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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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w00t! More reason to be happy~


Welcome back, Rem-frac.


lol don't know what the "frac" is for, but it's always good to know that you didn't forget about meh!


BTW, is it just me, or has there been an increase in the popularity of Homestuck here? Because before I left, there weren't nearly as many posts about it as there are now (and by that I mean there were almost NONE).

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It's gotten MUCH more popular, at least, around here.


Also, join the Absolute Powerforce.


That's cool. Now, if it should come up, and I can have people to discuss it with.


And sure. But first I got some stuff I'm working on. My friends and I recently got into the game Minecraft, and now I want to build an awesome world.



Yeah I have no clue either Remnants . . .


Good to know you didn't forget me eitha Jake!


So many familiar names in this place! It'll be fun getting back into the groove of things here.


Oh, and black, w/e happened to Primal's site? I tried lookin that thing up, but it seems to be gone now.

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JOIN THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM. NOW. Dark And Professor Layton (AKA Saint Dane AKA Dark Mark) LOVE Minecraft.


IT just died, so we moved, but I cannot recall where...


looks like I already got a lot to do since coming back. Joining clubs, and talkin to ppl about Minecraft and other fun stuff.


Anything particularly interesting happen on here recently? Is the RPing still annoying because of the advanced clause?

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Well...no apps for the Knights yet....kinda depressing...but i haz faith that people will like it...eventually...Even though R.P.820 and Jake's School are pretty much the same as my thing...And therefore no one would want to join....Especially since a low-star member leads...this IS depressing XD


Wait, Jake got that school up?


Oh, and sure, you can tell me here Jake.

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@Proto: But I thought you weren't his fraccion anymore. So if he got a new one that's not really cheating on you in any way now is it?


Or was my thought misguided and you really are still his fraccion? I may very well be confused on the matter so feel free to correct me.

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Saturday Morning Breakfest Cereal.


lol when I saw that image, I thought it looked like SMBC's work. Though I was surprised I'd never seen that one before. I guess there's just so many, you never see ALL of them.


[spoiler=Some of my personal favorites]









BTW, does YCM stop working for everyone else every once in a while? It's already happened to me a couple times since I got on.

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Yeah Rem it does on occassion for every . . . mainly because YCMaker doesn't wanna fix anything <_<


Also, back onto the topic of rpgs, as I said I have a couple you could join. The first, which is owned by me exclusively *now*, is Tamers.


Then there is the one I co-own with Joey, called Supernautral Hunters- FYI I play the main villain there so if you wanna go against me, that'd be the one.


And finally there is one I joined recently that HAS promise, if it had more people, and that would be Heartfall.


If you want to simplified plots I could also give them to you, but as for links I can't do that at the moment- kinda on my Wii and I can't copy-n-paste on this d*mn thing ^^;

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