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Tamers OOC [Started/Accepting NOW!]

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In the year 3013 a group of archeologists stumbled upon the opening to an underground network of long forgotten ruins. Upon further investigation the researchers discovered indecipherable runes scrawled over the entire of the ruins.



Now in the present day of 3018 a new game called “Tamers©”, based on the mysterious runes, has started to increase in popularity. The game allows mass diversity to match each individual. Players and their Partners, whither they be monster or alien, to combat each other in a race to become the ‘Top Ranked Player’ in the world.



However, unknown to all, the runes are a mystic link to another parallel world. By an unknown and unforeseen event the runes reopen a portal to this world- throwing an untold number of players into a very dangerous situation. Now on their own, each player must strive to survive in a world where anything and everything can happen. Some decide to use their partners to wreak havoc, others to take care of the sick, and hundreds of others merely wish to return home.



If your life WAS part of the game, how would you play?









Astrological Sign: SEE BELOW




Origin Country: where the character is from


Appearance: picture is optional, but please put in spoiler








Weapons: Please put this in a spoiler if more than one weapon is posted. Pictures is optional. Max 5




Other Interesting Facts:


Thoughts of this role play:


Rp Sample:



















Other Interesting Facts:



[spoiler=Astrological Sign]


子 Rat (Yang, Element Water): Rat years include 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.



丑 Ox (Yin, Element Water): Ox years include 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.



寅 Tiger (Yang, Element Wood): Tiger years include 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.



卯 Rabbit (Yin, Element Wood): Rabbit Years include 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.



辰 Dragon (Yang, Element Wood): Dragon years include 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.



巳 Snake (Yin, Element Fire): Snake years include 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.



午 Horse (Yang, Element Fire): Horse years include 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.



未 Sheep (Yin, Element Fire): Sheep years include 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.



申 Monkey (Yang, Element Metal): Monkey years include 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.



酉 Rooster (Yin, Element Metal): Rooster years include 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.



戌 Dog (Yang, Element Metal): Dog years include 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.



亥 Pig (Yin, Element Water): Pig years include 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.





[spoiler=Class Descriptions]




Journeyman ---> Pirate, Fighter


-Weapons: Axe


Pupil ---> Mage, Shaman


-Weapons: Nature Magic


Recruit ---> Cavalier, Knight


-Weapons: Lance



First Tier


Archer ---> Sniper, Ranger


-Weapons: Bow


Cavalier ---> Paladin, Great Knight


-Weapons: Sword, Lance


Cleric ---> Bishop


-Weapons: Staff


Fighter ---> Warrior, Hero


-Weapons: Axe


Knight ---> Great Knight, General


-Weapons: Lance


Mage ---> Sage, Mage Knight


-Weapons: Nature Magic


Mercenary --->Hero, Ranger


-Weapons: Sword


Monk ---> Sage, Bishop


-Weapons: Light Magic


Myrmidon ---> Sword Master, Assassin


-Weapons: Sword


Necromancer ---> NONE


-Weapons: Dark Magic, Staff


Pegasus Knight ---> Wyvern Knight


-Weapons: Lance


Pirate ---> Warrior, Berserker


-Weapons: Axe


Priest ---> Sage, Bishop


-Weapons: Staff


Shaman ---> Druid, Summoner


-Weapons: Dark Magic


Soldier ---> Halberdier


-Weapons: Lance


Thief ---> Assassin, Rogue


-Weapons: Knife


Troubadour ---> Mage Knight


-Weapons: Staff


Wyvern Rider ---> Wyvern Lord, Wyvern Knight


-Weapons: Lance



Second Tier




-Weapons: Knives




-Weapons: Axe




-Weapons: Light Magic, Staff




-Weapons: Nature Magic, Dark Magic, Staff




-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance


Great Knight


-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance




-Weapons: Lances




-Weapons: Sword, Axe


Knight Lord


-Weapons: Lance, Sword


Mage Knight


-Weapons: Nature Magic, Staff




-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance




-Weapons: Sword, Bow




-Weapons: Knives




-Weapons: Nature Magic, Light Magic, Staff




-Weapons: Bow




-Weapons: Dark Magic, Staff


Swords Master


-Weapons: Sword




-Weapons: Axe, Bow


Wyvern Knight


-Weapons: Lance


Wyvern Lord


-Weapons: Sword, Lance





[spoiler=Tamers Skills]


Adaptability: Powers up moves of the same type


All Seeing Eyes: Prevents any “illusionary” skills from affecting tamer and/or partner(s)


Aftermath: when partner is defeated, causes damage to the inflicting opponent.


Air Lock: nullifies the abilities that cause weather change.


Animation: treat 1 weapon or trap as a partner.


Anger Point: tamer or partner becomes stronger the more damage they take.


Astral: attack 5 times with half the damage.



Battle Armor: prevents your opponent from landing a critical blow.


Battle Experience: double the experience gained after a battle.


Blaze: Increase the attack of fire-based moves


Blessing: restores health to others.


Blood Swap: restores health if tamer or partner has successfully attacked


Boon: restores status to normal.


Brave Soul: increase the attack if there is only 1 type of monster on the battlefield.



Cancel: reduces enemy attack to zero.


Charm: tamer and/or partner(s) cannot attack if they are of the opposite gender


Chlorophyll: double speed when sunny.


Counter: halves the damage received from the enemy attacks.



Deadeye: 100% hit rate.


Death Stare: kills opponent upon eye contact


Decaying Body: decay weapons and traps.


Distraction: garners attention from opponent tamer and/or partner(s)


Drizzle: changes weather to rainy.



Flame Body: inflicts burns whenever a tamer or partner(s) strike opponent(s).



Gamble: doubles chance for a critical blow, but halves hit percentage.


Glutton: restores health whenever tamer and/or partner eats.



Horde: Increases attack if partner is carrying an item.


Huge Power: allows tamer or partner to double strength for a short time.


Hyper Cutter: Prevents the Attack stat from being lowered.



Illusion: creates doubles of user.


Immunity: protects tamer or partner from being poisoned.


Ingenuity: enables any item to deal damage to an opponent.


Innate Wisdom: Increase the evasiveness of tamer and/or partner(s)


Inner Focus: prevents flinching.


Iron Fist: increases power of fist-type moves.


Insight: increases accuracy.


Insomnia: tamer and/or partner(s) cannot be put to sleep.


Intimidate: Lowers the foe’s attack.


Invisibility: prevents opponent’s physical attack from landing, also renders tamer or partner invisible.



Keen Eye: prevents the tamer and/or partner from losing accuracy.


Klutz: decreases the chance of a partner from landing an attack



Lethality: automatic kill.


Levitate: protects you from ground based attacks.


Lightning Rod: attracts electrical based attacks to self.


Limber: prevents paralysis.


Luna: lowers defense of enemy.


Lure: draws tamer and/or partner attacks to self.



Malevolence: inflict damage to all opponents.


Magma Armor: prevents freezing.


Mantle: damage is reduced by half.


Mimic: copies tamer or partner attack and/or moves.


Mischief: sets off traps automatically.


Multitask : Enable tamer and/or partner(s) to attack more than once.



Natural Cure: return all allies back to normal status.


Natural Magic: enables tamer and/or partner to attack with elemental magic


Natures Power: increase attack if partner type is the same as the environment.


Negate: stops enemy skills.


Nightmares: reduces the health of an opponent if they are asleep.


No Guard: allows all moves to land without fail.


Non-Fatal: decrease the health of an opponent or tamer to 1.


Normalize: makes all moves physical attacks.



Oblivious: prevents the tamer or partner from falling in love.


Own Tempo: prevents confusion.



Petrifaction: turn a tamer or partner into stone.


Poison Point: inflicts poison to opponent when physically hit.


Poison Tail: inflicts poison to opponent when physically hit.


Possession: take control of 1 tamer or partner.


Pressure: decreases speed for all battling parties.


Prophecy: no traps or items can be used.


Provoke: raises chance of being attacked.


Pure Power: allows user to temporarily become invincible.



Quick Feet: doubles speed.



Rain Dish: the partner gradually recovers health in rain.


Rage: triple attack.


Reckless: powers up moves that have recoil damage.


Regeneration: the tamer or partner can regenerate.


Reinforce: allows tamer to have more than one partner on the field.


Renewal: restores tamer and/or partner(s) to full health.


Rough Skin: Inflicts damage to the foe on contact.


Run Away: Enables sure getaway from wild monsters.



Scope: increases damage of critical attack.


Sisterhood: increase attack if another monster of the same type is on the battlefield.


Shade: creates doubles of tamer and/or partner(s).


Shield Dust: blocks the added effects of attacks taken.


Slow Start: temporarily halves attack and speed.


Snow Cloak: increases evasiveness in snow.


Soothing Herb: prevents burns.


Sound Proof: negates move or abilities that are sound based.


Smith: allows partner(s) to use weapons.


Sniper: powers up moves if they become critical hits.


Speed Boost: tamer or partner gradually increases speed.


Stall: the tamer and/or partner(s) moves after even slower foes.


Stamped: inflict damage to opponent if there is another monster of the same type on the battlefield.


Static: when tamer or partner is hit, causes paralysis.


Steal: steal items from enemies.


Sturdy: the tamer and/or partner is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.


Stratagem: negate the next move of an opponent.


Sun Beam: changes weather to sunny.


Swarm: add one “monster token” each turn.


Sweet Song: reduce the attack and defense of opponents.


Swift Swim: boot the speed of a tamer and partner in rain


Synchronize: passes on a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe.



