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Match against HWNISGwahahaha round 1

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HMNISGwahahaha vs jesusofchaos, January 1st 2008.


Results reported by players: jesusofchaos won




<17:37> HMNISGwahahaha loads a deck and shuffles it.


<17:39> jesusofchaos loads a deck and shuffles it.


<17:39> hello


<17:39> hey


<17:39> HMNISGwahahaha has rolled a 1.


<17:39> jesusofchaos has rolled a 1.


<17:39> jesusofchaos has rolled a 5.


<17:39> HMNISGwahahaha has rolled a 3.


<17:39> ill go 1st


<17:40> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:40> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:40> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:40> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:40> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:40> kk


<17:40> HMNISGwahahaha draws a card.


<17:40> HMNISGwahahaha draws a card.


<17:40> HMNISGwahahaha draws a card.


<17:40> HMNISGwahahaha draws a card.


<17:40> HMNISGwahahaha draws a card.


<17:40> jesusofchaos has changed phase to their Draw Phase.


<17:40> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:40> jesusofchaos has changed phase to their Standby Phase.


<17:40> jesusofchaos has changed phase to their Main Phase 1.


<17:40> jesusofchaos moves Dimensional Fissure from their hand to the field.


<17:40> jesusofchaos moves D.D. Scout Plane from their hand to the field.


<17:40> jesusofchaos moves Mystical Space Typhoon from their hand to the field.


<17:40> jesusofchaos has changed phase to their End Phase.


<17:40> jesusofchaos has ended their turn.


<17:40> HMNISGwahahaha has changed phase to their Draw Phase.


<17:40> HMNISGwahahaha draws a card.


<17:41> HMNISGwahahaha moves Toon Table of Contents from their hand to the field.


<17:41> HMNISGwahahaha is looking in their deck.


<17:41> HMNISGwahahaha moves Toon Gemini Elf from their deck to their hand.


<17:41> HMNISGwahahaha moves Toon Table of Contents from the field to their graveyard.


<17:41> HMNISGwahahaha moves Torrential Tribute from their hand to the field.


<17:41> HMNISGwahahaha moves Life Absorbing Machine from their hand to the field.


<17:41> jesusofchaos flips their Mystical Space Typhoon into face-up position.


<17:41> HMNISGwahahaha moves Toon Gemini Elf from their hand to the field.


<17:41> destroy 1st card u set


<17:41> which?


<17:41> HMNISGwahahaha moves Torrential Tribute from the field to their graveyard.


<17:41> jesusofchaos moves Mystical Space Typhoon from the field to their graveyard.


<17:42> HMNISGwahahaha is looking in their graveyard.


<17:42> HMNISGwahahaha has ended their turn.


<17:42> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:42> jesusofchaos moves Lightning Vortex from their hand to the field.


<17:42> jesusofchaos moves Raiza the Storm Monarch from their hand to their graveyard.


<17:42> HMNISGwahahaha moves Toon Gemini Elf from the field to their graveyard.


<17:42> HMNISGwahahaha is looking in their graveyard.


<17:43> HMNISGwahahaha moves Toon Gemini Elf from their graveyard to their RFP.


<17:43> jesusofchaos moves Lightning Vortex from the field to their graveyard.


<17:43> tribute


<17:43> jesusofchaos moves D.D. Scout Plane from the field to their RFP.


<17:43> jesusofchaos moves Raiza the Storm Monarch from their hand to the field.


<17:43> send ur magic/trap to top of deck


<17:43> the field


<17:43> jesusofchaos's Raiza the Storm Monarch attacks HMNISGwahahaha's life points.


<17:43> HMNISGwahahaha changes their life points from 8000 to 5600.


<17:43> jesusofchaos has ended their turn.


<17:43> jesusofchaos is looking in their RFP.


<17:43> jesusofchaos moves D.D. Scout Plane from their RFP to the field.


<17:44> HMNISGwahahaha has changed phase to their Draw Phase.


<17:44> HMNISGwahahaha draws a card.


<17:44> HMNISGwahahaha moves Life Absorbing Machine from their hand to the field.


<17:44> HMNISGwahahaha has ended their turn.


<17:44> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:44> jesusofchaos changes their D.D. Scout Plane into defence position.


<17:44> jesusofchaos moves Banisher of the Light from their hand to the field.


<17:44> jesusofchaos's Raiza the Storm Monarch attacks HMNISGwahahaha's life points.


<17:44> HMNISGwahahaha changes their life points from 5600 to 3200.


<17:44> jesusofchaos has ended their turn.


<17:45> HMNISGwahahaha has changed phase to their Draw Phase.


<17:45> HMNISGwahahaha draws a card.


<17:45> HMNISGwahahaha moves Dark Bribe from their hand to the field.


<17:45> HMNISGwahahaha has ended their turn.


<17:45> jesusofchaos draws a card.


<17:45> jesusofchaos moves Bottomless Trap Hole from their hand to the field.


<17:45> jesusofchaos changes their D.D. Scout Plane into attack position.


<17:45> jesusofchaos's Raiza the Storm Monarch attacks HMNISGwahahaha's life points.


<17:45> HMNISGwahahaha changes their life points from 3200 to 800.


<17:46> jesusofchaos's D.D. Scout Plane attacks HMNISGwahahaha's life points.


<17:46> HMNISGwahahaha changes their life points from 800 to 0.

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