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A better version of BEWD?

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Negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card that designates this card as a target and destroy it. When a face-up monster you control is selected as an attack target, you can change the attack target to this card by sending one Spell or Trap Card you control to the Graveyard.


Wow, it's almost S/T proof (Like BESD) and it's ATK/DEF is the same as BEWD. And it can be Normal Summoned! Unfortunately, it's only in the OCG and even if it made it to TCG, the effect doesnt treat it's name as BEWD and it's not light attribute (so no kaibaman or kaiser sea-horse)

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of course WND is better, but BEWD has way more support


showing that BEWD is easier to summon, but i agree on Kazes opinion


I like the fact it can be Special Summoned via Big Wave Small Wave. But it's still no BEWD.


nuff said

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