Trace: gives you the same ability as your opponent.



Vantage: get first attack.


Vigilance: increases chance of dodging attacks.


Volt Absorb: tamer or partner recovers when attacked with electrical based subjects.



Water Absorb: tamer or partner recovers when attacked with water based subjects.


Water Breathe: one tamer or partner is able to breath underwater.


Water Veil: prevents the tamer and/or partner from getting a burn.


Wisdom: negate traps set by your opponent.


Wish: revives 1 tamer or partner to full health.






[spoiler=Monster List]




Monster Name




* Common


** Uncommon


*** Rare


**** Super Rare


**** Ultra Rare


Gender: Male ♂, Female ♀ or Unknown –


Ability: You must choose ONE







Level: **


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Provoke, Reinforce


-Demons that have teeth of iron.





Level: ****


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Illusion, Levitate, Trace


- Parasitic fairy that feeds off the food that they had eaten





Level: *


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Provoke, Trace


-A small kind of demon, its able to provoke a person's darkest desires and thus instigate him into perpetrating wicked deeds.





Level: **


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Glutton, Steal


- A Bakeneko is a cat that gains paranormal powers after certain circumstances. They also have the ability to eat (bigger or smaller) anything in its way, no matter what it is.





Level: ***


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Shade, Own Tempo, Levitate


-Supernatural tapir-like creatures that devour dreams and nightmares.





Level: ***


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Counter, Multitask


- Similar to a dragon, a Balaur has fins, feet, and is polycephalous; usually having three, sometimes seven, or even twelve serpent heads.





Level: * * *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Non-Fatal, Prophecy


Description: Usually appears in two forms: a beautiful maiden or a hideous hag. The wailing or keening of a banshee foretold the impending death of a member of the family.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: All Seeing Eyes, Death Stare


Description: The basilisk is a serpent with the head and wings of a rooster and the tail of a dragon. Its glance kills whatever it encounters.





Level: ***


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Huge Power, Normalize


- Primal, gigantic land animal





Level: **


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Vigilance, Levitate, Blessing


- A small creature with a jewel on its head





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Stamped, Quick Feet


Description: The Centaur is a race of monsters that are half man, half horse. They appear to have a man's head, trunk, and arms, and a horse's body and legs.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Blaze, Poison Tail


Description: The Chimera is a fire-breathing monster. She has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Rage, Klutz


Description: Cyclops’ are a race of giants who have only one eye; which is in the middle of their forehead.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Invisibility, Possession


Description: Daemon's are lesser immortal creatures ranking between the gods and men; a guardian spirit or the same as a demon. Such spirits are capable of possessing someone, but could be expelled by means of exorcism.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Negate, Blood Swap


- A Dhampir is the child of a vampire father and a human mother. They often have powers similar to a vampire, but none of their weaknesses (though the reverse can occur, as well). These “monsters” are believed to be unusually adept at killing and detecting vampires





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Mimic, Synchronize


Description: A Doppelganger is the supposed ghostly double or wraith of a living person.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Huge Power, Hyper Cutter


Description: Dragons are large, scaled reptiles with wings and claws, which breathe fire and smoke. The dragon's form varies depending on its region.





Level: * *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Chlorophyll, Invisibility, Astral


-The dryads are the nymphs of oak trees, They are normally considered to be very shy creatures.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Smith, Wisdom


Description: There are two basic types of dwarves - German and Norse. Although they share some similar characteristics they are separate creatures. Norse dwarves are very wise and expert craftsmen. Germanic dwarfs can be further divided into two categories - those inhabiting mines and those inhabiting mountains. Both were similar in appearance but different in temperament. Dwarfs are generally little (approximately the height of a two year old child), usually ugly or malformed, although sometimes beautiful. Mine-dwelling dwarfs are generally more spiteful than the mountain variety.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Natures Power, Ingenuity


Description: Elves are tiny, often prankish fairy, often in human male form. Elves possess magic powers and haunt woods and hills. Often mischievous, elves cause diseases and evil dreams, stole children, and substituted changelings (deformed or weak elf or fairy children) for them. Sometimes, however, elves are benevolent and helpful.





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Invisibility, Natural Magic


Description: Fairies are creatures of human form possessing magical powers. Fairies are often, but not always, tiny, graceful, delicate beings. A fairy may be helpful or harmful to human beings. They can become invisible at will and thus live unseen in the midst of human society.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Innate Wisdom, Stratagem


Description: A familiar is a spirit or imp, often in animal form, which acts as a servant to a witch. The familiar was a low-ranking creature that assumes any animal shape. Sometimes a familiar is a grotesque creature, an amalgam of several different species.





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Stall, Run Away


Description: They have the body of a man, but the horns, pointed ears, tail, and hind legs of a goat.





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂


Ability: Water Absorb, Water Breathe


- An amphibian human-looking being that lives in caves next to the sea. It spends time lying in wait for girls and devastating coast villages.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Rough Skin, Shield Dust


Description: Gargoyles are grotesque stone creatures; they often look like a grotesque bird or beast.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Wish, Animation


Description: Jinn are supernatural beings of flame or air capable of taking on human or animal form. They are dwell in any conceivable inanimate object (stones, trees, ruins), underneath the earth, in the air, and in fire. Although supernatural, jinn possess the physical needs of human beings and can be killed. Jinn are generally monstrous, evil demons, but some are beautiful and perform good deeds for humans.





Level: * * *


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Levitate, Insomnia, Invisibility


Description: A ghost is the disembodied spirit of a dead person, appearing to the living as a pale, shadowy apparition. They are capable of making their selves seen, solid or transparent, or heard by the living. Ghosts are also capable of causing strange lights or a disembodied voice.





Level: * * *


Gender: Unknown -


Ability: Levitate, Lure, Invisibility


Description: Ghouls have no specific image and have been described as "neither man nor woman ... neither brute nor human." They assume disguises; ride on dogs and hares, and also set fires at night to lure travelers away from the main roads.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Unknown -


Ability: Wish, Distraction, Invisibility


Description: Ghul are a diabolic class of Jinn capable of constantly changing form. The Ghul stalks the desert, trying to distract travelers, and, when successful, killed and ate them. Since they can change form their presence is not easily noted. However, they can be detected by one sign - they leave the tracks of a donkey in whatever form they take. The only defense against a Ghul was to strike it dead in one blow. A second blow would only bring it back to life again.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Rage, Sturdy


Description: Giants are a race of huge beings with super human size and strength.






Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Innate Wisdom, Natural Magic


Description: Another of the fairy creatures, gnomes are a race of small, misshapen dwarfs, often physically deformed and usually hunchbacked. They have occult knowledge of the earth.





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Horde, Swarm


Description: Goblins are wandering, mischievous, often malicious, sprite, ugly or misshapen in form. They live in small caves, but attach themselves to households.





Level: * *


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Adaptability, Slow Start


Description: A golem is simply an image endowed with life. Most golems are brought to life by means of a charm, or Shem (a combination of letters forming a sacred word). The Shem, written on paper, was placed in the golem's mouth or affixed to its head. Its removal de-animated the golem.





Level: * *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Petrifaction


Description: The Gorgons are ugly monsters, with writhing serpents for hair, claws of bronze, and are so ugly that the sight of them turned onlookers to stone. They have round faces, flat noses, and tongue lolling out and with large projecting teeth, in an addition to the hair of snakes.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Keen Eye, Intimidate


Description: Griffins are creatures with the body and hind legs of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Natural Magic, Innate Wisdom, Limber


- Hybrid of a human and an elf





Level: * *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Poison Point


- The Harionago is said to be a beautiful woman with extremely long hair tipped with thorn-like barbs. Her hair is under her direct control, and she uses it to ensnare men.





Level: * *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Keen Eye, Sisterhood


Description: A filthy, hungry creature with the head of a woman and the body of a vulture.





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Flame Body, Intimidate


- A hellhound is a supernatural dog that have black fur, glowing red or sometimes glowing yellow eyes, super strength or speed, ghostly or phantom characteristics, foul odor, and sometimes even the ability to talk. They also possess fire-based abilities and appearance.





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Water Veil, Oblivious


Description: A hippocampus is a sea monster with the head and forequarters of a horse and the tail of a dolphin or fish.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Innate Wisdom, Huge Power


- A rare hybrid of a griffon and horse, that is a lion-eagle-horse. The reason for its great rarity is that griffins regard horses as prey. The hippogriff is far faster, stronger and more intelligent than their fathers, the griffin.





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Insomnia


- Hobgoblins seem to be small, little men who are often found within human dwellings, doing odd jobs around the house while the family is lost in sleep.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Intimidate, Regeneration


Description: The Hydra is a three-headed serpent. When any one of its heads is cut off, it was replaced by two others.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Battle Armor, Luna,


- Flightless, lesser dragons, which resemble gigantic serpents.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂


Ability: Nightmares, Charm


Description: An incubus is an evil male demon that haunts sleeping women.





