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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Hey Creator any possible chance I can get stats plz? Anyway any new rp's that are interesting up as of late?


Name: Hayate Masaru                         HP: 1689/1689
Lvl: 99                                              MP: 0/0
Class: Ninja                                        EP: 100/100

ATK: =========                             SPD: ==========
DEF: ====                                         HIT: =====

Items Dropped: Shuriken, Fuma Shuriken
Items Stolen: Kenshin Blade

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No, everyone just went silent period. contrary to popular belief Creator, this thread does not revolve around you.

Wait so I've been lied to this whole time?



@Megaman RP: We are doing it whenever Ice gets all the info to me.


@Aqua: I might be able to help you out with a Soul Eater RP as I've wanted to make one. Though how much I might help, not sure. I know Black's interested in making a Soul Eater RP as well.

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Well take into consideration that this club has been around for over a year and the fact that it has had two remakes, and that some of its best members have left us, possibly for good. That would pretty much sum it up for this one. Now MINE on the other hand is more because of lack of posting Fusion. >:x You want to keep your spot on the Triad, yeeeesss? Then START POSTING IN THE MULTIVEEEERSE! *I say with the last bit being something akin to uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures*

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Oh yeah, sorry you guys are losing your sticky status soon :/

That's just how things are. We've been unstickied once before in the past too. So long as this is the end of the inactive period for this thread it should be fine after losing stickied status.

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