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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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We went from musical role-play to Megaman role-play? Count me out. I'm not a Megaman fan. Never have been, never will be.


I'm a Megatard, so of course I'd come up with the retarded idea.


I'm still interested in the Musical RP though.

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Yeah, the music rp does sound like a rather good idea. Still not quite sure how using instruments and melodies as fighting weapons would work though, short of bashing them into someones skull. I know that there's a way, like maybe using the melodies to form weapons that attack or shield that defend, but beyond that I've got nothing.

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*Kicks the side of Jake's head before flipping out of the grip and onto a ledge up somewhere*


I don't like being touched, and it is much easier for me to kick people than it is to yell at them for 10 minutes telling them to get off.


It's an OCD thing for honestly (IRL I can't stand being touched for longer than 5 seconds).

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