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Possession, Astral, Illusion


- A dog spirit that commonly carrying out vengeance or acting as guardians on behalf of the "inugami owner". They’re extremely powerful and capable of existing independently, as well as turning on their "owners" and even possessing humans.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Drizzle, Water Absorb, Water Veil


- Shark-like sea monster





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Swift Swim, Rain Dish


Description: The Kappa is a malicious spirit that captures swimmers in rivers and lakes.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Mischief, Adaptability, Astral


Description: The Kitsune, or fox spirits, is a wicked fairy with great power over nature. They can transform their shape, pass through solid matter and live in air, water or earth.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Drizzle, Huge Power,


- Kraken are sea monsters of gargantuan size and, due to their sheer size and fearsome appearance attributes, are common in every ocean. These creatures normally live at great depths, but have been sighted at the surface and reportedly have "attacked" ships.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Pure Power, Hyper Cutter, Ingenuity


- Nine-tailed fox





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂


Ability: Shed Skin, Normalize


- Human-lizard hybrid





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: All Seeing Eyes


- Truth-detecting animal





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Poison Tail, Own Tempo


-The manticore creature similar to the sphinx. It has the body of a red lion, a head with three rows of sharp teeth (like a shark) and a trumpet-like voice. The tail is that of a scorpion and shoots out poisonous spines to either paralyze or kill its victims.



Mermaid and Mermen


Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Water Absorb, Sniper


Description: Mermaids are supernatural sea creatures shaped like a woman from the waist up and with the tail of a fish. They inhabit the sea and some inland waters. Mermaids and mermen are natural beings who, like fairies, had magical and prophetic powers. They loved music and often sing. Though very long-lived, they were mortal. Though sometimes kindly, mermaids and mermen were usually dangerous to man.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Anger Point, Stamped


Description: The Minotaur is a half man and half bull monster. It has a humanoid body, but had hoofed feet and horns on its head.





Level: *


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Mischief, Swarm


- Certain demons, which often inflict harm on humans. They reproduce asexually during the moments after getting wet.





Level: *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Horde, Swarm


Description: Nymphs are beautiful maidens. There are several different types of nymph depending upon what sphere of nature they were connected with: the Oceanids, were sea nymphs; the Nereids inhabited both saltwater and freshwater; the Naiads presided over springs, rivers, and lakes. The Oreads were nymphs of mountains; the Napaeae "dell" and the Alseids "grove" were nymphs of groves; the Dryads presided over forests and trees.





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Sturdy, Glutton


Description: Ogres are a man-eating monster or giant.





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Sturdy, Glutton


- Tough and warlike humanoid creatures. Orcs are misshapen humanoids who are brutal, warmongering, and sadistic. Yet they have a strong sense of honor They often ride boars and wolves.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Blaze, Wish


Description: The Phoenix is an eagle-like bird with scarlet and gold plumage. The phoenix has a 500-year life span - only one lived at a time. At the end of that period the bird built its own funeral pyre, on which it was consumed to ashes. Out of the ashes a new phoenix arose. The cycle was repeated every 500 years.





Level: * * *


Gender: Unknown -


Ability: Nightmare, Animate, Invisibility


Description: Poltergeists are disruptive ghosts who move or break objects. They most often cannot be seen.





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Run Away, Air Lock, Blessing


Description: A winged horse.





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Mimic, Shade


- Qareens are personal demons and are unique to each individual. Qareen also means "constant companion". The companion can be either good or evil.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Anger Point, Stamped, Multitask


-Five-horned bull





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Glutton, Keen Eye


Description: A roc is a gigantic bird of prey, so huge and strong that it could carry off large animals, such as elephants, for food.




Level: *


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Natural Magic


- The salamander is a fire elemental.





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂


Ability: Brave Soul, Battle Experience


Description: Satyrs have the head, arms, and torso of a man and the horns, ears, and hind legs of a goat.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Unknown -


Ability: Huge Power, Malevolence


Description: A dark shadowy spirit.





Level: * *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Sweet Song, Swift Swim


Description: Siren's have the head of a woman and the body of a bird.





Level: * * *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Nightmares, Charm


Description: A succubus is the female equivalent of the incubus, which attempts to lie with sleeping men.





Level: *


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Natural Magic, Invisibility


- Sylphs are invisible beings of the air, the elementals of air





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Mischief, Illusion


- Tanuki are reputed to be mischievous and jolly, a master of disguise and shape shifting, but somewhat gullible and absent-minded.





Level: *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Rage, Reckless


Description: Tolls are man-sized or smaller beings which sometime possess magical powers. Trolls are hostile to men. If exposed to sunlight they burst or turn to stone.





Level: * * *


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Natural Magic, Ingenuity, Wisdom


- When items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday they become alive and aware. Any object of this age, from swords to toys, can become a tsukumogami. Tsukumogami are considered spirits and supernatural beings, as opposed to enchanted items.





Level: *


Gender: Unknown


Ability: Natrual Magic


- Water elemental





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Female ♀


Ability: Natural Cure, Stamped


Description: A unicorn is a horse with a single long horn growing from the center of its forehead. Anyone who drinks out of its horn is protected from poisoning, stomach trouble, and epilepsy.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂


Ability: Anger Point, Multitask, Water Absorb


- Bull-octopus monster





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Insomnia, Blood Swap


Description: Vampires are an evil spirit that takes possession of a corpse, rising from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping persons. Victims become vampires after death. Vampires are often the ghosts of criminals, heretics, or suicides. It can be put to rest only by having a wooden stake driven through its heart. A vampire must remain somewhere dark. Vampires can often assume the form of a bat or mist. Vampires can be recognized by their lack of a shadow and the lack of a reflection in a mirror.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Possession, Malevolent


- The Wendigo is a malevolent cannibalistic spirit into which humans could transform, or which could possess humans.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Glutton, Limber, Intimidate, Keen Eye


- Creatures that are shapeshifters similar to werewolves that, instead of a wolf, turn into a creature that is based on some species of feline. The species involved can be a domestic cat, tiger, lion, leopard, lynx, or any other type. Typically, an individual werecat can only transform to one unique feline, not to a number of different species, and each individual type of werecat may be known by a more species-specific term such as "weretiger".





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Glutton, Limber, Intimidate, Keen Eye


Description: A werewolf is a person who transforms themselves or is transformed into a wolf. The werewolf then roams in search of people, animals, or corpses to devour. Lycanthropy is a disease that can be transmitted through the werewolf's bite. The victim after having been bitten changes shape involuntarily under the influence of the full moon. If wounded in wolf form, the wounds will show in the werewolf's human form.





Level: * * * * *


Gender: Unknown -


Ability: Pure Power, Levitate, Malevolent


Description: The Wraith is a ghost-like spectral figure of a person. Wraiths are completely covered by a cloak and hood, with two devil horns.





Level: * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Hyper Cutter, Intimidate


- A huge fire-breathing, scaly and horned dinosaur-like creature, with leathery wings, with four legs and a long muscular tail. It is sometimes shown with feathered wings, crests, fiery manes, ivory spikes running down its spine and various exotic colorations.





Level: * * * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Hyper Cutter, Intimidate


Description: A wyvern is two-legged dragon with wings and a barbed tail.





Level: * *


Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀


Ability: Slow Start, Decaying Body


Description: A soulless corpse reanimated through supernatural power. A zombie is in a trancelike state of animation, and does the bidding of its owner.







Player Apps


[spoiler=Tainted Black]



Age: 22

Astrological Sign: Dragon/ Yang/ Wood

Gender: Male

Origin Country: America

Appearance: While he is a druid, he dresses like Edward from FE10, but in a black trench coat thing. He has shaggy Dirty Blond hair, and crystal blue eyes.

Personality: Is very benevolent, despite his class. Kind, helpful, and loves reading. He is the opposite of my character Black if you know him. He is also a small womanizer, but not on an offensive level. Loves Philosophy, Psychology, and History.

Class: Shaman

Skill: Mantle


1.) Tome for utilizing Darkness around the user. (Think Flux)

2.) Tome that creates Darkness filled mist (Think Fenrir)

3.) Tome that steals life (Think Nosferatu)




Josh started playing Tamers quite a bit after it came out. He did not find interest in it until a friend showed it to him, and he began as a pupil. He quickly got to be a Shaman, but his progress slowed from there. As he went on he ran into Ave, his partner, and he tended to the wounded Roc's wing which had been harmed in a territorial fight. Ever since the two have been the best of friends, except the creature slept too much. He continued on, and then the abnormalities began.



Other Interesting Facts: Not very much like Black- at all.





Type: Roc

Gender: Male

Personality: Very tired creature, in the sense it is quiet, and seems to sleep a lot. It is not fond of fighting, but will do it if need be. Always seen curled up in some form or fashion, unless fighting, flying, or messing with Josh.

Skill: Keen Eye


1.) Swoops in and stabs with its monstrous beak

2.) Same with claws

3.) Carries things high and drops them



Other Interesting Facts: Has a cut on its left wing that was healed, or it would have lost its wing.








Age: 21

Astrological Sign: Snake/ Yin/ Fire

Gender: Male

Origin Country: USA

Appearance: Short black hair, spiked at the top and black sun glasses. He wears a black long-sleeve shirt and black pants; with black shoes.

Personality: Rift is a very closed in person and is hard on any one at first but he feel's that this world is cruel and to make it you must be cruel to be kind. He is a very caring person and will put it all on the line to save a friend. when and if he deems you worthy, he'll call you family and will put more than just faith in you.

Class: Knight

Skill: Prophecy



- An incredibly thin sword, fashioned from Iceis’ very own scales. Light weight and durable it can cut through much without a lot of effort.


- Your basic long sword. Durable, but not so much as the Riper, and a bit heavy when you first use it in battle.


- Another custom made weapon by Iceis, this time taking the form of a lance.




Rift was never any good at making friends so when he made one he put's them above himself. He has never doubted him self, and is a very good strategic planer. When the game started up he logged in and found him self face to face with his partner. They have never been apart . He's very strong willed and never back's down even when the odd's aren't in his favor. Iceis never let's Rift out of her site. The last time her and Rift lost was the first time they really connected on a greater level.


