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Kamina = Jesus? (TTGL SPOILERS)

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I don't want anyone's crap, obviously I'm joking, but the similarities are strange. And if you're not Christian, don't complain to me about posting this.


Kamina is one of the main protagonists of the anime Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.


-Kamina's name comes from the word Kami.

-Kami is Japanese for god.


-Kamina's first disciple is Simon.

-Jesus' first disciple is Peter, also known as Simon Peter.


-Kamina died so that the human race could continue, because his death fueled Team Gurren's determination to defeat the Spiral King.

-Jesus died to save us from our sins so the human race could continue.


-During the second movie adaption of the series, the Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is formed, which is a giant flaming being of energy in the form of a faceless Kamina, which leads Team Gurren to defeat the Anti-Spirals.

-The Lord led Moses and his men out of Egypt as a pillar of smoke and fire.


-In Matthew 16:15, Jesus says "Who do you say I am?"

-Kamina's main catchphrase is "Who the hell do you think I am?!"



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I love that picture. It proves my point beautifully.


I do hope that this thread was reported for the sake of being moved to the Anime forum. If someone reported this trying to get it locked or something, that's not right.

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