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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Kinda, but its YCM stuck in a High School Anime.


I'm serious.


There is a Deustodo, DMG, DL, Myself, EVEN A PROTO AND ZERO!


To top it off there is a Cherry and Black.

Now to ask the same question as Jake as that's all anyone really cares about when they see these sorts of lists. xD

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@Jake and Andx



Jake: Leader of Guild


@Andx: Hm... Your the Guitar Player that accepts her lot and vanishes (yes her, but aside from that you fit perfectly)



Band Fangirl/Leader Fangirl: Desire to please Leader/Band no matter what Stubborn


Cherry/DMG (can't decide): Leader of the Group

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@Andx: Hm... Your the Guitar Player that accepts her lot and vanishes (yes her, but aside from that you fit perfectly)



Sounds like I'll have to watch this to see all the similarities between the cast and the users of YCM. xD

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