Since then Rift no longer think's of this as a game but as real life battle's. Iceis Has a very strong bond with rift and will not let any one rider her but him, and even him is punching it. But she's not always kind to him , like rift him self Iceis Believes you must be cruel to be kind, so she often trains him by combat. Tough love.



Other Interesting Facts: He wears all black , but has dark blue sun glasses. Speaks Latin from time to time, so he and Iceis can talk with out having to move away from any one.





Type: Dragon

Gender: Female

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Very protective and would do anything to keep her master safe. she is still young yet is very wise for her age.

Skill: Hyper Cutter



- Using her sub zero temperature breath to freeze herself and her partner, this technique serves not just as a protective shield but it slowly regenerates health for Iceis.

Ice Blot

- Absorbing the moisture in the air around her Iceis hardens it into a single bolt of ice and fires it at her opponent. The more moisture in the air the more bolts she is able to fire.

Frozen Haze

- Allowing her body’s cold radiating temperature to mix with the outside air, thus almost always creating a fog, Iceis is able to hide herself in a thick blanket of fog.



Other Interesting Facts: She is not fully grow yet, but is still the size of a two story building. During a battle she will speak Latin to Rift to prevent the opponent from learning their next move.







Evelyn Laurent

Age: 17

Astrological Sign: 子 Rat (Yang, Element Water)

Gender: Female

Origin Country: France (Born) USA (raised)


Normal Appearance

Evelyn stands at about five feet eight inches and weighs about 115 pounds.

In-game/Character Appearance

Her Tamer's character stands at about five feet ten inches and weighs about 125 pounds. Again no other explanations necessary.



Personality: Evelyn really has two sides to her. The first is the usually serious and quiet scholar who excels in school. She takes assignments seriously and hardly ever procrastinates. This quiet, respectful Evelyn is what usually dominates Evelyn's time in real life. She never brags as she doesn't like the idea of someone feeling bad about themselves because of her. The other side is her passionate anime fan self. She gets really excited easily when things she likes are being discussed. She's not too discriminating of who she talks to when it involves things she likes and she can make friends easily. This side really comes forth in Tamers. She never really gets angry but it's possible. Her friends are important to her and she won't tolerate people hurting them.

Class: Mage

Skill: Own Tempo



- A light blue book. It's a magical tome or a means by which mages cast magic. This particular book has two things it can do. The first is create and launch a five foot in diameter disk of water to cut through enemies. The second is create a pressurized burst beneath an enemy. Either way it's meant for close range and the water looses organized form when more than twenty feet from the caster. It's strength is directly proportionate to the amount of water in the air and surrounding area. Though it can make it's own water it becomes stronger with more water available. The spells can be used three to five times successively before the user needs to take a small break. If spread out enough, spells can be used for quite some time.

Barrier Crest

- A small golden plate with a diamond in the center. When held it is capable of producing a barrier that encircles the user. If nothing happens this barrier can be held for two minutes without causing strain on the user. The barrier can really only take two or three good hits. After either time or hit limits have been reached the barrier needs a few hours to be any good again.


- A dark green book. Another tome that uses a long range wind spell. A large, sharp burst of wind launches from the user's location. If the user can see the target at all there's a good chance it will reach them, but hitting is something else entirely. Very long distances of course are harder shots. This spell is used long range because of the long cool down afterwards. It takes about twenty minutes before the spell can be used again after a casting. As the spell is powerful, most users are lucky if they can get more than four shots off in a day.


- A dark blue tome with a crimson leather strap binding it shut. Tsunami is a remarkably powerful spell that can defeat many things in one cast. However Evelyn has yet to successfully cast it. Failed castings are still strong but harm the user greatly. The full spell requires a large body of water to be nearby and generates what its name suggests. Evelyn keeps it on hand but does not rely on it for battle as even if she ever did cast it successfully it would leave her with no remaining energy.




Evelyn is the daughter of a rich French businessman and a traveling artist. Her father met her mother at some point in an art exhibition or something like that. To this day they haven't told Evelyn exactly how they met. Though what she does know is that after they met they dated and married. After a year they had Evelyn and two years after they moved to the United States for the father's business. Since then Evelyn grew up in the USA knowing both English and French and getting pretty much anything she wanted from her well-off parents.


Evelyn always remained pretty quiet in school. She was smart a bit athletic but never really showed either off. She maintained straight B's because she didn't want others to feel inferior next to her. She made a few really good friends and though she could have had many more friends she didn't really want the popularity. Early on in her life she showed a great liking for television, particularly dramas and animes of pretty much any kind. Her parents got her anything she could hope to ask for and this further fed her love of it.


Though they were by no means neglecting her, Evelyn had a lot of time to herself after she turned ten. Her parents never did have another child and they became more and more busy as time went on. Eventually it got to Evelyn only having time with her parents on the weekends. Having always been a passionate fan of anime/manga/TV shows in general, and thinking video gaming might be quite similar, Evelyn quickly got wind of the new game "Tamers". It was amazing and she loved all that she could do in it. It appealed to her interests and it let her spend time during the week while not in school. She came to get pretty active in it.


When she got into the game Evelyn quickly decided on the mage class as magic had always had an amazing appeal to her. She quickly focused on water and wind magic and began to excel. She wanted to see what all she could do in the game and how far she could get. In the game she stayed mostly in the Main continent and the Four Islands so she knows them pretty well. She quickly encountered a fire wyvern in battle one day. It was injured and angry, willing to attack anyone that came near it. Evelyn decided to make him her partner in the game. After using a bit of force to put him out, she healed him and upon his awakening they became partners. She named the wyvern, Flamme Rouge (French for red flame) and the two remained partners ever since. She quickly found her magic allowed some communication and the two became friends.


With the game able to pass her time Evelyn became happy. Though she wanted more time with her parents she had something amazing to fill the gaps. She loves the Tamers world and if something were to endanger it she would be one of the first to volunteer and save it.



Other Interesting Facts: N/A




Flamme Rouge

Type: Wyvern

Gender: Male

Appearance: Flamme stands at about fourteen feet and weighs around one thousand pounds, give or take a hundred pounds or so as no one's ever tried to weigh him. His wing span is roughly fifteen feet.

Personality: Flamme is of course rough and cold at first like most dragons and wyverns. He stays serious and doesn't mess around much. He cares very much for very few people. In fact Evelyn is about the only person Flamme really cares for. Flamme is very protective of Evelyn and will get a bit hostile if people get too close. Flamme gets easily embarrassed when people compliment him but tries his best to hide it.

Skill: Flame Body



- As he's large and strong Flamme can carry his Tamer (and perhaps another person if he feels comfortable carrying them) and fly him/her long distances high in the sky.

Fire Breathing

- The flames are near white hot. Flam can keep them up for a few minutes without having to stop.


- Flamme had a strong intellect and a strong tie to magic though he had no skill in magic itself. As a result a mage can communicate mentally with him.



Other Interesting Facts:He is very protective of Evelyn







Daena Sical

Age: 21

Astrological Sign: Snake/ Yin/ Fire

Gender: Female

Origin Country: America

Appearance: She's taller than average, though not so tall that she stands out because of it. The back of her right hand has a cross-shaped scar on the back of it due to an accident early on in life. Her natural eye-color is brown, she uses contacts to make them gold (and therefore, her avatar in game has gold eyes). In game, she wears black gloves and the gray robe pictured, though it is torn down to just above her knees to allow for better movement.

Personality: Daena is kind and tender, most of the time. In dangerous situations, she has a habit of suddenly becoming aggressive, though her core personality is still driving all of her actions. She's not exactly shy, but tends not to jump into conversations that she feels she can't make any contribution to, outside of clarifying questions. Indeed, she can be pragmatic, but this is tempered by a strong set of internal morals and a large amount of curiosity.

Class: Archer

Skill: Multitask


Elder Bow:

- A large gray longbow she carries on her back, this is her weapon of choice in most situations when she solos. A rare bow she got when someone was quitting the game, it looks like a normal, common longbow, but glows with an ethereal light when she uses it. This bow does not use physical arrows, instead it conjures mystical arrows when its string is pulled back. While the base attack damage is calculated just like any other bow's, the victim resists it using its physical and magical defense. Daena still hasn't discovered the formula.

Hunter's Crossbow:

- A small wooden crossbow that Daena carries on her back, along her waist. This weapon is used when she groups with others, while claiming the Elder Bow is a backup weapon. She had it assembled by another player, and paid good money for it. It isn't the best crossbow around, but it is a reliable one, and allows her to pretend that this is her main weapon when around others, instead of the Elder Bow.

Crafting Knife:

- This small knife is found near the bottom of her left leg, strapped to it. It is needed to craft arrows. It can be used as a method of self-defense, but it sucks compared to the combat daggers that thieves and assassins utilize.




Daena Sical grew up around technology, and wholly embraced them herself, noticing the great potential computers especially had. She was the only child, and her parents doted her, so they supported her hobby. She grew up with a strong programming background, and just landed an internship at a software development firm. At this time, she started playing Tamers as a way to unwind, but it did not take long for her to want to unravel the mechanics behind the game play.


Her curiosity led her to (illegally) obtain snippets of the game server's source code, which did not make any sense at all. It soon made sense, as Daena was drawn into the world within Tamers, and learned that there was more behind the game besides the code itself. She currently has made it her goal to discover the secrets of this world, and find a way to bridge her world and this one with a more stable link.



