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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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I decided to make a joke because honestly I din't even know pokemon species had specific personallities.



I got one that said I was like mew but that is hardly better.


Oh and Black see your edit, or rather, lack of one.


You never disclaimed arceus or anything of the like.



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because Ho-Oh was here first and Pheonixes pwn weird f*ggoty looking horses...just sayin.


And if i was a pokemon i'd probably be....sh*t i dont even know...


but what i DO know is SNES emulators are awesome.


I posted.


You seem to be like Delbird, delbird is weird since his signature attack is random.

Everyone wants to be a Ghost/Dark/Psychic/Fire type cuz EVERYONE likes those types!!


Yknow what...imma be different. I wanna be a Grass/Earth type....JUST TO BE DIFFERENT

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Ghost and Psychic are some of the most powerful special sweepers. I just like Ghosts because of how fun they are.

Yea but Rock, Earth, and Fighting are some of the heaviest ATK hitters.


and their DEF is usually pretty beast.


It doesnt matter how much SP.DEF you've got if you have a Double Kick heading right at your head. OwO

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It's based on theories that aliens walked around with us, disguised as people.


There's also Nattorei, whose RAEP levels scare me, Desukan, a possessed Sarcophagus, the Adorable Candles/Chandeliers, a little Shell stealing bug that looks like "i'LL KILL YOU!" even though it's tiny, and a Bear that you just want to hug.


Start at Snivy, and look at all the Gen. V Pokemon.

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Nah, I just had a friend over and had been feeling sick. Getting rid of me isn't all that easy, as I am quite stubborn.


Anyway, I can try to be a little better, but I require a lack of trolling when I fail, otherwise we're just going to be stuck in this repetitive cycle.


>implying that Nexev will actually stop, which is likely not true

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