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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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...Guys, I just got attacked by an awesome idea, imo.


Okay, so you know how in each story/mythos/whatever there is a god of light and darkness? Darkness is a fagot while Light is awesome? And Darkness is usually imprisoned but escapes?


What if a god, Kaos, was actually a god of light, and was blamed for everything the God of "Light" (Darkness) did, and was imprisoned?





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...Guys, I just got attacked by an awesome idea, imo.


Okay, so you know how in each story/mythos/whatever there is a god of light and darkness? Darkness is a fagot while Light is awesome? And Darkness is usually imprisoned but escapes?


What if a god, Kaos, was actually a god of light, and was blamed for everything the God of "Light" (Darkness) did, and was imprisoned?





J'adore ton idee


We should do it.

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J'adore ton idee <3


We should do it.


I know we should.


It's not really a reversal, light is good, darkness is bad, the bad guy is just a Charismatic Villian.


Well, you know what I mean. Then the herofags try to stop the "Dark" guy's army, when in reality, they're trying to help him.



Someone already mentioned that in the RPG School . . . possibly Nervert








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@GenYes I am, I think it is weird for CC to speak to no one or into the air.


Well, C.C could have been talking to Lelouch sure, but the guy was kinda stabbed in the chest...and died with his sister crying over him.

And people would most likely confirm he's dead when they grab the body.

It's possible he's...in C.C's body somehow like his mom was, but idk.

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Oi, Aniki! When is your rp going to be back up and running again!

That's a good question. I don't have much of the summary left to do, actually doing it is the problem. Another RP idea stole away my attention for a bit and just recently an app for an RP was occupying my time. So as to when, not sure. Hopefully within the next seven days.

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Creator I placed you with THE most influencial poster in the entire group! Do you honestly think I'll hold your hand as you post? Honestly believe I'll just say, "oh don't worry I'll tell you where and what your character can do li'l creator buddeh . . ."


*sits down and rubs head after hitting head on desk*


Creator you can do whatever you want, be it suddenly stand up and leave or remain there and eat the food. Hell! You could even just suddenly start asking questions to try and figure out how the f*ck you got into that world in the first place.


And please, please I am being serious, do not take to heart what I said before hitting my head on the desk, rage and all. It is getting late and I am not in the best of moods

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