Other Interesting Facts: Her scar is not really important; she was attacked by a dog when she was young and got that scar. She really doesn't remember it though.





Type: Fairy

Gender: Female

Appearance: Irenia herself is no larger than Daena's hand, and can be best described as 'cute'. Long, brown hair, large blue eyes, small butterfly-like wings, and a long (for Irenia), blue dress all add to that image. Besides the wings, Irenia could pass as a tiny, flying human.

Personality: Irenia is devoted and rash. If something needed to be done, Irenia would likely charge in without a plan if Daena was not holding her back. That said, she is protective of her tamer, and trusts her with her life. And since Daena has little combat ability, she has become more aggressive, ready to fight anyone that poses a threat.

Skill: Natural Magic



- A magical attack using gusts of wind. Irenia is an expert at this, and can cause gales of various intensities and qualities.

Wind Shear:

- A magical attack that physically damages the opponent, cutting them with razor winds. Irenia is fairly adept here, though can only focus the strikes on one opponent.


- A magical enchantment that allows the target to float off the ground. Irenia is a novice, but has mastered making Daena float, at least.



Other Interesting Facts: Irenia didn't take to Daena at first, at least until a battle where Daena saved her life and defeated their opponent using an unorthodox plan, yet taking damage in the process. This has caused her the become almost fanatically devoted to Daena. This change wierded Daena out at first, but since Daena has been sent to this world, she has found comfort in the knowledge that Irenia is still the same.







Sven Trago

Age: 33

Astrological Sign: Wood/Yang/Dragon

Gender: Male

Origin Country: Russia, but taken to U.S.A. by his parents.

Appearance: N/A

[spoiler=Personality] A normally calm man who can be easily angered. When angered he becomes very dangerous and will do almost anything to kill. If calmed past the anger point however, he becomes even more dangerous then before. He will lure opponents in for attacks then strike without warning. He gives no mercy in all fights and ensures that his opponent be killed.


He likes the look of pain on an opponents face when he injures them as well as when they are angry. He absloutely loves the sight of blood and almost craves to see it. When not fighting he likes to be alone because if he is around people, he gets a wanting to kill. He enjoys a simple meal every once in a while.


He absoutely hates other people and can't stand to be around them. He even more hates authority, but keeps himself under control. He hates to lose in a fight because losing means weakness and he knows he is not weak.


His major flaw would be underestimating his opponent because he feels he is superior. Though he doesn't show it, he does take them for granted. He minor flaw would be his blood lust. He sometimes forgets his strategy of lure and injure when blood is seen and goes on the attack. Though he has these flaws, he keeps himself in check and rarely shows the flaws.



Class: Mercenary

Skill: Anger Point


1.) Retractable Staff

2.) Twin Swords


Sven was born into a somewhat large family of 4 children. He however was a twin to his brother Cameron. Because the family was so large, they lived in a large house. Besides Cameron there were 2 other brothers and 2 sisters. When he was only a baby his parents took him and the entire family to The United States of America because of they wanted to start fresha nd new with a now complete family. Sven never spent much time at home though because he was always playing with the kids from his school.


He went to a middle class school because his parents wanted to save money even though they didn't need to. He made many friends and was happy. Sometimes he would get in trouble in class because he was having too much fun with his friends. Sven's parents did not think that it was a good thing for him, but didn't take him out of the school. He was happy they didn't because he wanted to stay with his friends.


However, the kids he was playing with weren't rich like his family was. Sven didn't care about being rich though, he only cared about being happy. His parents did not like this and soon began treating him like a poor child. Cameron however always stuck up for him and even snuck him extras. His other brothers and sisters chose not to care for Sven.


After finishing elementary school with all his friends, his parents sent him to a completely different school for the rich only. Sven hated his parents for doing this because he never again got to see his friends. He began to spend a lot of time at school after joining the schools soccer team. He trained with the other students, becoming friends with a few of them. Slowly his family began to accept him as one of their own again, because he started to act like them, rich snobs.


He soon became captain of the soccer team and led his team to many victorys. His final game of his first season, his entire family showed up to cheer him on except Cameron. During that final game, he scored 2 goals with an assist as well. After the game, his family took him out to eat and he asked where Cameron had been. They simply replied he was busy and went on with their meals.


He later found out Cameron decided to not go because he didn't like what Sven had become. Sven grew angry and punched Cameron in the face, causing Cameron's nose to bleed. After the punch, Cameron left the room and never spoke to Sven again. Sven just held his hatred until he confronted his brother again, wanting to finish what he had started.


The second year of junior high was the same as the first. This time he also joined the baseball team and became the starting 3rd basemen. His family except Cameron went to all his games. This was the same for soccer season as well. The entire time, Sven continued to grow angrier and angrier about his brothers betrayal. Though his sporting carrer was going well, his grades were basic average.


His parents began to punish him for having the average grades and said he had to be above average. His other siblings didn't try to help and Cameron even carried out the punishment on Sven. The punishment was being whipped with the leather belt, which happened to have frayed ends on one end. He would be whipped until the person doing the punishment could no longer swing the belt. The more the same person did it, the longer he would be whipped.


Sven soon graduated junior high near the middle of his class, but above the middle line. His parents sent him to yet another rich school for highschool. A good amount of his friends from the junior high were also there, so he wasn't completely alone. He joined the soccer and baseball teams, but wasn't able to start in any games. He began spending even more time studying and practicing, he was only home to eat and sleep.


His grades remained average however and he was still being punished for it. Sven continued to bottle his anger up towards his brother and family. The next 2 years of highschool were probably Sven's most boring ones. He quit the teams he had been on and just focused on his studies. This however did not help his grades and they actually started becoming worse.


This did not go well with his parents as all their other children were doing well in their schooling. Sven's punishment worsened as his grades worsened. Somehow he made it to his final year of highschool and his grades began to improve. Though because they were still average, his punishment remained. By this time however, his body had become hardened from the years of being punished and it no longer hurt him. His final year of highschool went by quickly and all he gained with the certificate was dissapointment from his family.


They forced Sven to get a job because they weren't going to send him to college. Cameron did go to college and he did well there. Since all his siblings were living at their respected schools or their own homes, he was the only one with his parents. He soon got a job at the nearby lumber refinery moving the large logs into place to be cut down. His pay was minimal and his work hours were worse. All of his earnings went to his parents however, to pay back all that they gave him.


Sven spent many years working at the refinery. When he was 21, he got a tattoo of his family's crest on his back to remind him from where he came form. He moved up in his position in the refinery not long after. His pay became better as did his hours. He enjoyed his work, but his hatred for his family never waivered.


On any free time, he went to a gym and worked out to keep his strength up. Everytime he went to the gym he saw a girl there. He never talked to her thoguht because he never knew what to say. One day she walked up to him and began talking to him. He found out she was interested in him and they began to date. Her name was Cristeen. They went from hook-ups to casual dating.


He began to fall in love with her, learning all about her. She happened to work at the hospital about a mile from the refinery. He sometimes would go there after "accidently" injuring himself at work and asked for her medical attention. She told him she may have to leave to another town, but it wouldn't be for a while. He understood and accepted it. They began to spend as much time together as they could until she had to move and was never able to see him again. He knew one day it would come to this and was just a bit heart broken.


After losing Cristeen, he stopped going to the gym as much and he began playing a game called Tamers. This helped in covering up his feelings for Cristeen. At first he kept it a secret and didn't do much fighting, only training. Then once he was sure it wouldn't matter anymore he began fighting other players, gaining noticablitity quickly. he never told his parents or family about it because they wouldn't understand.


He spent the next 12 years working in the refinery, moving the the top spot as Head Administrator. He didn't worry about Cristeen too much, but would think about her from time to time. He made sure that no accidents happened while he was working because it would only remind him of Cristeen. This caused him to become a an exceptional Administrator, earning respect amoung the company itself.



Other Interesting Facts: Sven gets angered easily and so can be a problem. He's a tough man, but is a hard worker.




Trago Nuaga

Type: Kitsune

Gender: Male

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Much like Sven in many ways like the hard working and anger. He loves it when people run from him in fear and believes that he is superior because he can change his shape at will. The only person he actually trusts is Sven even and so will almost attack anyone on sight if Sven doesn't state so otherwise.

Skill: Adaptability


Shape Changing

- Can change his shape at will, but only of animals that he has seen or that Sven has described. Can't use any attacks of the animal he is copying however, but he only does it for intimidation.


- Can phase through solid objects at will, but only when not in combat.


- Can survive in land, air and water. Does this because of his shape changing ability.


- In tight areas or spots, he can bend and twist his body, becoming very limber to get out of the spots. Can be seen as almost having no bones, though he does in fact have them. Some parts of his body he cannot bend because it would defy the laws of physics.

Other Interesting Facts: He loves long walks at night. Likes to be scratched under his mouth because it feels nice.





[spoiler=Death Seeker-Delano]





Age: 17

Astrological Sign: Rooster

Gender: Male

Origin Country: US

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Friendly, Stubborn sometimes, does not take kindly to people to mess with him, is adventurous

Class: Recuit

Skill: Rough skin

Weapons: Lance & Shield

Bio: Was a normal high school teen who likes to learn about new things. When tamers started up at 1st he was not really interested but later started to become curious of the game and started looking into it. One day after he finally decidedwho his partner was he got sucked into the game. Having no clue what happened his partner came up to him and with shock and awe he started to get excited. From that moment he decided that he was going to have a little fun in the new world where he did not have to worry about school.

