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Digimon: Blood Skies {PG-16/Accepting via OOC/Started}

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"Well, that would have been an issue earlier." Marcus said, "Now, if, for some reason, Palice continues hating you, you can still rely on SnowAgumon und ich for help, until she comes around."


SnowAgumon shrugged, "I'm already a subspecies of an Agumon, if anything, adding Alpha to my name would only make me a subspecies of a subspecies, like the dash Agumon 2.0 upgrade that came around..." He realized that he never did remember when the upgrade came out, "... a while ago. But, judging my my currrent attire, I may very well be a subspecies of a subspecies of a subspecies." He smirked, "Ha, I think I beat you!"

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An inconceivable flashed past all creation, the bright light of a cross-dimensional planetary supernova consuming all in its path. The light, a shade of red beyond mortal understanding, washed across all of existence at a speed incomprehensibly fast, sowing with it death and destruction in its wake.


The Moons, the protectors of all life in the digital world, were shattered like walnuts. Shards of stone and rock were blown across the sky, embedding themselves as massive pieces of sharpnel into the inner walls of the Dyson Sphere away from them, causing mass fear and panic. Even the Hidden Moon, the prison of creation, was reduced to shards of stone as the inmates tore apart what remained, releasing their own brand of chaos and death to the unsuspecting dimension outside.


Fire burned across massive tracts of land, some covering expanses as large as three Earth's worth. The smell of death perimated everywhere, as did the scent of stagnation. Data was ripped apart, destroyed and useless, as it entered the infinitesimal void, and finally, and most horrifyingly of all, the CPU of the Digital World pulsed. It shook, like a great heartbeat, before expanding outward; and then, in one great blast, all was consumed in light as the bound energy within became unleashed.


"And that..." said FakeAngemon as he turned off the simulation he created with Huanglongmon's bracelet, "Is what will happen if you leave the fate of the universe to a", -he curled his lip in distaste before adjusting his cheap-looking helmet- "coin toss."


"Yeah, but what if I [/i]win?" Devin asked, brushing hair away from his eyes as he fiddled with three dice in one hand.


FakeAngemon blinked, though Devin didn't notice due to his sight being obscured by the helmet. "Well... then I guess that DOESN'T happen-"


"Well, doesn't that seem like a great risk then? I mean, we're just as likely to win as we are to lose. And what you said would evidently happen if we failed anyway."


"Yes, well, that still seems like a little too much to wager on one coin toss-" FakeAngemon started, before being cut off once more.


Devin sighed exasperatedly. "What if I use two coins? That's a 1/4 chance of losing, pretty good odds. I like those odds, a Casino wouldn't take them, so they're fair enough. Really good odds. I wouldn't take those odds either, not exciting enough. But they'd be good odds for someone like you, I guess." he muttered, cocking his head to the side in slight disinterest. He returned his dice to his pocket, and after a few moments, pulled out a vintage coin, flipping it up and down.


"But would you be able to live with yourself if you LOST?" FakeAngemon demanded, taking a step forward in what was probably intended to be an imposing manner. Devin didn't seem to notice, and instead shrugged. "That's what makes it fun. The price of failure always has to balance out the reward in the end. So I think an equally valid question would be, 'Would I be able to not live with myself if I didn't try to WIN?" he retorted.


Verity sighed to herself, glancing back at the two bickering males. FakeAngemon was begining to trip over his words and wasn't really making much of an argument, but he had Huanglongmon's power with him and was the one arguing something that mattered. Devin was far more smooth, but was really just being much more of a jackass.


"I don't think it really matters, either of you." she piped up, only to be promptly ignored. She rolled her eyes and examined the fields around her, noticing some strange shapes to the west. "Hey, guys, I think I see them!" she said happily, then frown when she was still ignored.


"Look, it's the people we've been waiting fo... Hey? Hello? Listen to me? Bah." she muttered, waving both of them off as she began to walk towards the fair-sized group.

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Takura and Corrupt Kotemon were told to look for Marcus and SnowAgumon. They didnt come across nothing but a Drimojimon. Takura didnt know what to do. Right then and there Corrupt Kotemon told him about the Spheres and Takura thought he was crazy."So your telling me this now",exclamied Takura,"Well i had no choice but now",Corrupt Kotemon spoke,"Whatever now lets just take down this Digimon".

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Guest TheFinalFan

Palice was about to punch the poor creature in the face, when she heard a rumbling. She heard it again, shaking the trees, then a buzzing noise that seemed to get louder.

A Kuwagamon with a scar on it jumped out, followed by several insectoid rookie Digimon, such as KoKabuterimon, Kunemon, and Fanbeemon. "At last, I found you, you stupid Digib***h!" The Kuwagamon roared. "You may have defeated me last time, but I, Lord Vicegrip, have rebuilt my own fighting force: The Hardshell Army!"

Palice was out of there before SnowAgumon had even realized she had left.

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Meanwhile Corrupt Kotemon was being surounded by five spheres and Takura's digivice began to glow."Hurry Takura Make the bond",exclaimed Corrput Kotemon."Got it,Takura replied,"Digibond Charge"."Kotemon digivolve to....Cradomon!".At that instant in Corrput Kotemon's placew was Cradomon."You ready Cradomon",shouted Takura,"Rrreeeaaadddy",exclaimed Cradomon.

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((Digibond Charge, eh? I like it. That's going on the Digivolution mechanic post.))


"OK, Renawomon, let's do this." SnowAgumon said, hopping to his feet, hands balled into fists since he now had fingers, "So, you wanna lead with a Diamond Storm to blind them?" He asked, looking over his shoulder to find Palice running off, "Gathering reinforcements, eh? Good plan. I'll hold these guys off." A glowing, slushy white-blue substance started bubbling out of his mouth "Freeze Beam!" He shouted, firing a solid stream of ice at the insects, "Come on, come and get me, Bugsy."


Marcus, meanwhile, saw the oncoming swarm and swore in German, "Auch, mein Gott. Mein Freund, we're in trouble. Palice ran off with her tail quite litterally between her legs, and SnowAgumon, ich meine, can't handle them on his own. Hast du ein Idee?" He asked, switching back to German since his nerves got the best of him. "Ich hasse insekts."

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"Fish sticks are ready" Delano said as a joke

"Just because the fish are on sticks you call them fish sticked? Really now how old are you again?" Dracomon said sarciastic tone trying to hold back a grin

"Yes and your never to old to make a joke Dracomon" Delano took him than started to stuff his face with fish

"Whatever Delano...ONOMNOM" Dracomon said uncaringly before cramping his face with his fish

After 3 bites of fish "This is the best fish i have even had" Delano commented to Dracomon

"What you expect i cooked it" Dracomon replied than finished his first fish than started on his second

"Not really all you need was light the fire" Delano took Dracomon than took another bite than threw the first fish in a bush than started on his second as well

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((sweet i just thought of something random but sweet thanks for using it))

Cradomon kept throwing attacks back and forth but the Drimojimon wouldnt stay down."Cradomon you know what to do",Shouted Takura as he told Cradomon to use an attack Drimojimon looked confused and charged at Cradomon.But right when Dimojimon came close Cradomon punched him and the Drimojimon turned to Data.Cradomon de-digivolved back to Corrupt Kotemon and Takura and him were on there way to find Marcus.

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