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Tamers OOC [Started/Accepting NOW!]

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o did not know that O.o


Yup. Oh! And while I have your attention . . . I understand Delano is supposed to be the "loner" type ad what not, but I seriously suggest tonning it down a bit. When he was playing cards with Seline is I think the best I've seen him be. It was simple and he was actually interacting, not trying to think about himself or something along those lines. After all this is an rpg and, no matter how much of a loner you wanna be, you have to still interact with people.


Sound Reasoning?

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i did not even notice the insult O.o because i was only paying attention to your posts and also there is always a self centered person but people also change over time hes still a work in progess


and also why do i need to say back off when the person being insult can fight back themselves i mean its not like the person is defenseless she had a wand out

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Because it would have shown that Delano was thinking about someone other than himself, even IF she was armed with a weapon of any sorts. But you have already stated that Delano, or am I reading into this too much, will change his ways over the series. If so then I will just grit my teeth and wait for that to happen. But if not then he is really going to be my least liked person XD jk jk . . .


On a side note, I would suggest reading everyone's posts since at any moment they could referrance to you- also its pretty good reading by itself ^^ *nods head*

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Rasberry Addressing:


Major Problem: Thinking of changing it to Slow Start, but am curious as to what Attack and Speed are after initial wait. In the game that skill was pulled from, the creature with it was super powered so...


Minor Problem: Would change, but unfortunately the only other monster's I am interested in have already been taken. Well except for shade, but I'm not taking that for reasons of the rp in my sig. Sorry.


Just a suggestion incase others wish to join, Might I suggest specifying which skills and monsters are not allowed? If I had known earlier I wouldn't have posted them.

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I would say yes, but I want an opinion from my co-owner Andx

I will go review the app and give my opinion then.



Okay here we go. I'm not going to push the phoenix issue but if Jake wants you to change it, it had better happen.

You've already changed your skill so... not much a problem there.

My only issue is that I would have liked to see maybe a little more effort all around but I'm not going to push you to add things to your app as that would be of lesser quality. I think it's good enough to get in. I don't know you as an RPer but your sample seems good enough. Anyway, final call is down to Jake.

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...Maybe I should stop having Daena get into random accidents. It's the second one today (by her reference)


As for the hacking, maybe Daena can set her player type to 'tester' as opposed to 'player', giving her access to these functions:


'Report Bug' - In this world, who knows where the report would go?

'Reset Position' - Probably a baaad thing to do.

'Reset Character' - Ditto

'Destroy Housing Unit Inventory' - ....

'View Player Type' - as it says, shows whether someone is a Player, Tester, Debugger, GM, Admin, or whatever. Also shows their class if they are a Player or Tester.

'View Location' - Shows a bunch of numbers on the screen, supposedly showing her location. Could be useful if she finds out what the numbers mean.

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Wow I just checked the map, as I have one for the entire world of Orai [thanks Andx!!!] and here is the positionin so far


Current Positions:

Delano/Jack- Rylee

Evelyn and group- Closest to Afon, the floating city

Deana/Josh- near Afaon, the floating city

Sven- Aolani, the Capital of Orai


So that means the Deana/Josh is possibly going to meet Evelyn/Flamme,Rift/Iceis and Matsue/Eithal sooner or later- as they are both going to Amadahy.


Ninjew your character is in the capital, where both above parties are heading.


As for Delano/Jack, you guys are one really loooong train ride away from the capital ^^


Call this a freebie if you want. Normally I'd be keeping you in the dark about your exact locations XD LOL

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