Other Interesting Facts: He likes to watch the clouds and stars...

Thoughts of this role play: Not sure yet but seems interesting

Rp Sample: "Alright time to move forward" Delano said as he lugged his lance and sheild as he walked thinking to himself he thought i wonder where towns are around here "Ehh what the heck i'll just go where ever i end up" Delano said to himself walking east. "Sure hope i can to do some fun like kill random monsters and stuff" Delano said outloud





Type: Baluar

Gender: Female

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Nice towards delano and delano's friend. Likes to destroy stuff if Delano lets her . Is normally calm but can also snap if delano does not help control her anger.

Skill: Multitask


1.) Multi-Head Strike= Attacks once for each head.

2.) Stomp= Steps on foes

3.) Tail Swipe= Uses tail to hit



Other Interesting Facts: Eats both meat and plants.



[spoiler=Mighty Platypus]




Mika Jones

Age: 16

Astrological Sign: Dog

Gender: Male

Origin Country: Finland

Appearance: He has dusty blonde hair that is generally unkempt with a long triangular strand hanging over one eye. Ice blue eyes. He is about 5'4" and weighs 100 lbs., so he is notably very short. He wears a thin sky blue shirt and blu



[spoiler=SKY Raiden6X]




Jack "Kasunagi" Clearpool

Age: 16

Astrological Sign: Rooster

Gender: Male

Origin Country: England

Appearance: 5'9" with fair skin and rarley opened eyes. (think Gin Ichimaru from Bleach) he also has bright green hair with a slender frame. He consistently keeps himself clean and wears a tuxuedo and a black fedora hat even in battle

Personality: Sadistic, Masochistic, Cruel, Cold and manipulative all bundled into a human being that anyone who met him would agree. He doesnt deserve to exist and he feels as though his mission in life is to spread as much pain and misery as possible

Class: Pirate

Skill: Mimic

Weapons: Hand Axe


Anyone would look at his childhood and say that this person never caught a good thing in his life. His parents both uncaring of his well being and very rarley there. He was left to do whatever he wished. He grew very fond of his neighbors animals and liked to play "games" with them. Such as pulling limbs off with power tools and other forms of torture. At the ripe age of 13 he moved his desires up to people with a handaxe. By age 14 when he picked up on the game of Tamers he already had 7 victims under his belt. Other than killing individuals in whatever fashion he deemed most entertaining playing Tamers was his hobby as he moved across all of England and then to Germany at age 15 on his killing spree. He continued to kill until one day his Hellhound partner became REAL. He would resume his killing spree now with help until age 16 when his victims became "Boring" So then he had an epiphany...Maybe other Tamers would be more interesting targets. So he then set out for more of his "Fun"



Other Interesting Facts: He has a very powerful sweet tooth and will behave in an incredibly civil manner at Tea Time

Thoughts of this role play: This is gonna be FUN

Rp Sample: The hero approached Kasunagi with his sword drawn and feirce determination in his eyes. A look of pure fury spread across the hero's face. Kasunagi smiled as he held the severed head of Hero-boy's sister. "What's the matter Hero? a little shaken up?" Kasunagi asked in a mocking tone "You....you sick twisted FREAK!!" The hero rushed Kasunagi who simply sidestepped his attack with almost dancer-like grace and planted his axe firmly in the back of the Hero's skull. The Hero then collapsed to the ground bleeding. "Well...that killed all of two minutes...time for tea then." Kasunagi said as he sat down to his table sipping his tea with sugar.





Type: HellHound

Gender: Male

Appearance: Pitch black fur and burning yellow eyes. His fangs are yellowish-red in colour and his claws are Black as well.

Personality: Extremley loyal to his master and shares his sadistic nature

Skill: Intimidate

Techniques: Fire Breath, Sulfuric Saliva and Breath, Super Strength and Agility as well as the ability to speak

Other Interesting Facts: He doesnt like "Dead Meat"







Artemis Infi

Age: 21

Astrological Sign: Dog/steel/yang

Gender: Male

Origin Country: USA born, but lived in rome prior.

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Often very bored, uncaring and unserious, he is always unenthusiastic in attitude, but will usually do things anyway, seeing as he has nothing better to do. He seems like he could be smarter than he lets on.

Class: Cavalier ---> Aims for Paladin

Skill: Slow Start


Red Fang

- A lance/spear with a blade end and a pointed end, the gem is imbued with magic, allowing the ignition of the weapon for slight fire damage.



Born and originally raised in Connecticut, he and his family moved when he was 7, his parents looking foward to the culture and beauty of rome. When the game came out, he had no real reason to play it: He just did, purely out of boredom. Oddly enough, with the little effort he applied he somehow made it halfway up the leaderboards and a little further. He wouldn't go any further however, seeing as during the middle of the day, during a perfectly good nap at the loading screen, he wound up in the Tamers© world itself. Upon arrival (and awakening from a rather impatient Talon), he soon learned of his new condition and merely shrugged it off, giving a good old "why not" before heading off on his journey in the world of Tamers©.



Other Interesting Facts: Despite his "I could care less" lazy attitude, he actually DOES value the importance of life, having a high hatred of people putting others down or hurting for gain or fun. He's just very unmotivated is all.

Thoughts of this role play: An interesting blend of current popular card and video game concepts, with a relatable idea and monster pool. Has good potential.

[spoiler=RP Sample:]

"I'm sorry sir, but there are no monsters or pets or... whatever allowed in here."

Artemis looked up from his book, seeing the look of disapproval from the local librarian. He looked at his shoulder, Talon perched there, still eying the page they were both currently on. "Has he done something wrong? I didn't think reading was unapproved of at a LIBRARY. Ehhh, Talon?" Broken from his trance, the firebird shifted attention to Arty. "That would seem rather ironic, but there are merits to his case Artemis. If other people see me and you they might feel intimidated and hostile." Without any support, Arty stood up rather quickly, Talon almost loosing his grip. "Fine then. I was loosing interest in that old fable anyway..." With that they both exited the Library.






Type: Phoenix

Gender: Male

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Wise, witty, A tiny bit vain, but loyal none the less.

Skill: Blaze


Heat Wave

- A heat gust with some scattered flames using strong flaps of the wings.

Comet Strike

- Dives head first from high up, ignited while doing so.

Fire Ball

- Ball of fire from beak. Yeah...

Meteor Formation/Meteor Dive- Grabs and lifts Art, Preparing for him to dive upon the opponent with his lance/spear.



Other Interesting Facts: Has an unusual love of reading, which could prove difficult due to his... well, fire problem. Artemis often has to hold the book while he reads.







Altaria Tidor

Age: 16

Astrological Sign: Rat / Yang / Water

Gender: Female

Origin Country: England


Most people, when meeting Altaria, will first meet eyes with her, and most jump back as a result. Altaria's eyes hold an aura of emotion; if she knows you well, they are a warm and deep blue, and inviting and good-willed color. But when she does not know you well, they are an icy field of periwinkle, chilling to the bone. In her right iris is the shape of a star, with 6 prongs, in deep black. Her hair is brunette, straight and long, while her skin is pale. She is about 5' 6" in height, and weighs around 105.


Altaria is not easy when meeting new people. She does not talk much, and usually in a conversation, Altaria watches, though remains silent, even if she has something to say. She speaks when spoken to, and even then, she may studder over some words, in pure shyness. Due to this, Altaria has time to think. She would always use her knowledge to identify people's emotions, and take in her surroundings. She has always been a good scholar, skipping her last year of Prim due to her extrodinary learning abilities. She does not like to boast, but people believe that Altaria believes she is on top of the world, and never speak to her due to this. She did make a few other friends who were shy and non-talking, except for one who rabbled on and on. When someone asks her why she does not talk freely, she simply answers, as if rehearsed, "Because words can make all the difference."

Class: Cleric ---> Wishes to be Valkyrie

Skill: Blessing



- Star is a special staff which Altaria can only use. The staff heals everyone in the vincinity by an amount, and reduces all enemies' defence and resistance by an amount for a while. The staff is colored white and gold, and, unlike normal staves, has a metal ring circling the orb in the middle, colored gold. The staff also has wings right below the orb and rings. When used, the orb at the top of the rod part of the staff glows, and the ring begins to rotate, slower, then faster. As this occurs, a small orb of light appears over Altaria, then bursts, ending the spinning and glowing. The wave of bright light produced from the burst extends out to a range of 40 or so feet, out, upwards, and downwards. Any ally caught in the blast glows gold for a second or two, then the glow fades. Any enemy in the blast glows red, then the red fades. Usually, using this staff takes a lot of energy, so Altaria takes a break after using it 4 times. (Epic upgrade of Fortify)(Range of effect determined by Magic Attack)


- Bane is known as Star's counterpart. Altaira is deprived of her health, and in exchange, all enemy units within range are stunned/paralyzed, and have their defence and resistance reduced by an amount for a while. The staff is colored black and silver, and has a metal ring, similar to Star's, circling the orb in the midde, colored silver. The staff has small spikes right before the ring and orb touch the staff, about the size of Altaria's thumb. When used, the eerie orb lights a sinister red, matching the orb's color. The ring begins to rotate, slow at first, then fast. During this, a small orb of darkness appears above Altaria's head, then bursts, ending the spinning and glowing. The ones hit by the dark aura emitting from the burst glow black, and seem as if in pain. The glowing stops after a second or two, as the ones affected hit the ground, stunned. Since the exertion of power is great, and the loss of health adds on to the weariness, Altaria can use it 4 times, but, like Star, only uses it 3 times, to prevent weariness when she needs to heal others. (Ummm, Elsleep, maybe?)(Range of effect determined by Magic Attack)


- A staff which removes all conditions from a nearby ally. The staff is red.


