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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Then you completely buffed away an attack you shouldn't have, more to the point that I even collapsed it onto you, something you could not even had remotely escaped from given it would have required you to react at the speed of light.


You really need to ask first instead of just assuming, that's always your problem, act first then think.

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I tried asking but you were offline for 1. For 2, you never said anything until just NOW, instead of when it happened like you were supposed to! Also, I didn't have to react at the speed of light because I know that the attack would not have moved that fast. Also, I have at least two characters without modifications or weapons that can use teleportation, so escaping that attack is easy. Now the current one that you just fired at point blank range I am at least going to be getting a piece of, so perhaps you could explain just what the attack is supposed to do to my character so that we don't have another situation like this, okay?

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You're no fun Black-san, I wanna have an rp fight that can actually keep going and not go in spazzy segments! *wishes that Broken didn't live halfway across the world*

You know, his post confused me.


How can you be to good a mood to play a fight, atleast one not in this thread.


Then I read this and it was like Angels sang out and God himself came down and with his mighty hand that gave this world life, palmed my face. Visions flowed to my mind, lifes mysterious were revealed for the stupidity they truly were, and all moments of time became one. In those few seconds of contact I was able to see all the reasons why this was dumb and all the dumb things that you will do in all possible futures.


It was as beautiful as it was painful.


No offense black.




I'd agree with nervert on that one Shadow. Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you become cranky while they ain't around. Black being cranky can be because of lack of sleep or something in his personal life, but definately not missing someone. Personally I believe it is stress, and nervert before you go accusing me of playing psychologist I actually have one in my family and have picked up a few tidbits at times XD


Also Tempest-san did announce he was going to be leaving Shadow.


Ok new topic!!! What is everyone going to be doing for the Halloween weekend?!

Personally I am going to a party the day before Halloween. Then ON Halloween . . . I work TT~TT I's get NO candiez!!!! o)TToTT)o

No it's cool.


I don't mind psycholgist acts unless they are really bad at doing it.


Whenever I do them though Black flips out.


No one likes my theory on how cumilative arrogance and greed directly influences today's meta and views on card stragies, whether or not a card is broke or not, or even why a card exists.



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Basically everyone in TCG is biased.


If someone uses a card they will always defend it, saying it is cool and citing stronger cards as a reason for this one to be fair.


If someone loses allot to the card or just doesn't use it, it's broke or useless.


Guilt plays a part though, people make excuses for themselves when playing cards and if they can't think of an excuse for a card cause it is too strong then they won't play it so people won't make fun of them as cheaters and noobs.


This follows the second clause: Arrogance. Everyone wants to be the good guy and the genius so they try to take the moral high ground whenever possible. Condeming others as losers and shitbags and trolls to make themselves look cooler by comparison, allot of times this is done unconsciously (I have a half-half thing, I realize I do this but mainly on hindsight). This is why newb cards are so much more popular threads then legit sets. It's funnier to mock. However this dissing is nigh impossible if you have erred similarly in the recent past, hypocrtisim is a magic bullet that oneshots peoples respect for you in that opinion.


Example: If Shadow called gm on anybody and told them that it was wrong and didn't make them look any cooler we would have laughed and laughed until we died.


As such people try to avoid doing things wrong like mention they use X-sabers cause they will get ridiculed for it later if they try to condemn anyone.


Because of this, people actively defend cards they use, no matter how broken because if they are established as broken then he would be a hypocrite for using them.


This causes the debate/flame war cycles. Those who don't use it try to burn it for awesome points, those who do try to support the card to avoid fail points.


The cards that are actually balanced (aka no one has a problem with you using them) are so far behind the prior mentioned cards that they are actually useless.


It's Cardian Darwanism. The weak disappear and the strong face long trials of hate and respect, the exceptionally strong ones make too huge a target and vanish leaving only the ones in between, who go through the flame cycle the longest.



It's important to note that all participants in this are usually doing this subconsciously.


THere is a second one about what Konami has to do with this but I have work to do and such.

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TCG is broken beyond believe, nuff said.


Anyway I read that Andx might become a Mod, congrats bro.


Anyway before anyone ever has the thought, NEVER, I mean NEVER Nominate me for such a position I will ALWAYS turn it down.


I don't like power, it doesn't suit me.

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Eh? A disturbance has awoken me from my slumber...


Andx becoming a mod? Well, that was it. Finally... someone finally opened their eyes and chose someone with a tinge to them. Meh, next time, wake me up for something more exciting than this.


Oh, and congrats, I think you really de... deser...




Wait a sec... WHERE'S LOST! I don't sense his awesome presence anymore...


Oh well. D: I guess I can call Black "Lost", but that makes absolutely no sense.


No, no, no, no.... Ugh no one can be Lost anymore. D:

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Eh? A disturbance has awoken me from my slumber...


Andx becoming a mod? Well, that was it. Finally... someone finally opened their eyes and chose someone with a tinge to them.


Meh, next time, wake me up for something more exciting than this.


Oh, and congrats, I think you really de... deser...




Wait a sec...


WHERE'S LOST! I don't sense his awesome presence anymore...


Oh well.

He was here last night~ And he said he's comin' back today~

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