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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Well I have the app already created, twas one of the first things I got finished, however with me being on the wii I can't access it atm- so possibly tomorrow I'd send it to you.


And I could introduce them as normal characters from the SoP world, or bring back the "interdimensional" aspect that brought everyone to the world in the first place

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The hell did I just watch?


There's the Longcat... Anonymous... chibified versions of Moot and Snacks..


But in all seriousness.



The work of a genius Hentai Artist of which i am a huge fan ^w^


she's a talented individual by the name of ZONE-Sama.


She frequents 4chan and i've had the pleasure of speaking with her once.

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*death glare at Shadow*


Smoking and fighting . . . that is what calms me down . . .


*dark aura flares*


Which would YOU prefer?!

Remenber the fighting rule?


That hasn't been destroyed yet.


Keep your superiority complex to yourself for a bit kay?


We don't need to have to keep bending the rules for you everytime someone gets in the way of your precious cancer.

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Tell me why a vast majority of people on a forum about Yugioh do not grasp the concept of BUILDING A DECK but instead resort to thinking that they are "l33t" because they follow cookie cutter Blackwing, GB, Morphtronic, Lightsworn, and a number of other formulas they find online rather than build their sh*t themselves :D



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Meh, just because something's original doesn't make it good.


Some people just don't want to try fighting The Meta.


But I agree with you, a rule that we follow mostly on DMG is not to netdeck any Meta ones.


Sometimes it works out okay, like my Moja one.


Wait... Morphtronics are meta?

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Meh, just because something's original doesn't make it good.


Some people just don't want to try fighting The Meta.


But I agree with you, a rule that we follow mostly on DMG is not to netdeck any Meta ones.


Sometimes it works out okay, like my Moja one.


Wait... Morphtronics are meta?

apparently if you do anything besides OTK "urdoinitwrong"

and Videon is an absolute Taboo (even though yknow he can swing over 3000 with one little equip) and with Boarden next to him...ya get the idea

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