- A staff which restores the health of an ally in the vincinity by an amount. (Psychic copy)




Altaria lived under a very rich and prominent family in England. She had many personal items and a lot of money, so most would think her talkative and boastful, with such fortunes. Instead, she was very shy and silent, choosing only to speak when spoken to, and never complained or made a fuss. Altaira attended a rich private school in her neighborhood, which happened to be one of the richest in London. She was excellent at school, and the teachers soon moved her up a grade due to her ability to learn quickly. She was never bullied or teased, but she knew there were people talking about her behind her back, believing that her status made her snobby. She was hurt by this, for, as all the people of this world, wished only to be liked by her peers, not be shunned by them. This feeling of misunderstanding bottled up in her, since she would never talk or make a fuss, and therefore could not place the burden on any one who still loved her, even her mother, which was her closest bond. Soon this sadness filled the bottle, and was ready to spill after the last wisper of her name passed by her ears. She began to think of what to say, but what could she do? They would shun her even more, and she would regret her actions. As the group of wisperers looked up, noticing Altaria stopping, and hoping she didn't hear, Altaria continued her walk down the hall. But, before they could take a sigh of relief a female peer of theirs came up and scolded the group on behalf of Altaria. Ever since, they had been friends. Altaria's friend was named Alex, and the easiest way to describe her was "talkative". They soon started to visit eachothers houses, and never split apart. When Alex introduced Altaria to the game called Tamers, Altaria was enchanted immediately. She started to play, and decided that she would do best as a healing unit, seeing as she could fit no other, and enjoyed helping others. Alex and Altaria made a great team, defeating countless foes with their excellent teamwork. Altaria soon found and befreinded a very talkative Carbuncle, Alex saying it covered all of Altaria's weak spots. As the two players gathered more people on their team, Altaria and the Carbuncle, named Bryce made it their goal to let no teammate die, especially Alex.



Other Interesting Facts: Altaria attempts to carry around many staves for her needs, and tries to be prepared for any occasion. The staff Bane has high attack and critical, but low speed. She might actually be able to cause damage with it. The other staves are useless for physical. She happens to be very fast-moving.

Thoughts of this role play: N/A

[spoiler=RP Sample]

Clemia immediately looked backwards, the sirens getting louder. She then faced foward, and analyzed her chances of escaping. If the Celestial Guards were smart enough, they might have sent 20, maybe 30 after her. It was obvious after the damage her group did at Fort Lyra that they were facing something powerful at this fort, since any reasonable person knows that this fort is part of the Triangle. Their defences did seem a little higher... They might even have General Tyrone in the lead, which is bad. After the stress of thinking, she looked around with new eyes of curiosity. The forest she was in was lush and green, even under a New Moon she could see the outlines of color in this beauty of a forest. Even so, the fading of cover was noticable to the west, so that wasn't an option. Going south was definately not the option, as that was was the fort itself.


Another wailing of the sirens. It had blew the beautiful sound of crickets and cicadas away with its annoying, constant tune. Clemia looked northeast, and saw that the forest got deeper. She doubted that was a wise coice, considering she not only didn't know what was in there, but she may not have been able to get out. So there was technically only one way out... up. She had scanned enough of the base to make a clear route, and alternate routes just in case. There was no need going back. There was only up.


Her favorite part.


The sound of cracking twigs and rustling branches approached. Maybe if she timed it right, she could knock the guards out while taking flight, so that there was at least some fun in this mission. She took out her staff, an interesting mix of blue and white, with a periwinkle orb at the top, the orb enclosed by two rings which were given a gilded look of silver from the stars above. She waved it in the air without an incantation, as all she needed to do was leave. The orb in the middle glowed, emitting an icy-cold white from its inside. As regular, 8 triangles of light appeared around the orb, circling it, symbolizing the sun. A wave of air came rolling through, carrying the scent of fresh pine from some faraway place.


When the guards looked up after being knocked out, their target seemed to disappear. They glanced at eachother, recognizing that only 10 wasn't enough. At least they got some tibit of information.


Clemia looked down at the forest, and cackled, in triumph and in laughter at how dimwitted the man giving the orders must've been. He probably thought 10 to stall when they've plowed through around a hundred at the last fort. Well, if he didn't know then, he soon will, though it would be too late for him. She then straightened, and flew off to the north, heading towards the rendevous point.


And as she flew, a trail of golden sparkles were scattered behind her, which were picked up by the wind, and flew to the faint, twinkling star of Altair above...







Type: Carbuncle

Gender: Male

Appearance: Bryce's coat is fully gold, his eyes a shade of orange, and he stone on his head is see-through. He is about the size of both of Altaria's hands spread out, and weighs 11 or so pounds. The crystal seems light and not very dense.

Personality: Bryce happens to be very talkative and maybe a little boastful, while carefree. Altaria usually is the one apologizing fror his wrong-doings.

Skill: Blessing

Techniques: Usually he enters the front lines, and may jump onto the head of another ally, allowing the skill of Blessing to take effect. The effect of his Blessing, though, is only about half of Altaria's, so it isn't as effective. He might be able to use a staff if he could at least carry it.

Other Interesting Facts: If he doesn't like you, he'll headbutt you hard. If he does like you, he'll headbutt you hard. And whatever gem is in his forehead hurts. A lot. Yet he doesn't fight enemies.







Zane Highwind

Age: 18

Astrological Sign: 戌 Dog

Gender: Male

Origin Country: USA

Appearance: Zane is a young slender man with blue hair and lavender eyes. He stands at six foot exact and generally isn't much of an athlete.

Personality: Zane is a calm but outgoing person. He tends to make friends on a need to basis but once he has he tends to keep them around. When not with others he is very quiet and doesn't interact often with people he doesn't know.

Class: Pupil

Skill: Mimic

Weapons: Tome to cast Nature Magic called Zathis


Zane is relatively new to the game of Tamers. He joined mostly because a friend of his begged him to do it and he was tired of the annoyance. Since he wasn't very athletic he decided to start as a Pupil. He didn't play for very long though and soon grew bored. During that time he met his partner Rio the Carbuncle. They got along well enough, but most of the time they didn't do much. Rio was happy to make a friend, he just wished that his Tamer was actually interested in the game. Zane wishes Rio would stop bugging him to play.



Other Interesting Facts: Zane leans towards Lighting and Fire Magics.

Thoughts of this role play: I don't know, I'm just joining now.

[spoiler=Rp Sample]

All Enzax could do was watch as the fight unfolded from his hiding spot. He was tired from the fight and had to watch over the others. As such he had deemed it best to remain hidden. However now that it was over he rushed over to Black's unconscious body. "These wounds are serious... I guess this should do the trick." Enzax pulled out a small bag full of small green tablets. He pulled one out and placed it in Black's mouth. Once dissolved it would heal all minor wounds and heal his other wounds until they were less serious. It wouldn't fully recover him but it would lessen the pain.


"If I wasn't an engineering genius then you would be in much worse shape." Enzax said as he pulled out a purple tablet. He placed it in his mouth and swallowed it. His fatigue soon faded. He then dragged Black's body over to the rest and sat next to the three, standing guard.







Type: Qareen

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rio is a small, humanoid like Qareen. He has purple skin, large blue eyes and stands no taller than 4 foot 11 inches. He is strong, but not muscular, and is lightweight.

Skill: Shade


-Punches target

-Kicks target

-Casts an Ice shard at a target



Other Interesting Facts: He likes to jump around.



[spoiler=Zimiri of the Muse]



Garth Warfield

Age: 13

Astrological Sign: 寅 Tiger (Yang, Element Wood)

Gender: Male

Origin Country: Ireland

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Garth is usually quiet, unless he is around Nix. Then he is a very open and fun person. He also looses his quiet nature when around good friends. When he is battling or under pressure he tunes everything else out and focuses intensely on the battle or problem.

Class: pupil

Skill: Battle Experience


Staff with a retractable blade. The staff is made by earth magic and can be repaired by earth magic.


Garth grew up surrounded by music. Music of all kinds and he loved it. He has 3 brothers and 2 sisters. He is the second oldest. Well third if you count 13 minutes. He has a twin brother whose name is John. His oldest sister is named Sarah and she is 15. And the other three children are triplets and are 3 years old, named Mike, Joe, and Lisa. His whole family loved to compete with each other except for Garth. He loved just loved to sit, listen to music, play video games, read, and draw. His life was pretty normal. Until he was sucked into the tamers world.

Other Interesting Facts: N/A

Thoughts of this role play: Seems like a pretty original idea. It has a very stable storyline and that it wont die anytime soon. I am very excited about this rp.

[spoiler=RP Sample]

Garth and Nix streak down the trail. Its the dead of night and they can barely see three feet ahead of them. Garth starts keeps running as Nix rears back and swings his tail mace on nearby tree in attempt to knock it down, stalling their pursuers. Garth running at full speed, trips on a root and falls. He feels a sudden and horrible pain in his right ankle. He then hears Nix's pounding hooves and then he is being lifted up.


"Thank you Nix, you saved me again. without you I would have been a goner." Garth says in a tone of deep thanks.


