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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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.... Gow do I fit the main villain?


Also, Proto is rebellious, not obsessive.

I'm hardly rebellious... ^^"


I actually consider myself too soft for my own good.


That's the reason I picked Ooyama.


Because he pretty much... doesn't do much, and when he does he usually gets killed.


Though my opinion on him stems mostly from his death that was caused by Naoi.

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Which one is Ooyama?

And which one is the stoner blond guy that speaks in English sometimes? He'd be a subdued Nexev, wouldn't he?

The orange haired guy that excels at nothing.


Being The Generic Guy is actually the thing I'm best at.


And the fact I pretty much get Team-Killed in my only notable action is pretty much defining my whole characteristic.


Also, yeah, T.K. is Nexev.

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I'm a blubbering mess. Ask anyone. Clair-chan, Andx, DL, El Make, T-Senpai, C-senpai, they will all tell you that I do NOT put any harsh walls up.


I'm always, well... I always TRY to be warm and nice.

Yeah you do.


Your f***ing KArkat.


Which one is Ooyama?

And which one is the stoner blond guy that speaks in English sometimes? He'd be a subdued Nexev, wouldn't he?

Oooh a wimpy version of me is there?



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