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99 bottles of beer for a rep

Grunt Issun

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we get to play 99 bottles of beer on the wall


you just have to sing the part that comes after the one before you by counting down, the winner gets a rep. you can only post once in a row, no double, triple, quad, ect. posting. oh and you must spell out the whole thing, no abrieviating, but u can use numbers like 1,2,3 instead of one, two, three

ok lets go

I'll start us


99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall

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I smell origins from Rep Time Bomb! Meh, whatever...did you miss me ~Wynn~!?


93 bottles of beer on the wall, 93 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 92 bottles of beer on the wall.

^Total copy and paste magic!^

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actually I was just singing this and made it a game, not until I clicked post did I realize this was a complete copy, just more time consuming


91 bottles of beer on the wall, 91 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 90 bottles of beer on the wall.


and no, I didnt miss you because we are in 2 or three of the same RPs



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Guest Random Dude

81 bottles of beer on the wall, 81 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass is around. 80 bottles of beer on the wall.

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