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The Ultimate Crossover [Accepting/Started in Main]


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Heh, No Limit on the number of Powers? Sweet, I'm bringing my Right Hand Character in the 4th wall


Name: Deveyata-Alurius-Scarles (Known in the 4th wall as Yata)

Age: ???

Gender: Male (Sometimes seen as a Female)

Franchise: Many, Originally Started from the Death Whisper Series of RPs found here, He was Killed, then Revived into the Super Smash Brothers Brawl Universe, Then Kidnapped and taken into the Touhou Series, right after being promoted in the 4th wall as the Head Defender of the author, he was Then Kidnapped a Second Time and Taken into Wonderland Online, He was running errands in Gensokyo when this plotline started.

[spoiler=Bio:]Yata Started off as an Evil king in the Death whisper Franchise. he was successful in ruling the Empire known as the Yata, But was killed and overthrown by his own son, Ryko....


Many years later, an unknown force had revived Yata in the Super Smash brothers Brawl Universe, where he had befriended and protected that said universe for many years, and even owned a Hotel and went to school in that said universe, It was until a few years in between, where Yata was kidnapped....


After being kidnapped for the first time, he woke up in an unfamiliar place, Known to many as Gensokyo. after getting familiar to that said place, he started training there, and he had learned the art of Danmaku, and a Once dormant ability had awakened, Allowing him to recollect and execute the abilities of people he met in the past, in addition, he found what he truly was, a Nue....


Much later, Yata was kidnapped a second time, and brought to another unfamiliar place, but he had time utilizing his Nue abilities, gaining a lot of gold and had even the ability to buy many pieces of armor and weapons, but the only person he could remember at this point was Yukari, which after a few months, he escaped back into Gensokyo, just to end up with favors from the 4th wall....


Side: looks Almost Pure Evil, but in reality, He is Neutral, Due to his ability to manipulate boundaries, he is accused to be the cause of this incident

Weapons/Abilities: He is a Nue, and has many weapons and pieces of Armor that he switches into, He can utter Seals and various Debuffs, like shrinking a person, He can also vanish, and fire magic bullets out of his hands. In addition to this, He carries a large bagful of magic beads with various effects, depending on the bead he uses. He also has the ability to manipulate Boundaries, but only to a very small degree, and can fly under his own power.


Since he is a Nue, He has many appearances, but he mainly switches in between the following, Attacks Vary between forms:

[spoiler=Form 1:]Pure Black person with Red eyes, he carries a Black Staff that has Raven Wings and a Scarlet ruby on top, He wears red armor, Sometimes he has a Large Sword in place of the staff


[spoiler=Form 2:]15duqv5.jpg


[spoiler=Form 3:]2zftvlj.jpg


[spoiler=Form 4:]2z9dswl.jpg


[spoiler=Form 5:]r7691e.jpg


[spoiler=Form 6:]f40ghf.jpg




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Name: Jetstorm (beast machine version)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Information: http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Jetstorm_(BM)

Side: Evil


-Transforms into a Areo-Drone class fighter

- Has an array of lasers he can use in both modes

- Has tallons

- Is actualy alright in intelect

- Is a smart mouth

- Has a great sense of humor (in my oppinion anyway)

- Has a strange carring, echoing laugh


If I were to have the other Vheicdrone generals, could I have them as the same app as jetstorm?

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