"Of course, I'm glad to" Nix says quickly, concentrating on the path. All of he sudden angry shouts from behind. Around the area Nix had knocked down the tree. Then an unmistakable sound comes from behind. It was the twang of bows being fired. Garth was worried. There was no where to hide or take shelter. The path was to narrow and the shrubbery was to high and thick. He felt a jolt and knew Nix had used his ability. Quick feet. Our speed was now doubled but one arrow managed to hit Garth. And at that moment he realized what monster they had. It was a hydra and the arrow that hit him, was on fire. Re ripped it you causing even more damage to his shoulder and burned his slightly. Since the immense speed of the arrow and the speed they were traveling the fire was extinguished but was still hot. Nix and Garth knew that they couldn't outrun them. They had to split up. They knew how to do this. They have practiced this enough times. It would be harder for Garth to get there quickly because of his shoulder. But it was there only option. Nix bucked Garth straight up and he flew into a tree. He pulled out his staff and used his limited nature power to make an opening in the brush big enough and long enough for nix to get through. Once he was through he closed the gap. Garth then brought out the retractable blade in his staff. Then he started to swing from branch to branch and using the blade for grip. Eventually he made it to the clearing where he and Nix live. He got out the bandages and cleaned and dressed his wound. He looked at Nix and said.


"Lets hope we don't have such a busy day tomorrow. I just want to relax. But now I'm going to bed. Night Nix."


He climbed into his sleeping bag, looked up into the sky, and waited for the next day






Type: Centaur

Gender: Male ♂

Appearance: Nix's upper body consist of human's torso, arms, and head. He has black hair that is shaved into a crew cut. His lower half consist of a horses body and legs. Nix's coat is sleek black in color. His tail is long but it was shortened when Garth tied a medium sized rock into it. His black color makes for good camouflage at night.

Personality: A generally happy monster and loves to play, have fun and pull practical jokes. That is until a fight emerges. Then he becomes dead serious and intensely focused.

Skill: Quick Feet


Mega Bicycle Kick: Nix runs up to the enemy. Grabs them with his hands and holds them in place. Then he runs up the enemies front side. it looks something like a bicycle kick except he lands on his feet.

Tail Mace: Using the medium size rock tied into his tail he swings his tail and smacks the enemy with the rock. He often uses this in his bicycle kick as he is flipping his tail will come up and slam into the jaw of the enemy.

Headbutt: a classic headbutt. if he connects enough he will use the extra momentum to flip forwards and hit the other person on the head with his tail mace. But this is a risky move as it is easily countered during the headbutt, and even more so in the flip. because if the person grabs his body he becomes helpless.


Other Interesting Facts: loves music of any kind








Age: 12

Astrological Sign: Ox

Gender: Male

Origin Country: USA

Appearance: Blonde Hair, blueish green eyes, average size and weight for a 12 year old, wears black glasses, dark blue shirt, jeans, and since he was sucked into the game while he was playing on the computer no shoes or socks.

Personality: Truthful and rarely lies, intellectual, likes to be away from other humans, doesn't like to fight unless attacked first, trusts before mistrusts, and a bit of a coward.

Class: Archer(I don't see how I could become this in any trainee levels)

Skill: Insight

Weapons: Blue Bow

[spoiler=Bio]Was a simple Middle schooler who wanted to be left alone and when he heard of Tamers, he wasn't all for it, but all the kids at his school just kept talking about it. After a week he had to see what all this was about. 24 hours after he choose his partner he got sucked into the game. When he entered the world he had landed on his partner. after a bit he decided this may be the one place where he could get some solitude.


Other Interesting Facts: Is alergic to Dogs and Dog-like creatures (IE: Hellhounds, Inugami, Werewolf) they make him sneeze, and he gets headaches without his glasses.

Thoughts of this role play: Fire emblem basicly only with magical pets and pokemon abilities.

[spoiler=Rp Sample]

Patrick walked calmly through the lush prarrie, looking up at the dimming light in the sky, and felt around in his bag at the dwindeling food supplies. Looking to his partner Patrick asks, "What food do you think we'll find in the next town?"


Screech give a shrugs as his tail moves around, their view of the nearing town getting harder to see, "That's okay, we'll know when we get there. We just need to pick up the pace if we want to get to the town by nightfall. And hope nothing tries to eat us . . ."


They start to walk faster in hopes to get to the town by nightfall. Patrick hears some grass being crushed behind them, and he quickens his pace further. Screech starts to have trouble keeping up and decides to just jump onto Patrick's leg.


The extra weight and claws make Patrick slow down a bit but he was still running with all his might. Before he could learn what the thing chasing them was, he saw the town, and apparently the creature chasing them only thought that it had a chance if Patrick and Screech were on their own.






Type: Luduan

Gender: Male

Appearance: Looks like a simple tom cat.

Personality: Gets angry when people lie and when he gets angry he screeches very loudly. Patrick can calm him down, but sometimes he just won't stop.

Skill: All seeing eyes



Light Screech

-Patrick purposely lies so Screech makes the Loud Screech whitch distracts enemys.


-Scratches foe.



Other Interesting Facts: Likes water.



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Guest Tainted Black

Jake, if you don't get more activity, I'm out. Running around a city with a character and an NPC is not appealing. Heck, RPing with one other person is a snore fest.


I don't mean to sound harsh, but its true.

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I know and I am sorry. I had someone else with you, but it seems that everyone decided to stop posting- like Broken and what not.


I have so far Me, encapturer, Andx and you posting often. DragonJLB is bussy with the military and what not. I'll try and get more people in so please have a bit of faith.

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Well' date=' I really cannot keep my interest at this point. I find it a chore to post ATM.



maybe we shouldn't of had that sudden split.


Not sure if a group merge would work, but I personally can't think of a way to do it right now without being forced or awkward.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If there is anything wrong with app just tell me



Name: Delano

Age: 17

Astrological Sign: Rooster


Origin Country: US?




Personality: Friendly, Stubborn sometimes, does not take kindly to people to mess with him, is adventurous

Class: (Assuming i have to start as a trainee) Recuit

Skill: Rough skin(now im a human sharpedo XD)

Weapons: Since im a recuit i have to use a lance im guessing so heres a lance(lance and shield) [spoiler=lance]MH3-Lance.png


Bio: Was a normal high school teen who likes to learn about new things. When tamers started up at 1st he was not really interested but later started to become curious of the game and started looking into it. One day after he finally decidedwho his partner was he got sucked into the game. Having no clue what happened his partner came up to him and with shock and awe he started to get excited. From that moment he decided that he was going to have a little fun in the new world where he did not have to worry about school.

Other Interesting Facts: He likes to watch the clouds and stars...

Thoughts of this role play: Not sure yet but seems interesting

Rp Sample: "Alright time to move forward" Delano said as he lugged his lance and sheild as he walked thinking to himself he thought i wonder where towns are around here "Ehh what the heck i'll just go where ever i end up" Delano said to himself walking east. "Sure hope i can to do some fun like kill random monsters and stuff" Delano said outloud



Name Kikiania

Type: baluar

Gender: female

Appearance:Chop off 4 heads to make it 3



Personality: Nice towards delano and delano's friend. Likes to destroy stuff if Delano lets her :P. Is normally calm but can also snap if delano does not help control her anger.

Skill: multitask

Techniques: Multi-Head strike:attacks once for each head.

Stomp: Steps on foes

Tail swipe:uses tail to hit

Other Interesting Facts: Eats both meat and plants.

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Hmmm . . . your bio and character personality seems to be conflicting a bit; adding in the other interesting facts it seems as if he is more of the peaceful type . . .


Also, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to have you partnered with something other than a Hydra- sorry.


And finally I'd have to say your Sample needs a lot of work. Try not to use 'he, his, himself" and the like so often. Also if your character is speaking then, the general rule, is that it should be before OR after a sentance; this makes it easier for the readers/other rpgers to read what your person is saying without having to search very far for it.




"See how much easier it is to read what I am saying?" Jake the Sage asks the newcomers while waving around his sword, "Speech goes before or after- never in between."




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ok thats why i also but if not Balaur(which is somewhat similar to the hydra) but its so flipping hard finding a pic that fits the description >.< outside of the figurine that i just put up for the appearance


As for the speaking in the middle thats me talking while doing an action than doing something esle and saying somethings(like real life) because you not gonna talk continously you may stop think or do something that speak again but thats just me


also how is the bio and personality conflicting?(this why i hate having to come up with personalities not my speciality XD) though i'm technically using my personality here for my characters....yes thats my personality it conflicts itself but hey what can you do


the he, himself, his is from everyone saying use third person <.<

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Alright the Balaur is alright.


As for the speaking in the middle you really don't need to do something like that since you can break the speech up, like I had done earlier.


And the bio makes me think he is more of a happy-go-lucky normal person, while the personality makes him seem colder and more distance.

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the personialty says: Friendly Stubborn, does not take kindly to ppl who mess with him(not everyone)

Where do you get Cold and distant from?


the in the middle just how i rp so yea...i dont see it has problem as some of the other ppl i rp with do the same thing its not that hard to understand(you have to read the whole post anyways)

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OK(though this is pretty much how i would start out in an RP but i alsos change how it is)


"Kikiania, lets head north" Delano said as he rode on the balaur's back. One of the 3 heads turned to Delano and nodded than turned its body towards the north as it kept walking."Hopefully we find someone down the road. Its kinda boring with anyone except ourselved around here wouldn't you agree Kikiania" grunted a little not sounding to happy about Delano's words. "What? Come on i mean its boring with anything to do but travel a little fight wouldn't hard now would it" Kikiania let out a breath of air from one of her heads like a sigh.

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