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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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MoonStone Cannon = I can prove it to you?


How does taking out a frikin god work for you?


Mewtwo = At least the game he made it into isn't a cheap knockoff of every other fighting game made during the arcade era.


El Make = Considering he is determined to kill anything Canadian, I'd say yea...


Real Bacon = In my mouth


Death The Kid = More like rage kill due to lack of symmetry


Lich King = F*** yea

Moonstone Cannon=Because that scares me slightly more than the Starlight Breaker i'd say yea but...Deadpool would find a way to survive


Mewtwo: Marvel Vs. Capcom introduced the multiple fighting style system for individual characters, AND Mid-Battle character swapping, While SSB is a frickin amazing game it's got quite a history of crappy character balance. And equally crap desicions (removing Mewtwo and Roy for craptastical replacement versions...I'm looking RIGHT at you Ike) So...still no.


El Make: Now that there is debate there MUST be fanficshun...i'll write it later


Real Bacon: Like a Boss


Death The Kid: You can't kill Deadpool with guns...TRUST ME YOU CAN'T if you can go toe to toe with the Incredible Hulk and come out almost uninjured, guns aint gonna go SH*T to you.

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Mimo di Lanza (Or just Lanza)

Harpoon Cannon

MoonStone Cannon

Shigure Soen Ryu

Real Bacon

El Make

Death the Kid

Lich King


Lelouch vi Britannia

Yagami Light

Ice's logic


must I continue?


I loled.

So hard.

*wipes tear*

Deadpool can live through all that, I think.

He's survived a zombie apocalypse too.

Even if it was only his skull >.>

But it made its way into another universe, so it counts :3

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Andx . . . are you ever going to answer me about Tamers? TT~TT

I already have actually. I had to make an edit to address it since you ninja'd me with the initial question.


Shortly after I finished you posted that you had to leave, on that same page, and raised this same question to which I replied like I have above.

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*tilts head*Well can you just PM me so I don't miss it again X3

Here's what I said actually. Wasn't too hard to find. Just had to go back 10 or so pages.


@Jake: I'm sorry Jake. I've ignored all your messages about it up to this point haven't I? I did not mean to do that. But when a PM about Tamers came it had the unfortunate luck of having been sent when I was in the middle of something and I must have forgotten.

To answer your question, yes Tamers has become a little tedious, for me that is. My mind likes to jump to new ideas and when there was a few days without much going on in Tamers it got easier to stop posting and then you went away and the whole thread stopped for a bit and now my drive to post in it is pretty much gone.






Black is well aware of the typical arguments in Fire Emblem discussion, lol.

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