draw card), as well as serving as fuel to the more powerful effects, namely the Torrential-like trap, the Solemn-like counter, and of course, the field spells. I am sure you(the reader? <_<) noted the two field spells. those are the key to the deck, at least, in theory. their win condition is basically to reach the 40 counters on the second field spell, or to lock down the opponent so badly with the combined efforts of the archetype that he/she can do nothing. that is to say, as they accumulate counters, the field spells get more useful. the drawback is speed, as always, which is so crucial in the meta nowdays. The monsters are used mainly as a beatdown/defensive move, or as a precision strike, in terms of card destruction. their only Tuner works as if a Junk Synchron, or the like. most of the Level 4 monsters have the ability to take an extra hit in battle, in order to increase their survivability and help the deck cope with the mediocre speed. the Level 6+ effect monsters are sort of Boss monsters, which rely on the number and variety of Mooks they're related to that are on the field. the Synchro is the trump card, generally speaking. the negation effect comes at a huge drawback if you realize that the deck needs the monsters outside the grave, not in it. The tech monsters are just that, tech. side material or such. but as noted, they're not quite "good" (balanced). I'll leave that up to you to decide, though. The trap cards are generally just useful (though situational) cards. the "Macro Torrential" might be broken, perhaps, but I think that can be fixed if I add something like "Destroy all monsters on the field, and remove them from play"clause or such. then you could use MBaaS or Stardust/Starlight. aside from that, I don't really see much issues with the traps. TL;DR Aliens.....IN (Dimensional)SPACE!!! Rate, Review, Flame, anything? all feedback is appreciated. Link to comment
Zyirth Posted June 11, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2010 BUMP I guess the idea's too stupid? <_< Link to comment
Zyirth Posted June 11, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2010 BUMP again.... substantial views but....no reply? I wonder, is the idea so bad that its not worth the reply, or so good that people are just copying it up instead of reviewing it? <_< I'm certain its the former, but if it's the latter....well, lol. Link to comment
seattleite Posted June 11, 2010 Report Share Posted June 11, 2010 This is a very interesting Idea. I especially like the win condition in one of the field spells. Just 2 things:* For the Tech what would make them more playable is if you were able to remove your OPPONENT'S monsters to summon the corrupted monsters. Then you wouldn't have to fit deckspace for fairies, warriors, etc. and just run it to go against their deck. The effects are suited for that anyway* Some of your cards are underpowered compared to real TCG cards (Emperor's Command is Solemn Judgement with an extra cost) And is this really your first time card making? I didn't notice Link to comment
Zyirth Posted June 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 12, 2010 This is a very interesting Idea. I especially like the win condition in one of the field spells. Just 2 things:* For the Tech what would make them more playable is if you were able to remove your OPPONENT'S monsters to summon the corrupted monsters. Then you wouldn't have to fit deckspace for fairies' date=' warriors, etc. and just run it to go against their deck. The effects are suited for that anyway* Some of your cards are underpowered compared to real TCG cards (Emperor's Command is Solemn Judgement with an extra cost) And is this really your first time card making? I didn't notice [/quote'] Hello!! thanks a lot for responding, I had lost hope for a moment. T_T To your first point, the tech's summoning conditions were specifically meant to be used in conjunction with the Scout Infiltrator, heh. also, I feel it would be something of a broken effect if it could be done on the opponent's side of the field. To the second point, that kinda is the point: to make them underpowered. taking your example, that card is a high risk, high reward one, and given that I'm basing myself off the current TCG banlist, having x3 Emperor's Command and one Solemn seems like a good, though "expensive" prospect, in terms of resources. Finally, yes it's my first attempt at making cards. I guess it seems quite organized because I already had a concept in mind (the TL;DR, seriously I just had that thought since I use two decks, Macro Monarchs and Aliens, so I thought of trying to make a mixture of that while being unique as well, which brought that whole concept to life.). Many thanks for the feedback, really. Link to comment
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