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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Objection! Even though this is an rping club, it has been ruled by Black-san that rping is not allowed here, aside from the small happenings every now and again.


I win.

Funny thing about using something someone said to make them look like a hypocrite or prove a point: It generally helps to get what the person said right.


Black never ruled RPing here wasn't allowed. He merely stated that pointless RP fights that contributed nothing to conversation were not allowed.


So as long as we were indeed discussing shaving, then it's completely valid.

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I'm fine. Not much going on as of today anyway.


Also, someone didn't take advantage of something I said in my last post. lol


Technically you could start an RP fight as long as they were RP style posts and did in fact continue the discussion on shaves or whatever else might be being discussed. xD

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