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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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I do stuff like this with it.


*Shoots a target with a banana, tosses banana in the air and jumps into it as banana peels itself into non existence as it then unpeels behind a different target that I lunge at with a bent banana blade to decapitate then I run into the peel to dodge bullet fire from slidding as I toss the banana like a boomerang to decapitate a bunch of other targetsm kick the banana peel in the air as the boomerang thing hits the peel and reforms into a whole banana.*




*puts on Kamina monocole*

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Hey, the Dark Chip was busted, remember? I simply used the data to make you more, which then facilitated your return to darkloid status which you then promptly forsook.


My weapon of choice is whatever fits in the Bladekind Strife Specibus. That leaves me a lot of choices yo.

Oh, and my Time Tables, of course.

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Well honestly I like to come up with at least moderately original stuff instead of just re-using stuff from whatever happens to be my favorite character at the time.


...Hmm... StarKind would imply that I use something from space as my weapon.


I could go Kirby style and simply be able to compress stuff that I find lying around into stars.


EDIT: @Ice: Okay.. that is pretty much spot on. xD

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Oh, and I got to open 2 presents early.




Although it's f***ing huge.

I am no fairy!


A man can be taken very seriously, even if his does use silly cartoon stars as a weapon.


Though I can't wait to have a climactic battle when I kick someones ass on a Warp-Star while StarKind is playing in the background.


*sets Strife Specibi to StarKind*

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Ah, but a mere child's toy cannot defeat a Prosecutor of my class, can it?


crap, I'm being Mr. Conductor-guy again, not Godot.



Umm... well I have stars!


...Maybe I can do something really cool for my Limit Breaks.


Like maybe have a giant meteor go on my opponent!


Man that would be so awesome..

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