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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Ninja'd By Andx


Anyways what happend was my computer was OBLITERATED by a series of ugly Trojans. After that i got a new one only to discover that my Old account had been compromised by said Trojans. And rather than go through the arduous process of finding the loser who took it...I figured i'd make a new one.


And lo' here i am

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*drop kicks Andx in head*


And where have YOU been!?



Absolute Powerforce, various new and very short lived RP adventures, drafting and making a club which is up now, dueling people on YN, avoiding drama in this thread about RP fighting in thread while it was there, and waiting to motivate myself to actually post here after seeing a topic I felt like posting about.


I think that about covers it.

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Hello, everyone!


I must say, those are two very good points, Shadow.


Though, I can't really answer both of them. I guess I hardly post here either because I have nothing to say, or I don't feel up to it. But it's nice to say hi to everyone.




Is anyone willing to trade a dimension for a few pieces of candy? I need to have a dimension for my project.



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...Who are you?


And yes, I got my avatar back.

He's Raiden/Broxret/whatever else you cared to call him, Proto. Though he did sort of ignore my question as to why he had to make another account.


When was it ever missing? I saw a few of you talking about it being missing but I could always see it.

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He's Raiden/Broxret/whatever else you cared to call him, Proto. Though he did sort of ignore my question as to why he had to make another account.


When was it ever missing? I saw a few of you talking about it being missing but I could always see it.



Well...aside from Phantom and Tempest it seems like almost everyone is here.

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He's Raiden/Broxret/whatever else you cared to call him, Proto. Though he did sort of ignore my question as to why he had to make another account.


When was it ever missing? I saw a few of you talking about it being missing but I could always see it.

So the only person who's kill count is more then mine has returned!



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Andx did you get my PM?

Oh, yes I see it there now. Sorry about that Hayate.




Well...aside from Phantom and Tempest it seems like almost everyone is here.

Must have ninja'd me with your editing, lol. That sucks, but good to see you back regardless.


Tempest was here a day or two ago I believe, as was Phantom. So who knows if either of them might show up soon.


@Jake: I'm sorry Jake. I've ignored all your messages about it up to this point haven't I? I did not mean to do that. But when a PM about Tamers came it had the unfortunate luck of having been sent when I was in the middle of something and I must have forgotten.

To answer your question, yes Tamers has become a little tedious, for me that is. My mind likes to jump to new ideas and when there was a few days without much going on in Tamers it got easier to stop posting and then you went away and the whole thread stopped for a bit and now my drive to post in it is pretty much gone.

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Belive it or not it's gained a few numbers since i left o.o

53...i belive

Tager old buddy, I've been through hell and back because of you introducing death counts.


Now I'm finally able to rest, get a few upgrades, listen to some music.


So I need to do is assert dominance and I can be rid of my life as a meat shield.


....We can do this the easy way, or we could do this the hard way.

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Tager old buddy, I've been through hell and back because of you introducing death counts.


Now I'm finally able to rest, get a few upgrades, listen to some music.


So I need to do is assert dominance and I can be rid of my life as a meat shield.


....We can do this the easy way, or we could do this the hard way.

You need moar Dakka to assert dominance over me.




onii-san!!! :lol:

Yaaaay...i haz little sister character :3

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